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Another One Bites Dusty

Daily Film Journal: By Seth Martin


Ok, I have finally decided which actress I'm going to pick for Dusty. I ran into my friend Keith and showed him the headshots of the two actresses that I had chosen from the five that I met with. He said he really saw one of them in the part. I had to think of a way of choosing since both actresses were perfect and one of them had a film reel which helped a little, I thought long and hard and finally decided. I'm going to make the call next week to the lucky actress that will get to join the Sevish crew. As for the other actress, I decided to offer her a smaller part in the film to be fair. The decision was hard and I hope that when the movie comes out that people will agree that I made the right choice.



Well the auditions for Dusty went really good today, met with four actresses in the studio. One of them was absolutely perfect for the part. I liked all of the actresses that auditioned but unfortunately I can only pick one. All of the people at the tv studio agreed that she was perfect. Leaving the studio, I got a call from another actress who had gotten lost and couldn't find the studio. I almost didn't meet with her do to the fact that I had already left the studio, chosen my actress and she was late, however I decided to since she had come all that way. After meeting with her I realized that I had to incorporate her into my decision. It has been a very long day and I have to sleep on it. Maybe tomorrow I can decide.



Well tomorrow I will hopefully find a replacement for Sadie in the Dusty auditions and we can push through with the film. We have invited close to thirty actresses which means five of them will probably show up to Ventura. If all goes as planned I can get an actress before Rebecca gets back from New York.



Shot some solo scenes today, recorded a new song for the film.



Well, went to meet Sadie in L.A. last night to give her the cd with her song on it and have her sign a release form for the flick. Of course as usual, Sadie wanted me to meet her at some night club where her boyfriend's sucky pop band was playing (We all know what a big pop fan I am.) I brought some of the old flicks for her to borrow which got cracked, crushed, and destroyed, when somehow they got on the stage and the band members were dancing all over them. I was really disapointed that Sadie could be so careless and irresponsible with my life's work. She acted like it was no big deal and went on to say "I didn't know they were your only copies" like I would loan out my only copies. She couldn't understand why I was upset. It was the respect factor. I had no choice but to fire Sadie from the film, not only because of last night but the fact that I saw the carelessness, the irresponsibility, and the disrespectful person that she is. And I can't have that on my set. Actresses, for some reason don't understand that they are so easily replaceable. Sadie especially because I always felt Sadie to be too old for this part, I can now take this time to find someone more suitable for this role. If you think Acting is hard work try doing my job for a day.



Well the pre-production is going good. I have to meet with Rebecca and Sadie sometime this week. Rebecca's going out of town so I might have to wait on her. Sadie wants me to meet her on Friday so we'll see about that.



Well it's been a good week for "Abused Battered and Beaten: The Musical" also known as "Another One Bites Dusty" Found a lady that's going to help me with some of the gospel style songs in the flick. Got several songs recorded and all is good to go.


Contact Seth

(805) 302-0453