TWILIGHT 2000 S-5 Counter-Intelligence
Special Operations Challenge
- I United Kingdom
- 1. What is the motto of the S.A.S.
- 2. What does S.A.S. stand for?
- 3.What color beret does the S.A.S. wear
- 4. The Royal Marine Commandoes wear what color beret?
- 5.The Comacchio group of the RM CDO specializes in what?
- II United States
- 1. Delta Forces's proper designation is?
- 2 . Ranger Battalions are assigned to what Infantry rRegiment
- 3. Rangers wear what color beret?
- 4. What is the specific mission of SEAL Team Six?
- 5. S.E.A.L. stands for what?
- III Soviet Union / Russian
- 1. The Russian equivalent to special forces are?
- 2. The Russian equivalent to SEAL's are?
- 3. The Russian equivalent to Rangers are?
- 4. Russian paratroops are called what?
- 5/6. When and where was the largest Russian Combat Airborne Drop
- IV Other Nations
- 1. The French Army Special Operations Regiment is?
- 2. Germany's Counter-terrorist Unit is?
- 3. The Israeli Special Ops Unit under the direct conctrol of the IDF Chief of Staff?
- 4. The Dutch Special Ops Unit that regulerly works with the RM CDO?s with
- 5. The Begian Special Ops Unit is?
Military Trivia
- 1. What NATO country has female tank crews? Demonstration and Display Units don't count (site your source)
- 2. The Soviet Army Special operations wear the same Uniform as Soviet Airborne, and no distinctive insignia, how can you tell them apart?
- 3. What type of equipment did the 150th Panzer Brigade have?
- 4.Operation Dragon Rouge/Stanlyville 1964 involved what nations paratroops? Bonus what was the overland link-up force?
- 5. The East German 40th Fallschirmjaeger had American M-48 Tanks and M-113 APC's, from what country did they get them?
Player Information Survey
- 1. First Name / Age/ Sex
- 2. Do you have 1st, 2nd, or 2.2 Edition of Twilight Rules?
- 3. Do You have any Twilight 2000 Modules or Reference Guides? Most useful would be those dealing with character creation, vehicles, equipment, and weapons.
- 4. Are you familiar with Twilight 2000 Articles in "Challenge" magazine or "Eternal Soldier" the short lived Twilight Newsletter
- 5. Give me a CAPSULE review of your Twilight 2000 experience as a player and/or gamemaster
- 6. CAPSULE review of general gaming experience to include modern miniatures, miltary role playing, and wargames.
- 7. Military Experience, don't need your entire 201 File, but service branch, specialty, overseas duty, special training or qualifications
- 8. Two gaming strengths and one quirk we should make allowances for...within reason.
- 9. Why do you want to play?
- 10.E-Mail Address and how frequently you check your mail.