A bird hovers over the land
wings flapping furiously
yet she never moves.
She looks intently at the earth below.
What does she seek?
Does she stay there, protecting her young?
Or is there a tasty morsal hiding below...
food to be trapped, shared and devoured.
She seems so near, yet so far, as she hovers above.
Will she stay, a moment or a day?
Or leave, mission accomplished, never to be seen again.
I ponder the bird, then notice a friend.
He hovers nearby, purpose undefined.
So close, yet so far.
A tear forms, but is chased away,
by the remembrance of days long past
and days to come and trust.
The purpose is not undefined,
but defined by the Word,
the Word of the Most High.
He, our Father, hovers nearby,
all knowing, all loving, all merciful.
We hover, waiting for the moment in time
when all will be revealed.
We stand, ready to accomplish the purpose
set aside since the beginning of time.
We wait, listening for our Lord Jesus
to sound the trumpet
that He might finish the work He began
in ages past.
That we might together,
bow before the Lord God Almighty
witnessing His Glory...
sharing in His Love...
Written by Peggy Hoppes
25 February, 2000