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Matthew Shepard

It’s been a few weeks now since the battered and broken body of Matthew Shepard let go of life and passed on. The media storm surrounding his death has already moved on to the next scandal or headline making act of terror.

Flames of countless candle light vigils have been extinguished. Their gentle smoke, headed towards the heavens through the icy night sky.

Yet that bitter wind, that blew through that lonely and desolate field in Wyoming, continues to blow, howling through my own heart as it does through those of millions of Americans from every religious denomination, political belief and sexual orientation.

Matthew, his slight body tortured and battered beyond recognition and beyond saving, still cries out a warning to anyone with the compassion to listen. The illusion that we’re somehow more civilized, more open to tolerance and progress has been forever shattered in a wake of tears much like the body and beautiful spirit of Matthew Shepard.

Matthew, a victim of brutality beyond comprehension, should remind us all that Homophobia and it’s deadly tentacles are by no means confined to the small towns of Americas Bible Belt where vigilante justice still to this day celebrates it’s lynchings.

It’s everywhere, our cities, our schools and the most dangerous and frightening place of all -- our Government.

A Government that still refuses to recognize Gay and Lesbian people as citizens entitled to the same civil rights and protection as anyone. A Government where Newt Gingrich can continue to compare gay people to alcoholics and drug addicts. A Government where Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott can preach to our elected officials that "homosexuality is a sin under God".

This evil rhetoric, so well funded by America's pious right wing conservatives is powerful. Powerful enough that Lott was successful in blocking the nomination of James Hormel as Ambassador to Luxembourg solely based on Hormel’s sexual orientation.

Yes, gay bashing is alive and well on Capitol Hill, and the message it sends through out the land is a deadly one.

To Clinton’s credit he’s the first President to actively court the Gay and Lesbian vote. He has appointed 150 Gay people to his administration and often attends Gay Rights fund raisers and dinners. But laws don’t get passed and change doesn’t happen over shrimp cocktails and filet mignon.

Clinton may have had no choice but to concede on the gays in the military issue with his "don’t ask don’t tell policy" -- but he wasn’t forced to sign the bill which made gay marriages unrecognized under federal law. How can Clinton count on the support of the Gay and Lesbian public without granting us the most basic of civil rights and liberties? He can’t.

Clinton, and every American has an obligation to listen to the quiet whisper of Matthew Shepard, whose legacy is a living one. A legacy that reminds us that when good people are silent, evil prevails.

I feel compelled to encourage every Gay and Lesbian person to come out. To embrace the rich history and celebrate the culture we share as a people. As Harvey Milk said shortly before his assassination by Dan White, only by coming out will we dispel every myth, every innuendo, and bury every lie.

Take a stand whether you’re gay or straight. Refuse for yourself or someone you love to be shuffled by laws of ignorance to the back of the bus. For by joining forces against the Jesse Helms, Pat Robertsons and Lott’s of the world, we can answer the prayers of so many.

We can drown out the venomous right wing scream of non equality with the cheer of victory and the sweet song of compassion.

Matthew Shepard ..well.... he’s still pleading for us to hear him, begging for each of us to take some action, no matter how small. Urging us to refuse to be erased and to finally claim our rightful place at the American table.

Yes, it’s too late to save Matthew Shepard, but if we’re lucky, if we’re smart, maybe just maybe, we can prevent such a nightmare from taking the life of yet another vibrant young gay person and in doing so, we will be taking that tiny, yet long over due step -- towards saving ourselves.



Matthew Shepard

A Message About Gay Rights

by Justin

Gay and Lesbian people are the last minority in this country to be denied the most basic Civil Rights that are the birth right of every American.

Hate crimes against gays are up a whopping 300% and a gay teenager is 30% more likley to commit suicide ~ and the numbers are climbing.


In 20+ states you can be denied:




*Child Support

*Child Custody

*Health Care

*Adoption Rights

*Bereavment Rights

*Spousal Rights


*Fired From Your Job



Every person can make a difference no matter how small, no matter your sexual orientation. Like casting a stone into a lake, the ripples spread out to become part of something greater.

At the very least, COME OUT! Life is short. Why live a lie? Get out of the closet for good and in doing so you'll put a little more dignity and pride into your life and into the world.

~ Justin