There are days...

by Peggy

There are days that something happens
when I wonder if it is all worth the trouble.
There are days when I want to just give up the ministry.
There are days when I get so angry with God
for allowing evil to happen to those I love.
There are days when I fear everything and everybody.
There are days...
There are days when I want turn from God and say NO MORE!
And YET, He's still there...
He sends someone to remind me of HIS LOVE for me.
He gives me love through a friend, or He gives me a rainbow
He shows me a field full of daffodils
and then He whispers “I LOVE YOU”
I feel so sad that I turned away,
I feel so unworthy of that love,
I feel like God should just let me go,
He sticks around.
And He loves me.

Written by Peggy Hoppes
10 March, 2000