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Yes i am a pre op transsexual, and out the closet so to speak for years now, and honey my life could not be happier, other than and a few good men. ; )

I am hoping that in the days to come, you will enjoy the pics, and storys, of my life in the alaskan country, the last froniter, as I add to this site.

I am also thinking of starting a transgender resort. If I can find investors, as i own 10.5 acres, a small resort, yes! So if you are interested please email me, with your ideas, and such. Yes I and others get along well in the community, or they just leave us alone. I've lived here all my life, and just love the country and the people. I could even go to church, and be glad to take you also, if you stop by someday. It's a really good place to live.

A special thanks to Jim who got this page started for me, and stole this girls heart, with his understanding, kind, and loving way. He is my dream. And thanks to my girlfriend Feather, for the things she sent me, for this page, and always knowing just what to say to make me feel better.
I love them both as family, and even though we've never met in person, I hope to someday soon.

This is one of our sunrises, followed by one of our sunsets. I hope to bring to you many beauties like these....


These pics and most to follow are taken with my web cam.  I still have alot of work to do around here. The place is still in need of some cleaning, clearing, landscaping and such. But then my family homesteaded this land, and my family gave it to me, to look over, and do whatever I can. To use the land, to surport, at least help. I am disabled with a permanent back injury, they cant do anything for.

Boogyin' BobbiJean! BobbiJean as Country Girl! I am both women; the country girl on the left, as well as the elegant lady on the right.  It's up to you to find out who I Would you like to? Then simply write me. BobbiJean as Elegant Lady! Boogyin' BobbiJean!

Bobbi Jean's Homemade Bath Salts:

3 cups Epson Salts (stir in gradually)

1 tbsp. Glycerin (available at your local drug store )

2 drops of perfume or cologne (of your choice)

To Use.. Pour 1/2 to 1 cup salt into bath water... and relax!.

Bobbi Jean's Favorite Links

KTUU-TV Anchorage, Alaska

TG Gallery

Feather's Links

Bobbi Jean's "For the Record..."(Page Two)

If you have comments or suggestions, me at

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Sunday, March 9, 2025