Character Training:
Its Role In Revival

Dear Readers,

We are at a crossroads on our nation.  God has given to us a window of opportunity to restore this nation to its Godly heritage but there are many adversaries.  Please read the following article prayerfully.

Character training is much more than just another program.  It is spiritual warfare in the trenches.  God is raising up men and women for this challenge.  It is not for the fainthearted or cowardly.  Will you join us in this movement or will you at least stand behind us in prayer?

Following this open letter is a copy of the parable of the sower that Jesus told in Luke's gospel.  It is presented from the authorized King James Version text without verse marking.

On the pages following the parable you will find the main article explaining the need for Character Training as a vanguard for revival.  This is an important truth for our generation.

Finally, you will find the answer to some objections which have been raised about this move to change our culture.

It is my prayer that all of this will challenge you to do your part to raise again a standard of righteousness, morality and good character in out society.

May God bless you as you read and me He help us all in this great battle so that in the end we can stand before God with confidence rather than blush with shame.

Yours because of Calvary.

Jerry Strobel
July 2000

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