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Twilight 2000

O’Grady’s Irregulers (Motorized Group)

Game Turn Eight


I've just got to say this turn is best one yet; and gentlemen timing may be everything...
Gunther / GM prior to the turn results being resolved

"Three men can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."-Arab

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."-Robert Burns

"Sure does help knowing when and where you're going to be hit sir" Sergeant Major Chuso


He sat there unobserved watching and waiting, “Da Conrad Gregon all is according to plan” and put the radio down and continued his vigil.

Where are all three of the 'Marines', exactly?

They're moving around, none has a sign with shoot me

He had come upon what appeared to be a US Force holed up for the night consisting of a FSV HMMWV, a HMMWV with what looked like a helicopter gatlin gun, HMMWV with a grenade launcher, a Five Ton Truck with Still and tank trailer, a couple of motorcycles, and LAV 25. The time was 1800 near twilight the sky clear and the weather warm it should get dark about 1930. As far as he knew he hadn’t been spotted...One soldier left camp with only a pistol and a crossbow, another who appeared to be a US Marine seems to have searched the camp perimeter several times and talked with another soldier in US Army style fatiges


FIRST LOOK Have Bates check our commo gear. Optimise, tell us how best to use a 50km secure plus 4 2km handsets, if he's got help for our commo gear let's get
it!!!. Get that motor oil. Carmine says we need an oil change...then dammit we need an oil change.
Bates goes over all the radios, very motivated adjusting wires checking circuits, crystals ect... gives you some new frequencies
Get as much food as we can!!! Again food is plentiful now. We should be
scavenging/living off the land. save the rations for winter. Convoy will keep enough for them to get back to Corps HQ; 3 days rations per man the rest is yours. Three Hummers (1-25mm, 1 Mk19, 1 M134) That's a good convoy. The LAV would be
nice but it drinks gas. We'd need to keep the brewery and brew 3 days drive one.

Marines are willing to let you go with them, but they don't want to go nuke/code hunting with you.
Irish, rock and roll, let's get fuel off them. We can fill the vehicles
with ethanol, fill the buffalo with diesel.
Marines aren't offering any diesel, they need to move hard and fast. They have a four man tent set up to the rear of the LAV


1) What type of tent? A frame? Dome? Free standing? Canvas? Nylon? Guide
Ropes? Screens? Floor?
Free Standing two center wood poles with rope tie downs front and back, Canvas, mesh screens, canvas floor

The ?Marines? seem to be a little nervous and one has talked at length to the convoy commander who looks upset {How well does Suarez know Omar and Gonzalez?} Not very... How long have they all been together and what does she know about each one? One week, Gonzalez is a Ponco Villa want to be, he helped smuggle illegals across the Texas Border before the war, he's from San Antonio. Omar is from New York and a bit of street thug who got volunteered to avoid doing time. He prefers a blade to a bullet. Does Gonzalez speak Spanish? Fluently though with a Cuban accent

Vehicles travel in staggered road march formation.
Drivers maintain maximum 200m or line of sight interval.
Gunners maintain traveling overwatch on lead vehicle.
Vehicle occupants responsible for observing their arc of fire.
Very important to always keep vehicles in motion and supply CF/DF in AOF.
Convoy retreats out of KZ using coil maneuver initiated by lead vehicle.
Trailing vehicles supply cover/direct fire within their arc of fire.
Passengers of trailing vehicles are prepared to recover personnel from lead
If coil maneuver not possible, two choices:
(a) Maximum speed though KZ; each vehicle supplies CF/DF in AOF.
(b) Reverse direction; each vehicle supplies CF/DF in AOF. Literally,
vehicles travel in reverse gear until terrain permits coil maneuver to
regain forward direction.
Vehicles maneuver into cover and concealment in a rough circle/coil.
Crew stays in vehicles Captain dismounts
Challenge and password issued.
Foot patrol conducted by minimum of two persons in 200m radius
Watch is posted, minimum two persons
Team Alpha and Beta assignments made
Minimally, reflective surfaces are covered.
Vehicles maneuver into coil formation if cover and concealment are not
Crew stays in vehicles Captain dismounts
Challenge and password issued
Foot patrol conducted by minimum of two persons in 200m radius
Watch is posted, minimum two persons
Team Alpha and Beta assignments made
Minimally, reflective surfaces are covered
Full watch (minimum three persons) is posted with placement of Claymores to
cover unobserved routes of approach. (ROA) All personnel alerted to
positions of sentries and Claymores.
Maintain noise and light discipline ergo, no fires except for still
operations and then only during daylight hours, generator is not run unless
essential for vehicle maintenance/ repair. Batteries for NVG’s, et al. can
be recharged during periods of travel. Conversation conducted in low voices.

Use of flashlights minimized and then only with red lens in place.
Everyone goes prone. Cover fire supplied by Team Beta. One clip only! Then
conduct aimed shots. Beta personnel may maneuver to vehicle weapons if
possible. Team Alpha prepares for assault as directed by Captain or Top Sgt
if Cpt is incapacitated. [need to determine complete chain of command!] ergo
from right or left flank. [Need to establish go signal as well as signal for
Team Beta advance.]
Maintain fire discipline! i.e. cover fire with one clip then conduct aimed
shots. Shoot until target is dead, not hamburger.

Combat move on the hummer (on road) is 70m/combat round. If our lead
vehical needs help it would be three rounds till the following vehical could
get to him, and that is at break neck speed.
I'd like to close the interval to 75-100m. I feel this is still 'apart'
enough that an ambush could not rake the 'whole' convoy, while we would
still be close enough to support each other both with fire and visuals.
I've seen pictures of tanks traveling down road. The first has it's
turret strait ahead with the second off 45 degrees to the right and the
third 45 degrees left. Although we would maintain a high level of awareness
in all cases, I'm thinking one set of eyes strait ahead one left one right.
Of course the third vehical may also need 'eyes' behind, So the lead gunner
could be strait ahead and both forward flanks, second gunner both forward
flanks and sides and rear gunner both rear flanks and rear. That gives us
two sets of eyes on the front flanks.
Lead Driver makes decision to turn away from the fire or stomp on the gas.
Whoever is driving the lead vehical should have the green light to do what
he thinks is best depending on the circumstance should his vehical be
surprised with incoming fire. Since following vehicals will see lead
vehicals manuever we can then put surpression fire into ambushers to
facilitate lead vehicals escape and decide whether to retreat or race to
lead vehical aid. After a few game turns of surpression fire. We all
retreat to a 'safe' area then send out a foot patrol, moving off road to
rear flank of ambush spot, to assess the ambush area and if it needs
further attention. If lead vehical has raced away and we have retreated
contact by radio that we are dealing with ambush and to hunker down till we
can come and get them. 
We'll have two Squad Machine gunners (Carmine M60 Kirby M249)
We'll have two snipers (if Wilkin's found)
Rather than a patrol, which makes noise and whose movement is more easily seen, I would rather 'dig in.' Think about the tactics of search and destroy in Vietnam. The US forces went looking for trouble, they'd get ambushed, then call in arty or fast movers. I'd like pure defensive positions. That way if they come to us we are ready and we also don't have
the option of someone following a patrol back. We will always look for the best defendable area. Somewhere where we can dig a quick fox hole for the MGs and other positions. We may have enough men to go to a 3 or 4 man watch. Right now we are out in the country and I don't see alot of bad guys tromping around in the dark unless tehy have a reason to look for us. I'd rather we be not moving looking for them to come to us. If vehicle is highest point, then we do the best at making it look like a hill and post a watch at a vehicle weapon. Not the 25mm as the gunner is inside looking through a TV but one of the other two, with a small arm on the roof (so they don't have to overkill with the M134 or MK19) Or we dismount the M341 and mount the M60 just for the watch.
Ah lovely claymores the poor mans sentry. Definately! Now that we have them and a CBE who can use them. When we stop 4 men watch (1 escorts CBE) 4 dig in, CBE places mines...should be about a 2 hour set up, including camo netting etc of vehicles.
Hopefully if we set emplaced positions it will be a position that will be ambushed rather than the whole camp. If they do get by our posts and our M18s (claymores) Then I think the following is sound.
Capt. O'Grady
SSgt. Snowden
Sgt. Shwartz (The rest are NPCs or Corporals and if our three main characters are incapacitated it will most likely be a panic situation with everyone taking his or her own initiative. Although we could say you then you then you most likely it will be everyone watch out for your buddy and wait till you kill them all or they leave)
{OOC}Eric I think by default Carmine'd get the 'leader' role if the Capt and the Sgt's are down (We all screwed up it's your turn). So just like in a real battlefield situation, you'll be the one stepping up to 'lead the men off the beach' or away from the Russians or whatever.
I think just telling Gunther that we are doing this will suffice, although feel free to make up go signal. If a PC can hear "Wolverine Six!" He just as well can hear "Beta Advance!" Or "Their to our left flank"
A well used phrase of British tank commanders was "gunner stay on her till she brews" -Col. Robert Crisp (8th Army, Stuart/Honey) My characters would: If there are multiple targets shoot one till they fall, then switch targets.When all are down then look for movement or put a final aimed 'just to be sure' shot into them. Thinking although a two wounded men are dangerous, One healthy and one dead is worse. A healthy adversary could still manuver while two wounded would be more in the self preservation mode rather than the attacking mode. If there was one adversary then drop him and administer
'coup de grace' aimed shot from a distance just in case. {BIC}

Schwartz notices the Marines seem to keep their distance from him especially and Wilkins to a lesser extent. They don't want to swap war stories or socialize in general. No Marine oriented or related topics come up in the conversation. Their fatigues also don't seem to fit that well. Lastly SSG Snowden says, “Schwartz these jar heads...sorry no offense
meant...seem like they belong in Apocalypse Now. Talk some corps rhetoric to
them see if you can scam some 25mm. Tell ‘em the beachhead is a shambles and to go east to Pozan (last reported XI corps HQ)."
They seem very uneasy when you make references to the Corps, still plan to search for the beachhead and but are willing to give up 50 rounds of 25mm HE.
Taking Captain O’Grady and SSG Snowden aside Schwartz says, “Captain, I don’t think those guys are Marines. They know nothing about the Corps, avoid me and Wilkins like we have a disease and just don’t seem right. Top, I didn’t tell them much about Poznan, just that the beachhead wasn't there. I hope that wasn’t an order. Let’s keep Bates away from the radios. {GM TO LATE} I have a plan. Let’s get Carmine and Wilkins. We need to talk to these guys and see who in the hell they really are. Be ready for anything. Put Wilkins out in the woods with his subgun and we’ll be ready for a chat. Captain O'Grady told SSG Snowden, "Get the rest of the men together, but do it quietly, I don't want those 'Marines' to get suspicious. We'll gather in the back of the 5-ton in 15 minutes."When the rest of the Irregulars assembled, he looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "Everyone keep your eyes peeled, I don't want anyone sneaking up on us. Back in WWII, during the Battle of the Bulge, there was a German SS Colonel named Otto Skorzeny. He was possibly one of the most brilliant and innovative Special Ops guys that ever lived. He gathered 100 or so English speaking soldiers, put them in American uniforms, and infiltrated them behind the lines, where they wrecked a hell of a lot of havoc. If you've ever seen an old movie where they're asking what Ty Cobb's batting average was as a challenge and password, it's because of Skorzeny. I think we've got a similar situation here. Those 'Marines' look and smell wrong. "We need to pin them down and find out once and for all who they really are. This is the plan. The rest of the convoy seems OK, but they haven't spotted this, so we'll have to leave them out of our plans for now. Besides, who these days comes riding along just giving supplies away like it's Christmas?" {GM IF A DEAL SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE...}
"We are going to be nice and friendly, like one big happy family. Bates has offered to look at our radios, and we are going to take him up on it. ‘Oops he already has sir.’ Snowden, I want you to take him here to the 5-ton and have him start going over our commo gear again. Wilkins will be your backup, but will stay out of sight. Where is Wilkens anyway? He had been in camp earlier but no one had seen him recently. Witherspoon, you and Carmine will move the FSV right next to the LAV-25, supposedly to make off-loading the 25mm ammo easier. Schwatz and I will try to get inside the LAV."When I give the signal, Witherspoon will spin the turret and point it at the LAV's gunner, at point-blank range. Schwartz and I will take the two 'Marines' at gun point. Carmine, be prepared to back us up if neccesary. At the same time, Snowden gets the drop on Bates while he's busy fiddling with the radios. Wilkins will cover you if when he gets back. If not be careful as your on your own. With any luck, it will all be over before any one knows what's going on. Don't shoot unless they leave you no other options, your orders are to capture
and detain, preferably in one piece. Don't forget to be aware of what the rest of the convoy is doing. I'll try to explain to Lt. Bennett what's going on after it's over, so we don't accidently start a firefight. Are there any questions or suggestions?"

The Captain had called Carmine away from giving the vehicles an oil change. "I'm under here fellas!", Suarez said as Carmine returns to the FSV. "I was just making sure the plug on the oil pan wasn't leakin'." she says as she crawls out from under the Hummer. "Carmine, whatzup? You look damned serious. I didn't screw anything up, did I?"
Schwartz spoke up, "Captain, Szymas had a couple of Flash/bangs in his pack. We can pitch one in the tent and maybe drop one in the LAV at the same time then we hit them like a ton of bricks. The flash/bangs going off would make a good signal that no one would miss. *grins* Anybody have hand cuffs and/or duct tape? Shoot! and to think I was thinking about going with those 'Marines'. *chuckles*"
Schwartz: "Before we let anyone near the radios, someone needs to remove the code sheets we've been using. {GM OOPS} We have to change call signs anyway, but, we can deal with that later. I'm pissed I didn't see this before. 'Double dumb ass on you.' 'Too much lds.' I was wondering when or if Scotty was going to beam these guys up. Somebody has a sense of humor! If we play this right, these guys are toast and we get their goodies. Sir, I'll take the tent. I'll cut a big hole in it with my knife and drop in the flash/bang. I'll pull the pin, cut the hole and that sucker should have a real short fuse! No time to bail out! If I'm kicked over, you jump on the tent. I'll get up as soon as I can. What do you think?"

Carmine spilled the beans. The two had talked a bit while servicing the FSV and he felt he could trust Suarez. "F^%$%! Diesel...I should have known. Those guys said they got lucky and knocked off some Spetnatz...those guys are Spetznatz! You go do what Cap O'Grady told you to do and I'm gonna get Gonzo and Omar. We'll handle Bennet, Groggens and Belloch."She walked back to the 134 Hummer where Omar and Gonzalez were hanging out. Starts In Spanish, continues when he appears to understand "Gonzo, we have a bit of a prob here. Those 'Marines' in the LAV are Spetznatz. The Irregulars have a plan to take them out, but I think we should back them up by keeping a close eye on our other travel buddies. You and Omar get your pistols and stick close to 'em. If they try to help the wrong side, do something about it, but shoot only if you have to. Is this
clear? Good! (in a louder voice in English) It's settled then. We'll just have to tell'em that we're going with O'Grady! I'll go find L-T Bennet. You fellas go say good bye to Groggens and Belloch."
As the plan was put into motion, Suarez made a mental note to have everyone change frequencies on their radios and get the freq of the unit in the LAV. Maybe they could monitor it later. She will also remind O'Grady that the Russians know the exact location of this camp and we need to move it before it gets dark. "I don't want to get blown away by arty barage. Even mortars hurt, know what I mean?"
The Captain stroked his chin thoughtfully. "The flashbangs are an excellant idea, Schawrtz. Both you and I will take one. When I give you the nod, you toss one in the tent, and I'll toss one into the LAV. In
that confined space, that fake Marine's ears will be bleeding. Everyone else, that's the signal to make your move. Snowden, make sure that those radio codes are out of sight before you escort Bates to the 5-ton.
Remember, the whole idea here is to divide their forces, and take them by surprise. We should be ready to make our move in one hour. I'll head over to the LAV and tell them we will bring the FSV by to pick up the 25mm ammo they've so graciously offered to give us. When you all leave here, stagger your departures. And SMILE. I don't want them to suspect a thing, until it's too late."

Carmine said, "Yeah Cap, one thing -- if that's a mixed group, just how are any good
guys gonna know we're also good guys until this all goes down? I mean, would *you* trust us, just on our saying... If these Marines are really Russkies in disguise, they can always say *we're* the infiltrators, and spread confusion among any of the *real* good guys for just the coupla seconds it'll take to waste us all...."
Carmine moved the FSV right up alongside the LAV, positioning it to give the FSV a better shot when Witherspoon slews the turret around, like out of the covered arc of the LAV turret. I think the LAV is probably abit taller than the FSV, so being "under the gun"
would also be good. He'll await the Cap's signal, and will avoid spooking the opposition, but the M60E3 will never be more than an arm's length away...
Schwartz says "If they leave the tent, I'll handle it Cap. You focus on the one in the LAV
and Snow can handle the one on the radio. Hey, guys! You know what are the three scariest things in the Army? A Second Lt that says 'In my experience...' A Warrant Officer that says 'Hey, check out this shi... and a Captain that says 'I've made a descision.' [that should put smiles on the faces as the people leave] Schwartz checks his pistol and puts one in the pipe and keeps the safety off. He grabs the flash/bangs from Szyma's pack and hands one off to O'Grady then goes to chat up 'his' "Marine". He won't push the issue, just make friendly conversation but not until it turns ackward. Sergeant Crench didn’t seem to inclined to talk and continued the conversation, in his formalized English, just long enough to be respectful to an officer and not rude in general.

Schwartz goes into the back of the Brewery, gets out the two flash/bangs from Szymas’ pack, selects two MRE’s, puts a round in the chamber of his 9mm and leaves the safety off. He always has his knife and pistol with him, so this isn’t too much of a change. He opens both MRE’s empties one of the MRE over pouches, except for the dessert (O’Grady can eat that and it won’t look as suspicious) and uses the other pouch to hide the grenade he will give to the Captain. He hasn’t eaten in a while, so he passes the “MRE” to the Captain, then finds a good spot to sit and eat while he keeps a casual eye
on the “Marines”.When the Captain gives the go ahead, Schwartz will casually walk over to the tent using the MRE over pouch to hide the grenade. He will have saved his dessert and reach inside to pull out bits of it and eat as he is walking. Once he is near the tent, and the Captain is ready and gives the signal, he’ll pull the pin. If the tent is an A frame, Schwartz will stuff the grenade into the tent and collapse it then jump away behind a vehicle if possible, hit the deck, covering his ears and closing his eyes. With any other
type of tent, he will, one way or another, get that grenade inside and try to collapse the tent on its occupant(s) then get out of the way, if possible. If the tent has something he has to cut through, like a screen or nylon wall, Schwartz will have his knife in the same hand as the MRE pouch; he just never put it away after using it to open the meal.Schwartz will recover as quickly as possible after the grenades go off and try and wrap the occupant(s) up in the tent, hopefully with help from Carmine. He will try to restrain them as well as he can until someone can get some rope on them. He will watch out for weapons, like
pistols and knives. If he detects either of these, he won’t hesitate to pop one or both of them at point blank range with his pistol. He will aim for their head. The guy in the LAV or the radioman will have to be good enough. Better them than one of us. If the guys aren’t in the tent, Schwartz will eat and when O’Grady and Snowden are getting ready, he will casually approach the remaining ‘Marine’ holding his pistol in his hand inside the MRE over pouch. He will even eat his dessert as described before. He will distract the man’s attention away from O’Grady and Snowden, and when O’Grady gives the signal, Schwartz will raise the pistol to the man’s face (not even going to bother removing the
bag and showing the gun) and tell him to freeze and put his hands on his head. (What are you going to do stab me with an MRE pork chop?”) If the guy twitches in the wrong way, he pulls the trigger. Again, better him than one of us.
Cpl. Grant looked around the perimeter, and took stock of what he saw. Something was going on, that's for sure. The hair on the back of his neck was on the rise, like before a rumble or an ambush. You could
feel it in the air, if you were tuned into it. Well, if something was going down, the last place you wanted to be was in the middle. He looked around again. That cute little chica Suarez was working on a vehicle
with one of the new guys they had just met. Good a place as any to be if some s**t went down. He went over to them and said, "I'm a pretty decent mechanic myself, need an extra pair of hands?"

O'Grady will act as ground guide to back the FSV to the designated spot. When it's parked, he'll tell the 'Marines' that they've come for the 25mm ammo, thanking them again, and that he'll have Carmine and Witherspoon carry it. They will secure it in the FSV, but NOT load it (it could be booby trapped, you remove some of the powder and replace it with plastic explosives, then when you fire the round, BOOM, it's an old VC trick). Once Witherspoon is back in the Gunners seat, and signals he's ready, O'Grady will pull out the MRE bag (Great idea, by the way) and "finish his dinner". That will be Schwatz's signal to move out. When Schartz is close enough, he will give him the nod, and they pull the pins at the same time, give a silent two-second count, and toss them. When Witherspoon see's the flashbangs are being thrown, that's when he swings the turret. After the grenades go off,  O'Grady will pull his 9mm
and charge into the LAV. He will pistol-whip the Gunner, and drag him out of the LAV. If he needs to, he'll shoot the Gunner, but he wants to take him alive.

Aye aye Captain! 1,2 boom! I'll have to cut the screening with my knife to get the grenade inside, but that shouldn't be too hard, right? *evil grin* Like I said, if no one is in the tent, I'll deal with 'Marine' number three.

Suarez says "Sure! Carmine, meet Cpl. Grant. Grant, Carmine. Carmine, Grant. We was jus' chanin' the lube in this beast and if you could go find us some containers and a clean rag, we'll strain and save the old oil. Also, I was wonderin' if you was going to hook up with the Irregulars or if you was goin' back to HQ with the L-T? Why don't we go and find some containers for this oil and let me tell you about the virtues of O'Grady's fine men. She looks over her shoulder and gives Carmine a big smile and a wink. As they
are walking away, Suarez lower her voice and says, "Cpl. I don't know you very well you don't know me very well and I know those Marines even less. Carmine says they are Spetznatz and the Irregulars are gonna try and bushwack 'em. I don't know which side you or the L-T are on but if you're on my side, you need to keep the L-T and his crew busy and not helping those 'Marines'. You get Kirby, that's his name, right? Help Omar and Gonzo if they need it or help the Irregulars. I don't care. Just three Marines driving a diesel powered LAV and not using proper English like me is jus' so wierd." She smiles at her own bit of irony. "You go find Kirby and I'll handle Gonzo and Omar. The flash/bangs are the signal. Be ready in about an hour. Don't disappoint me." she says as she looks up at Grant with a cat-like smile and lovely hazel-green eyes.

Corporal Grant had seen enough action, both here in Poland and back home, to know that things were going from bad to worse fast. The whole perimeter was as jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, as his grandpa used to say. This could get ugly real fast. The smart move would be to sneak out, wait until the shooting stops, and
hook up with whoever wins the firefight. His hand reached into his pocket, and pulled out the object that was carefully wrapped inside. The medal was old, the metal tarnished,
and the ribbon frayed. It was just an old piece of junk, he thought, it doesn't mean anything. He looked at it again. His great-grandad had been presented with it after San Juan hill. Every Grant that had gone to war since had carried it with him. He remembered the look in his father's eyes when he gave it to him, right before he had shipped out. He wavered for a moment, ready to run, but in the end, family pride won out. Well,
like grandpa used to say, if you're going down, take as many of the bastards with you as you can. Crap. Family honor can really be a bitch sometimes. He went looking for Kirby. "Kirby, I think it's going down now. I'm going to make my way to the Mark-19, see if you can get to the minigun. Maybe we can give some cover to the good guys. I don't know
what crap those Russians have been telling the LT, but it can't be good. Keep an eye out for Suarez, she's with us. Let's get ready to rumble."

Both seem hesitant, Gonzalez "We don't know these Irregulers but we've travelled with these guys and they seem ok, heck they took out a Spetnatz team" Omar "If the L-tee says stick-em, fine, otherwise count me out. Gonzalez continues, Groggins isn't the sharpest knife in deck, but for my money don't mess with Belloch...Omar continues, "yeh that boy knows some serious kung fu sh%&...

She turned to look up at the guy poking out of the turret and wondered if she could see
enough of him to shoot him.
 Just an upper torso and head, he was moving around a lot Might be tough, but she just might have to. She looked around to see if any doors on her side or the back were open; and saw Just a top hatches on the turret and deck.
"One advantage of being small", she thought, "is that I can get into small places quick. That might be a better way to go than trying to take the turret guy
from down here. She also noticed the Marine in the turret had a 2KM radio on the cupola rim.

Captain O'Grady watched as the "Marines" talked to the LT and other members of the resupply convoy. Damn it all to hell, he thought, they're onto us. Clauswitz knew what he was talking about when he said no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. He thought about talking to Bennet himself, and letting him in on their plans. No, I can't risk it. Either he's green as hell, or he's one of them. He made up his mind, and went looking for Schwartz. He was sitting by a tree with his MRE when he found him. "Schwartz, they know something is up. We have to go now. Find Snowden and let him know we're on in 5 minutes. I'll get Carmine and Witherspoon, and start the show. Keep your eye on the rest of the convoy, those fake Jarheads have been talking to them, and God knows what they've been saying. Probably that WE'RE the Russians. Get a move on, I'm counting on you." He walked over to the FSV, where Carmine and Witherspoon were hanging out. "Carmine, fire up this thing and let's get moving. The Russians know something is up, and we have to go now. Make sure both you guys pay it cool, surprise is the only advantage we have, and we're losing that fast. I'll guide you to the spot I want you to park this
thing. Remember our cover story, we're just picking up some ammo. Good luck to us all."
As he was guiding the Humvee to it's spot, some commotion came from the perimeter. Unless it's a Russian armored column, we have to finish what we've started. Whatever it is, he thought, I hope it will distract them for that crucial few seconds we need. He said a quic prayer to St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes, and crossed his

And is if everybody didn’t have enough to worry about...

As things liven up Schwartz notices someone outside of the camp in what appears to be Brit Army fatigues with a CAR-15 checking out the camp. Snowden noticed him as well. Snowden ascends to the gunners position and swings M2 toward his position as Shwartz is yelling his challenge. {OOC RCN 50 looking for others; as I know Shwartz is watching him

“We met one Lt Col. Osborne McLaren {OOC / who was one of Gunthers PC/NPCs}. He was the Brit (Scot) tank commander on the M1 that got brewed at the first rally point. McLaren carried a Thompson SMG but could have replaced it with a modern weapon. We last saw him bolting into the night when his M1 was hit...just a thought...Could be a crewmember as well I don't know if the crew were US or Brit.

"You there!” pointing at the Brit and ready to hit the dirt and pull his pistol if the guy draws or fires at Schwartz. He'll ask for the pass word ‘Valhalla’."Snowden! Somebody! Cover me here! We have a visitor! Look for his friends! If you have any buddies out there they'd better show themselves right now! Real slow or we will pop you!" Once the man is in camp and well covered, Schwartz will say, "Someone keep an eye on our other friends. Captain! Get the hell over here!" Schwartz will have his pistol out and ready (round in chamber)

He had been here over fifteen minutes before getting spotted. Looks like the yanks are getting sloppy or to preoccupied with something else.

Schwartz had to decide what to do. The captian had told him the ambush was on in 5 minutes when he spotted a man in the woods and issued his challenge. He tried to remember where everyone was. The Captain was going over by the FSV with Carmine and Whitherspoon.  Suarez was on her way over to the LAV. Why? Belloch had just left for the woods. Again, why? And the L T and Groggins were over by the bikes. Most of the other new guys were by the two  Hummers that they had rode in on. Everyone was antsy. Where were Wilkins and Snowden? He knew Snow had spotted the guy but then ran off behind the
Brewery. Geez, I hope he's on the 50. The flashbang was in his MRE pouch just out of reach. He didn't dare take his eyes off the newcomer. The seconds it took for the 'Brit' to respond seemed like hours. "Geez! I hope he gives the right answer." Schwartz thought.

'Bollocks! This is going tits up faster then it should!' Latham snaps the CAR-15 tight into his shoulder. "Hey, take it easy." He yells out with his line of sight at Schwarts. "You're Americans right. I'm English, okay. Tank Regiment. We're all friends here, right." There's tension in his voice. This wasn't the way he'd planned it. He'd have preferred a little longer to watch this lot and work out who are the good guys. Latham keeps his sight straight on Schwarts. There were two of them, but one gone behind the truck. In seconds he knows he's gonna be seriously out gunned here. "No-one's gonna loose their head, are they. No-one wants to get hurt, do they." Latham's trying to keep his voice calm and level, but it's difficult. "Nether of us want's to start catching shrapnel, do we. It's your decision friend. Do we put these down or just go for it?"


Schwartz saw the CAR come up and hit the dirt, pulling out his pistol. It was like an old-fashioned stand off in a B movie, two big bad dudes staring down each other's gun barrels. The Brit was yelling something about being a tanker and being a friend. He also mentioned shrapnel... "So he might have friends out there." thought Schwartz. "Hands over your head! Gun too! Real slow! Now soldier! You are out manned and gunned! If you are a friend, we aren't going to hurt you. So do as you are told! Everyone! Hold your fire!! Brit! Tell your friends to come out real slow." The camp looked like Latham had punched a wasp's nest. Lots of people were moving around. A head and shoulders appeared behind the heavy machine gun on top of the 5 ton truck and it swung in his direction. Now Latham had a serious decision to make. Latham's eyes dart across to the 50 cal. on top the truck and the head bobbing around behind it. The CAR came away from his eyes. He purses, still not trusting the guy on the floor. There's Yanks running everywhere. 'Latham, your timing stinks'. "You the Gaffa?" He demands of Schwart. "The
bloke in charge?" He glances across at the growing crowd of U.S. DPM. The CAR comes away from the shoulder, nice and slowly like the man said, but there's no way it's going it's going above the head. It's down, no longer at Schwarts. Trust has to come from both sides. "Looks like RED got the better
of you lot, too."
"I'm Sergeant Schwartzenkempf, Chief of Security. Who are you and what the hell are you talking about?" asked Schwartz lowering his pistol and getting up on one knee. Schwartz figured the 50 would cut the guy in two if he tried to use the CAR. Anyone who knew about the 'Red Marines' was worth keeping alive.

Things were rapidly getting out of hand. After moving up their timetable to take out the Russian infiltrators, a Brit tanker shows up out of nowhere, and throws a monkey wrench into their plans. Or a spanner, as the British would say. If we try to take the Russians out
this way, O'Grady thought, we're going to lose a lot of people. Plus, the Brit is asking to see the CO. I guess that would be me. He turned to Carmine and Witherspoon. "We're on hold until I get back. I've got to deal with this situation, before we carry out our plan. Do what ever you have to to stall until I get back. Tell them I have to supervise the transfer of ammo, or tell them anything you like. Just buy us some time!" He left the FSV, and walked to where Schwartz and their new arrival were nervously eyeing each other.
"Corporal, I'm Cpt. O'Grady, CO of this outfit. I apologize for your reception, but you can't be too careful these days. What's your story, and do you have any friends still hiding in the woods?

Schwarts has earned his pay for this week. Latham shows him his finger is clear of the trigger on the CAR then he nods towards O'Grady. "It looks like your officer's got other ideas. And no I'm not looking for one to shoot. Open season for US Captains is November through to March isn't it?" He turns to O'Grady. "Sir, that's understandable. I've been sat out through watching you lot for a couple of hours now. Weighing you lot up. I ran into no-one but bad guys since my tank got wasted, including some that are meant to be
friendly. Shit! It's just like the Ardennes in 44, so please don't feel offended if I hang onto this" He pats the CAR. "Like I was telling your sergeant here, I lost my tank and crew five days ago. Been walking since. I'm tired, hungey and pissed off." He lets out a brief smile. "So what's your tale? And what's going on with you lot? If you don't mind me saying,
Captain, you've got two sides to this camps"

Suarez had come over by the FSV and poked her head in the window as the Captain went over to greet the visitor. Schwartz said to the Captain, "Snow is on the 50 and he'll cover you. I think I should go and help Carmine with the ammo and I think we should start doing that other stuff we talked about earlier. I don't think there will be a better time, do you?" Suarez went over by the FSV and stuck her head in the window. Whitherspoon
was sitting in the gunners position. She said, "Hiya! Aim for the gun on that thing. I don't want to get blown away cuz you breached the hull and set off the ammo, 'k?" She then tried to watch what everyone was doing.

Witherspoon looked almost two relaxxed and calm, sure Suarez, go for the turret, but at this range even HE will make a mess of things; then as if he was talking to someone else, yes ma'm I agree, 3rd Platoon lock and load...

"Right!" was all she had to say to Whiterspoon. He was a creepy dude!She let Carmine know she was around. She heard the whir of the motors as the Jarhead was playing with the turret. Lt. Bennet had gone over to talk to the Brit and had just made reference to the man in the turret. "Son of a B!" she thought, "They are together!" Sometimes it paid to be paranoid. She turned to look up at the guy poking out of the turret and wondered if she could see enough of him to shoot him. Might be tough, but she just might have to. She
looked around to see if any doors on her side or the back were open. "One advantage of being small", she thought, "is that I can get into small places quick. That might be a better way to go than trying to take the turret guy from down here."

Another Yank this one with a subdued Leftenants Bar on his collar, and an old well worn M-16 under one arm walked up very slowly from the motorcycle he had been leaning against and says, "Two camps? Three actually, Lieutenant Bennet XI Corps," he gestured to the man in the LAV turret, "Sergeant Crench 2nd Marine Div," the marine nodded and continued checking the traverse and depression/elevation of the 25mm. Bennet continued"If you're who you say you are corporal. Who was the Brit liason to 5th Division?

Latham looks the Lieutenant over. "Yeah, figured you were 5th Division. Our guy's Lieutenant Colonel McClaren from Scots Dragoon. My CO says he pissed someone off back home and got posted with you lot to get him out the way. I mean what the f$%& do you need a British liaison officer for in a US Division with no Brits? Carling (Apologies to GM for tying in some of my own game background) says he's a pretty good guy despite toting around a Thompson machine gun like he's Al Capone. She told us if we ever ended up in this area to try and link up with him. Don't suppose you've seen him?" Latham subconscious jabs him in the back of the neck 'Come on Latham, your guard's going. You're getting too comfortable with these three and they ain't told you nothing yet.'



{OOC GM Insert} “We all have have our quirks,” Mclaren's been known to say, “but then even Churchill was photographed holding a yank ganster gun.” {BIC}

She told us if we ever ended up in this area to try and link up with him. Don't suppose you've seen him?"

Bennet replied, "radio, says he made the Baltic Coast and got picked up by a Brit Sub made some kind of King's honors list,

Ain't that just peachy. I head south to find him and he goes north, grabs a ride with the Navy and gets a knighthood to boot. Did you radio tell yell were the 4th ended up at?" Latham asks then glances across at Crench and with some contempt (I'm taking Crench 'prim English' is false) replies. "Well we've been kicking ass just too. My old Chieftain had twenty eight kills to her name before they wiped us. And they're just the confirmed one."Latham turns back to O'Grady. The strain of five days alone in the wilderness is all too clear. "How about that bed now Captain. I'm about all in. No offence meant to any of you, sir. But there's a lot of faces around here I don't yet trust. So if you're gonna post somebody to keep an eye on me over night I'd rather it's your Sergeant there," He points towards Schwarts, "then anyone else."

Sergeant Crench in rather prim and proper English said, "He probabily linked up with our beachhead and got passed through. Us jarheads have been kicking Red butt all along the Baltic Coast.

We know that's not the honest truth. Red radio said Russians kicked butt. US radio said heavy fighting, and Shwartz knows Marines got beat up

Crench doesn't seem to pick up on the attitude but replies "a moving foxhole attracts the eye, as for this tincan it gets us there faster but I'll still take an LPC (Leather Personel Carrier) any day...
Corporal Wilbane sticks his head out of the tent and says, "am I the only one who needs any rest, which by the way I'm not getting?

Latham "I can keep that 5 tonner running." He tells them, nodding towards it. "After two years nursing the engine they stuck in my Chieftain, that thing'll be a piece of cake." He pauses for a second to make sure the right people are listening. "Bloody good tanks, those Chieftains, {GM insert good gunand armor but SLOW} even by todays standards. The only thing that let 'em down was that Leyland engine they put into it. Far to fragile. About 6 months ago we were crawling through these trees on the down side of a wooded hill; trying to get position on a red tank unit, when the slope suddenly steepened and the tank began to slide. Well I swing her into the slide and drops her into reverse. Next second the engine spits the dummy and we go out of control slid our way down to the bottom of the slide. We hit in at the bottom and burying the nose into a five foot ditch. It took us five hours to dig her out and another six to get a new engine into her."


"Thanks for the compliment, but I have other business to attend to right now." Schwartz turns so his back to Sgt Crench and as fast as he can, draws his pistol, whirls around pointing the pistol at Crench shouting at the top of his voice, "FREEZE CRENCH! NOBODY MOVE!"
In Fluent Russian Sergeant Crench shouts OMEGA SIX NINE and keys the 2km radio with one hand and traversed the turret with the other. The Gatlin Gun HMMWV exploded in a blinding flash. Schwartz’s first shot hit the turret cupola, the auto cannon began a song of death as Swartz’s second shot drilled Crench right between the eyes and he collapsed inside the LAV.
Suarez hears Schwartz shout and yells, "Now Witherspoon! Now!" She draws her own pistol, ficks off the safety runs to the back of the LAV and points the gun at the Marine emerging from the tent yelling "FREEZE RED! MOVE AND YOU'LL HAVE A THIRD EYE!"

Corporal Wilbane had emerged from the tent with a Vz 61 Skorpion in one hand and a 2km radio in the other. “For Gregon and Russia” he shouted in Russsian. As Suarez came around the corner he keyed the radio and the HMMWV with Grenade Launcher exploded. Her first shot hit him squarely in the chest and knocked him back. He dropped the radio but clenched the machine pistol with a death grip as Suarez’s second shot hit him in the shoulder.As started to fall his hand clenched the trigger and Suarez caught three rounds sqare in the chest. As she lay there dying she new she had at least taken Ivan down with her.

Witherspoon was startled only for second and hammered away with the mere 20 rounds he had, but ammo was old and mostly reloads and the gun jammed after only three shots which richocheted off the LAV. Quickly reaching for the nearby M-16 he said, “Yes Ma’m Third Platoon Dismount and engage...”

Carmine will let this one play out, waiting for the pop! of the flashbang grenades, and then
will engage the Marines with his shotgun, using the FSV as cover. Anyone showing hostile
intent will also face the shotgun. He is well aware of the possibilities of friendly fire, but
would rather survive to be damned, than be damned to die...

Kirby: As the Brit enters camp there's some comotion then Shwartz starts waving pistol.
He was aside the Chain Gun Hummer with his M249 and went prone, waited a few rounds {Gm / Game Rounds} to make sure things are secure, will fire on Marines aside from Shwartz if things go bad. Gonzalez in Russian but with a definite Cuban Accent shouted, “Fidel and Cuba” he drew both his 45’s with a clear intention of  firing at Schwartz. Kirby fired off a short burst and dropped him in his tracks. Omar looking confused pointed his M-16 away and said, “Hey man, I had no idea he was a Commie. I’m an American, We cool?”

Things were spinning out of control. Schwartz had jumped the gun, and their plan was now out the window. Too late to worry about it, now it's do or die time. He pointed his M16 at Crench and Bennett, and started firing off orders, "Don't move, Gentlemen, until we get this all sorted out.

Bennet clearly paniced half heartedly raising his M-16, but he wasn’t ready to shoot, “Oh my God he screamed, what happening?” Crench had tried to depress the LAV’s auto cannon to hit the Chain Gun Hummer and found it was to close. In frustration he fire a widely inaccurate burst as Swartz’s second round hit the mark.

Snowden! Have you got your man covered? Busy Sir

Captain O'Grady swore as he dove for cover. Once again, things had gone from bad to worse. His M16 was already up and ready as he hit the ground, searching for a target. Damn it, he thought, I don't want to shoot an American. But I'm not going to lose another one of my men, no matter what. He aimed at the nearest Russian, and fired a burst. He shouted, "Lieutenant, hold your fire! We are not your enemy! Irregulars,take out the Russians. Don't shoot the Americans unless you're fired upon!" He prayed that they would listen, but if it meant the difference between any of his men living or dying, he would kill all of the new arrivals. Too many of my men have died already

“Russians?” incoheerant babbbling as Bennet dropped his rifle and broke down crying

 Latham, stand fast where you are. I'm willing to trust you for the moment, but
let's not push it."
 The Brit watched all Hell break loose, but with no clear target he readied his CAR-15 and tried to look everyway at once
Cpl. Grant saw the drama unfold in front of him. Kirby had been working on the Mark-19, so he had decided to try to get to the Minigun. He jumped into the back of the Humvee, and grabbed the controls of the gun.

He never knew what hit him as the plastique charge inside the fuel tank turned the Hummer into a burning funeral pryer.

The CAR is back against Latham's shoulder. First at Schwarts, then O'Grady and a fraction of a second later, at LT. 'Jesus! Which one? Who's the bad guys here? 'It's all in the time. And Latham, you're stinks.' He scans the camp, watching everyone else. Seeing who's taking who. It look like it's the marines they don't like The body behind the 50 is still the worry. They're with Schwarts, who ever side is he's on. Latham moves so Schwarts is between him and the 50; figuring the guy on the gun isn't gonna risk putting a shell
into one of his own, then drops to one knee. 'Eyes and ears lad, eyes and ears.'

If Shwartz starts yelling when I am still in the gun position then the following...
As Shwartz starts his draw (Snowden should still have an eye on this situation due to the fact he was covering with the M2) Realizes Shwartz's action and draws pistol on Bates (near commo gear)

If he reaches for a weapon...I shoot him

Bates flicked his wrist and the Mauser HSc  pistol droped into his left hand as his right reach for the 2km radio near his tools. Snowden’s first shot grazed his hand but trashed the radio the second shots were nearly simultaneous as they both missed at near point blank range and the fight moved to hand to hand
Both were knocked off their feet  as half a dozen 25mm rounds shreaded the rear tires of the five ton and blew up the tank trailer behind it.

'Eyes and ears lad, eyes and ears' Latham's watching everyone, listening to the shouts. The Captains and Schwartz seem straight at the moment; white hats, watching the Marines; black hats, and the LT; the big unknown. Any moment someone's gonna let loose and it's gonna get messy. Latham want's cover. The Chain Gun Hummer looks closest.

The crossbow bolt came out of no where and caught O’Gady square in the chest the razor sharp hardened steel tip cutting through everything in its path. Sergeant Belloch wasn’t sure what was going on but the Lieutenant had said O’Grady and his men were Russian Spetnatz. He wasn’t so sure about that but the O’Grady was diving for cover and had a gun on the kid who had collapsed. He hoped he wasn’t hurt bad he promished the Corps Commander he would take care of his nephew. Suddenly a bear claw grip reached around his throat. Ensign Wilkens was unarmed and bleeding badly from a blow to the head. He wasn’t sure what was happening. All he was totally sure of was someone had cold cocked him as he was taking a leak. Then this guy had just put a quarrel in the C.O. Belloch tried to break the hold but Wilkens had caught him by surprise. Wilkens was weakened by his head injury as the two men struggled. Suddenly the  frag grenade pulled free from Belloch’s web gear and the pin caught as it fell free. Both men hesitated for only a couple of seconds, that was all it took...the resulting explosion left them both dead

(OOC / GM insert: definition of a bad day, both characters rolled critical fumbles for their hand to hand combat and both failed their coolness under fire check)

Latham will hold his position near Schwartz, The CAR is on the LT, but ready to switch onto Crench or anyone else who becomes a direct threat to him. Latham is still unclear about the full facts regarding this situation. There's Fifth Columnists in the camp and he willing to trust it's not Schwartz or O'Grady at the time being, But there's two sides to every coin and at the moment there's no-one watching Latham's back except Latham. His prime motive is self preservation. If the shooting starts, he'll make for cover as soon as possible. Then it's play it by ear.

Swartz suddenly felt weak, faint and collasped, his back was a bloody mess from the shrapnel thrown clear from the two burning Hummers. As his life ebbed he thought Szymas we’ll be a team again real soon.

Snowden reached for his Beretta as the Bates grabbed his vintage German pistol. the Russian was a hare faster putting a round into Snowden arm, while Snowden was a lot more accurate hitting Ivan near the groin. As the Russian collasped the flames from the burning Tank Trailer spread to the Five Ton. Snowden pulled the Russian and himself clear as the Still and truck went up with a boom

PFC Groggens came out from behind the motorcycle where he was watching the perimeter as he put it. His M-14 clearly pointed away from everone.

The firefight couldn’t have lasted more than ten minutes but it seemed like an eternity. The survivors were in a state of shock the lasted throughout  the night.


Witherspoon checked out the LAV. Crench was dead. The vehicle seemed to be well stocked with all kinds of goodies including a complete set of Star Trek Movie novels. “Yes Ma’m 3rd platoon is mechanized again”

Kirby checked the bodies Schwartz, Suarez, and Grant were dead.

Latham checked the perimeter and found Wilkens and Belloch also dead.

Groggins and Omar stood guard as others sorted out the mess.

Carmine checked out the vehicles. Two of the Hummers were total writeoffs as was the Five-Ton and the tank trailer. The LAV was in good shape, the Chain Gun Hummer had a lot of shrapnel damage, and the motorcycle was untouched.

Snowden reported to Captain O’Grady but felt the C.O. wouldn’t make it until morning. With a first class surgeon, good X-Ray Equipment and a well equipped OR maybe. O’Grady seemed to know his time was short but was more distressed about the casualties to his men

On the Russian side Crench, Willbane, and Gonzalez had bought it. Bates was badly wounded.

Suddenly the radio on LAV crackled- 1st voice “Moscow we have a problem, Comrad Gregon please.” 2nd voice “Ivar here Nicholas, and knock off the party rhetoric I’m not in the mood for it.” 1st voice “As you wish Major, Colonel Romanov’s plan didn’t work” 2nd voice “What else is new, change to alternate frequency they may not have had time to destroy the radio or the change frequencies...”

 His vigil complete he left his position carefully and moved out to the rendezvous point for pick up.

Next Turn due Noon Sunday 21 January 2001 EST. Longer turn around time is planned for the next turn. The next Turn will cover from 0600 to 1800.  My schedule is going to be hectic for the next week or two plus we’ll need time to regroup and create new characters. For established players the rank restriction is lifted and US Army Spec Ops will be allowed (SF or or Ranger from basic game but not Delta from RDF Soursebook)

GM Note: I seriously considered throwing out the turn results based on the resolution of the miniatures action. I know its hard to lose established PC’s, but if there was no risk what would be the challenge of playing the game. I guess if you want to make an omlette you have to break a few eggs so I let the results stand. The Supply Convoy scenario was intended to give the players a chance to get very well equipped but it was going to be well earned equipment. The Russians were English speaking Desantniki (Paras) and a Cuban infilitrator. All were vets or elites but lacked infiltration experience.



How is extra cash handled? 10% can be taken as gold or script the balance is lost.  Is it just paper money or is there really a use for it besides kindling? In a few places, Krakow for instance. Actually surplus funds go into a common pot that provides additional resourses. The XI Corps supply convoy being one example.
Good to a point but they are not a CYA for good role playing/gaming.
K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid is what they taught me...
Everyone rags on the Soviets for fixxed response battle drills, but people tend to do under stress what they've practiced. Short and simple works. The British found this out in WWII as well.
SOP's need to be brief and to the point as the characters have only been together a short time and not trained together as a unit.
If the GM forgets a minute detail of your SOP, then your character forgets as well; ie if the turn result goes sour because I missed something you wrote in your turn you have an appeal, if it goes sour because I forgot something from an don't
SOP's can be useful, but to be fair; I wanted to clarify how I handle them.

Maintain fire discipline! i.e. cover fire with one clip then conduct aimed
shots. Shoot until target is dead, not hamburger.

Nice in theory, hard in practice, REQUIRES COOLNESS UNDER FIRE CHECK, with modifiers from situation

What we are dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law...Buford T. Justice

Smokey and the Bandit

21 Dec 00 Roll Call Update,
The following players didn't send in anything for Turn Seven or contact me. Their characters will continue as NPC's. 1st Lieutenant Krominoski Special Forces Mounted Group Ensign Wilkins SEAL Motorized Group
This makes official their being dropped from the game.

