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undefined Buck

Testimony - ATF

by May Robinson
July 19, 2000

Feedback welcome

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fan fiction based on the television series, The Magnificent Seven, formerly of CBS. It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyrights of CBS, MGM, TNN, The Trilogy Entertainment Group, The Mirisch Corp., or anyone else who may have legal rights to the characters and settings. I do not claim ownership of the characters. This story is strictly for entertainment. No monetary gain will be made from it.

Rating: PG-13, language.

Warnings: Some foul language. Major h/c and smarm warning! Parts 1 and 2 concentrate on Buck almost entirely, but I'd still call this a Buck and JD short story with our other guys, especially Chris, acting as support crew.

Author's Notes/Comments: This story is written expressly for my wonderful beta-reader, Penny, who celebrated her birthday on July 19th along with her favorite Magnifico, Andy Kavovit. Thanks to Jennie and Leslie for stepping in to beta. Your support, comments and encouragement have been awesome and are greatly appreciated!