Worthy is the Lamb: A Modern Parable

Once there was a small town. It was a pretty normal town, with lots of houses, and people. The people worked at normal jobs, had children, ate and drank just like you and me. There was one thing that stood out about these folk. They all had dirty faces. Its not that they didn?t try to wash their faces, but the dirt just would not come off. They knew it was wrong to have a dirty face. As a matter of fact, they had a school where teachers taught them how wrong it was that their faces were dirty. The teachers taught them many rules about how to clean their faces, such as a special soap to use, or a special time to clean them. The teachers of the rules followed all the rules and thought their faces were clean. But the people could see that their faces were still dirty.

One day a stranger came into town. His face was clean. It was so clean, that it shined. He was very sad that all the people had dirty faces. He was angry with the teachers. He began to teach in the school. He taught them that the rules were good but that they would not make the dirt go away. He taught them that there was only one way to wash their faces. He told them how much God loved them, and how much He wanted them to be clean.

One day, a lady whose face was very dirty came to listen to the man. When he saw her, he cried because he loved her so much and he was sad that her face was so dirty. He wiped the tears from his face and then touched hers. The dirt went away. The people were amazed, and many came to get their faces washed. He loved each of them, touched them and washed away the dirt. This made the teachers very angry. They wanted the people to go to them for the rules.

The teachers decided that the man needed to go away. They tried to trick him with questions, but the man knew God so well that the teachers could not fool him. Finally, they said he had done something wrong and they made him go away.

Before he left, the clean-faced man told his friends and his followers that all they had to do is remember him and he would make their faces clean again. See, the only one who was worthy to tell the people how to stay clean was the one whose face was clean. To believe in him and his words, meant that they were following God?s law, not just a list of rules made up by the dirty faced teachers. Jesus Christ is that clean-faced man. He came to us, and died for us, so that we might be cleansed of all our sins and have eternal life. Only He was worthy. Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do this and have eternal life.