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   This is the 92nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) Historical Campaign. A list of YB-40 Missions from May 29, 1943 until July 29 1943 is detailed below. Each date includes the target, number of B-17’s and YB-40’s dispatched, and losses suffered. Following the missions lists is the Campaign Game Missions. It details number of aircraft Bomber Command has requested you provide and their assignment within the group formation.




May 08 1943

First YB-40’s arrive in England and are assigned to 327th Sqn / 92ndBG(H)


May 29 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 147 B-17s attack St Nazaire with 277-2000 pound bombs [8 YB-40’s dispatched one lost]  B-17’s 7 shotdown, 1 ditched, 1 write off; 58 damaged.


June 15, 1943

VIII Bomber Command 155 B-17’s recalled before reaching France.

( Target Lemans 4 YB-40’s dispatched)


June 22, 1943

1st and 4th Heavy Bombardment Wings 183 out 224 B-17’s  attack a synthetic rubber plant at Huls with 422 tons of bombs [11 YB-40’s dispatched 1 lost] 15 B-17’s lost, 75  damaged. Wango Wango First Lieutenant Andrew F Bilek a/c B-17 25735 UXB hit by AA shortly after the target, last seen going down under control near Dutch Border crew all killed. First YB-40 lost in action.


June 25, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 149 out of 190 B-17’s, due to extremely poor visibility over northweatern Europe, attack targets of opportunity and targets of last resort , including a convoy at sea [7 YB-40’s dispatched] 15 B-17’s lost and 39 damaged. ( Target Hamburg, Two YB-40’s aborted, Two enemy aircraft claimed)


June 26, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 123 B-17’s assigned to attack Villacoublay Airdrone; only 17 attack aircraft-industry plant at Villacoublay or Poissy Aerodrone, secondary targets. [5 YB-40’s dispatched] (Two enemy aircraft claimed) 


June 28, 1943

1st and 4th Heavy Bombardment Wing 158 out of 185 B-17’s attack St Nazaire with 300 tons of bombs [6 YB-40’s dispatched] 8 B-17’s lost and 57 damaged. (One enemy aircraft claimed)


June 29, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 146 B-17’s sent to attack Villacoublay and Tricqueville Airdrones bring their bombs home after finding both targets covered by solid cloud cover [2 YB 40’s dispatched] 14 B-17’s damaged. (1 YB-40 aborted)


July 4, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 166 B-17’s attack aircraft industry targets in Le Mans and Nantes with more than 404 tons of bombs. 7 B-17’s lost, 54 damaged, and one write off. (YB-40’s dispatched Nantes 2 and Le Mans 1)


July 10 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 34 of 116 B-17’s attack Caen Airdrome with 74 tons of bombs[5 YB-40’s dispatched] 1 B-17’s lost, 33 damaged.


July 14, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing  101 of 111 B-17’s attack Villacoublay Airdrome with 232 tons of bombs [5 YB-40’s dispatched]  2 B-17’s lost, 68 damaged, one damaged plane ditches in the channel. (The last mission as a group)


July 17, 1943

VIII Bomber Command 205 B-17’s recalled from a raid on Hannover due to weather;  33 attacks targets of opportunity [2 YB-40’s dispatched] 52 damaged, one write off after a forced landing and one ditched in the Channel.


July 24, 1943 BLITZ WEEK

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 167 B-17’s plus 4th Heavy Bombardment Wing 41 B-17’s {long range with Tokyo Tanks} attack a nitrate plant near Heroya and the naval base at Trondheim, Norway with 495tons of bombs; 84 additional long range B-17’s from 4th Heavy Bombardment Group abort an attack on Bergen , Norway due to cloud cover [1 YB-40 dispatched]   64 B-17’s damages including one write off, and another crashs lands in Sweden where the crew is interned.  Longest mission to date 1900 mile round trip


July 26, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 50 B-17’s and attack Hannover with 134 tons of bombs [2 YB-40’s dispatched] 14 B-17’s lost, 1 written off on return to base, and two ditched in the Channel.

 A YB-40 pilot from the 92nd BG(H) becomes crazed from a head wound received during a fighter attack over the target. Flying Officer John C. Morgan, the co-pilot, flies the plane, in formation, with one hand, while restraining the struggling pilot for two hours, until another crewman can relieve the situation. Morgan is awarded the Medal of Honor. AIR WAR EUROPA Chronology1942-45 Eric Hammel Page 158.

It is commonly believed that this is account inspired Lieutenant Jessie Bishops’s Medal Of Honor action in the movie “Twelve o’Clock High!”


July 28, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 182 B-17’s assigned to attack Kassel, 58 attack the Fiesler aircraft factory. (2 YB-40’s dispatched)

First use of jettisionable belly tanks (unpressurized fiberglass models normally used for ferry flights). This allows P-47’s of 4th Fighter Group to penetrate German Airspace.

First use of of German 21cm rockets by twin engine fighters, highly inaccurate but capable of destroying a B-17 with a single hit.


July 29, 1943

1st Heavy Bombardment Wing 91 B-17’s out of 167 attack Kiel with 315 tond of bombs and 767,000 leaflets [2 YB-40’s dispatched] 6 B-17’s lost and 63 damaged of which one is written off.


Total sorties 60, losses 2, aborts 3



   The YB-40’s arived in England in April 1943 for combat evaluation. there were bugs and shoddy workmanship.

   The 327th Squadron starts with 12 YB-40 Bomber Escorts and crews. Every turn one third of your aircraft that flew have acquired enough hours of flight time to require overhaul. These aircraft are not available for operations. On Turn 0 assume all your aircraft have flown, representing the ferry flight from the states and familiarization training. Thus Turn One / Mission One starts with eight aircraft available and four being overhauled.

   Each turn take the number of aircraft that flew divide by three and round up, these planes are unavailable due to overhaul. Choose these aircraft randomly. Four battle damaged aircraft can be fully repaired each turn. A plane that is both battle damaged and requires overhaul will count double against maintenance

   Example: Turn One 4 planes are being overhauled and 8 go on the mission. During the mission 6 planes suffer battle damage. For the eight that flew:

Overhaul: 8 divide by 3 rounds up to 3, so we have three unavailable.

Battle Damage: 6 planes hit, we can automatically repair 4 and two remain in the hanger waiting to be fixxed, two unavailable

Turn Two We have the 7 aircraft available

   Crew casualties: for each light would a crewman is unavailble for 1D6/3 missions, for each serious wound he is unavailable for 1D6 missions.

   The Group Headquarters has seven aircraft and crews available as replacements for lost aircraft and casualties.  That’s 7 YB-40’s available to replace destroyed aircraft,  14 pilots/co-pilots, 7 navigators, 7 engineers who can also serve as turret gunners, 7 radio operators who can also serve as turret gunners, 14 turret gunners, 14 waist gunners, and 7 tail gunners. A gunner may serve in different area, but will only hit on a 6 for D6/3 missions round up.

   After assigning aircraft to a mission roll 2D6 for each B-17 assigned on a 2 or 12 that aircraft aborts and counts as extra plane requiring overhaul.


Mission One St Nazaire {8}

High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead and Tail

Low Squadron Lead, Number 2, Tail, and Number 5


Mission Two Lemans {4}

High Squadron Lead

Middle Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead and Tail


Mission 3 Huls {11}

High Squadron Lead, Number 2, and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead and Tail

Low Squadron All Six Aircraft


Mission 4 Hamburg {7}
High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead and Tail

Low Squadron Lead, Number 2, and Tail


Mission Five Villacoublay {5}

High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Tail


Mission 6 St Nazaire {6}

High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead and Tail

Low Squadron Lead and Tail


Mission 7 Villacoublay {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead


Mission 8 Nantes {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead

Missions 8 and 9 flown on same day

Mission 9 Le Mans {1}

Low Squadron Lead 1


Mission 10 Caen {5}

High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead


Mission 11 Villacoublay {5}

High Squadron Lead and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead and Tail


Starting with Mission Ten you are attached to another Bomb Group

Mission 12 Hannover {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Low


Mission 13 Trondheim, Norway {1}

Low Squadron Lead

This mission will require a bomb bay fuel tank so the ammo reserve normally stored here is not available


Mission 14 Hannover {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead


Mission 15 Kassel {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Lead


Mission 16 Kiel {2}

High Squadron Lead

Low Squadron Low




The Schweinfurt Raid took place just 18 days after the YB-40 was withdrawn from service on July 29th. On that fateful day of August 17th the 92nd Bomb group was there but without their YB-40’s. Suppose they were put to the ultimate test of their capabilities???

Mission 17 Schweinfurt {12}

High Squadron Lead, Number 2 and Tail

Middle Squadron Lead, Number 2, and Tail

Low Squadron All Aircraft

This is a Maximum Effort, assume all aircraft down for overhaul are available, and any with battle damage have been repaired.


Campaign Victory Points

Plus one point per required aircraft assigned to a mission

Plus one half point per extra aircraft assigned to a mission to cover aborts

Plus two points per extra aircraft asigned to a mission

Minus one point per unavailable aircraft required for a mission

Minus one point per aircraft aborting a mission