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GTF Phoenix | GTCv Ragnarok | GVAf Apis | SF Succubus | GVF Seker | GTB Nemesis | SOF Chaos
Valkyrie MK II
| Hellbat | Charlatan | GTB Maelstrom | GVB Atlas | GTSG Pyre | GTCv Valhalla

  GTF Phoenix    Class: Fighter
  Speed: 90 m/s      Agility: Good
  Armor: Good       Length: 23m

  6x Hellion Lasers
  3x Missile Banks
  A hybrid of Shivan and Terran technology, 
the GTF Phoenix is fast, agile, and heavily
shielded, while boasting serious firepower.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1    Pic 2    Pic 3
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  GTCv Ragnarok  
Class: Corvette   Speed: 50 m/s
Length: 600 m

  8x Lasers   12x Missile Launchers
  3x Flak Guns   5x Beam Cannons
  2x Meson Torpedo Launchers
  With its speed and concentrated firepower, 
this corvette can inflict serious damage upon
even the largest of capital ships.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1    Pic 2    Pic 3
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  GVAf Apis          Class: Fighter
 Speed: 90 m/s         Agility: Good
 Armor: Very Good  Length: 28 m

  5x Laser mounts   2x Missile Bays
  2x 50mm Autocannon Turrets
  The Apis is a Vasudan attack fighter. It is fast
and heavily armed. A pair of Terran designed 
50mm Autocannons makes this ship deadly.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1    Pic 2
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  SF Succubus       Class: Fighter
 Speed: 75 m/s           Agility: Good
 Armor: Average        Length: 32 m

  5x Lasers   1x Missile Bay
  1x Heavy Laser Turret
  This newly encountered Succubus seems to
have a fighter attack role. However, some 
pilots have reported it as being a light bomber.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1    Pic 2
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  GVF Seker      Class: Interceptor
 Speed: 100 m/s   Agility: Excellent
 Armor: Light       Length: 17 m

  3x Laser Mounts
  1x Missile Bank
  This fast little fighter is the newest addition to
the Vasudan fleet. This ship has some serious
afterburners, effectively doubling its top speed.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  GTB Nemesis     Class: Bomber
 Speed: 70 m/s         Agility: Fair
 Armor: Good          Length: 35 m

  2x Laser Mounts  3x Missile Banks
  4x Laser Turrets
  This next generation bomber, with its massive
payload and turrets for attack and defense,
will be a deadly addition to the GTVA fleet.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1    Pic 2
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  SOF Chaos     Class:  Assault
 Speed: 75 m/s    Agility: Fair
 Armor: Heavy    Length: 34 m

  11x Laser Mounts
  3x Missile Banks  
  A long-range heavy fighter used exclusively 
by special operations command. All other 
details are classified.
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  Valkyrie MK II   Class: Fighter
 Speed: 90 m/s      Agility: Excellent
 Armor: Light        Length: 22 m

  8x Laser Mounts
  1x Missile Bay  
  An interceptor designed to destroy bombers,
The Valkyrie MK II was named after it's Great
War predecessor. 
 Pics and models:
    Pic 1
    VRML Model (browser plug-in required)
  Hellbat            Class: Raider
 Speed: 85 m/s     Agility: Excellent
 Armor: Light       Length: 16 m

  4x Particle Cannons
  2x 33mm Gatling Guns  
  A pirate retrofit of the Ulysses fighter of the great
war.  She has more powerful engines, better
weapons, and an awesome paint job!
 Pics and models:
  Charlatan      Class: Fighter
 Speed: 80 m/s     Agility: Good
 Armor: Light       Length: 27 m

  3x Plasma Cannons
  Shield Disruption Flare Launcher
  Split Missile Launcher
  An fighter of ancients' design that has been
seen flying around GTVA space. Nobody claims
to know who is flying them.
 Pics and models:
      GTB Maelstrom    Class: Bomber
 Speed: 40 m/s           Agility: Poor
 Armor: Very Heavy   Length: 112 m

  2x Antimatter Stream Cannons
  3x Torpedo Battery
  4x Laser Turrets   1x Missile Turret
  The heavy of the heavy, this hulking death
machine is tasked with destroying the largest of
capitol ships. Not even juggernauts are safe.
 Pics and models:
  GVB Atlas        Class: Bomber
 Speed: 65 m/s         Agility: Poor
 Armor: Heavy         Length: 67 m

  6x Laser Mounts
  2x Nova Flak Cannons
  3x Torpedo Battery
  The atlas is a heavy bomber designed to strike
small to medium capitol ships, though it is capable
of carrying a pair of  Meson Torpedoes.
 Pics and models:
  GTSG Pyre  
 Class: Sentry Gun
 Size: 11m x 11m x 6m

  2x Long Range Missile Turrets
  4x Flash beam cannons
  The next generation Pyre sentry gun is the best
portable defense platform in the GTVA. Its has
a weapon range far greater than other platforms.
 Pics and models:
  GTCv Valhalla  
  Class: Corvette     Speed: 40 m/s
Size:   630 m  

  6x Lasers         7x Beam Cannons
  2x Flak Guns  10x Missile Launchers
  2x Meson Torpedo Launchers
  The Valhalla is a refit of the Ragnarok Corvette.
Changes to the weapons allow the ship a larger
area of attack. Fewer engines lowers ship cost.
 Pics and models: