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Kodiak Alaska Rocket Launch Information Group - Kodiak Orbital Launch Complex - Commercial and Military Satellites - AADC - KLC

**** KRLIG ****

KRLIG has been a watchdog of the operation and government funding of the Kodiak Launch Complex (KLC), a classic example of excessive pork barrel government spending arranged by Alaska Senator Ted Stevens.

The KLC is a Missile Defense test site.

Last update: January 03 2006

This page is maintained by volunteers and updated when we have time. Please go to the No Nukes North site for the most current information.

Here is a blog related to the Kodiak Launch Complex and the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation that is more current than this page.

KRLIG can be contacted through the blog.


On Friday, November 9, 2001, a missile launched from the Kodiak Launch Complex exploded 52 seconds after liftoff. See Anchorage Daily News article.

This launch was part of the NMD testing program and the Army STARS program.

According to DOD employees working on the launch, the reason for the explosion is unknown (although NMD spokesman Lt. Col. Rick Lehner claims that the Army purposely activated the destruct command).

The KLC now has a 1 in 8 (12.5%) mission failure rate.

The KLC is owned by the State of Alaska and operated by the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation. The facility was constructed entirely with government funds. Launch receipts have not covered operational costs, requiring continual government subsidies to keep the facility operating.

The KLC is commonly referred to as "Space Pork Kodiak" here in Kodiak.


September, 2001: Kodiak vehemently opposes missile silos during a four hour community meeting with Lt. Col Rick Lehner and representatives of NMD. In four hours of public testimony, only two supporting comments were expressed.

Why does Kodiak not want silos?

The Kodiak community is adamantly opposed to further development of the Narrow Cape/Pasagshak area.

The Narrow Cape/Pasagshak Area Comprehensive Plan clearly states the community's stand that this area receive no further development beyond the KLC.


If you'd like to know more about this government boondoggle waste of taxpayer money and how Alaska Senator Ted Stevens has impeded environmental impact studies of the KLC, contact us through the blog link at the top of th epage.

The famous "Space Pork Kodiak" commemorative 4 color button is still available!

Just send five dollars and a SASE with THREE stamps to:

PO Box 970
Kodiak, AK 99615-0970

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FAA Commercial Launch Facility Regulations & Information
Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation (AADC_
No Nukes North
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Weapons in Space
KRLIG No Missile Silos Page
Anchorage Daily News (search archives for AADC)
Missile Defense System Flawed Technically, Unwise Politically (Craig Eisendrath, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 23, 2001)
US Spy Satellites in Wrong Orbit (Space Daily News, Aug 8, 2001)
Council for a Livable World (Eliminate Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Kodiak Missile Explodes - Anchorage Daily News
Missile Defense Lecture by Randall Forsberg
The Official Ballistic Missile Defense Organization website
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment Nuclear Abolition Project:
Union of Concerned Scientists Missile Defense Page
List of weapons and weapons systems related sites
Center for Defense Information National Missile Defense Site the professional website for aerospace, defense and military news and information
Subject Listing for Missile Technology: Aerospace and Defense Resources on the Net
What Is Danger? The Future of Missile Defense (the 1998 Rumsfeld Report on NMD)
Missile Defense-The Untold Story (NY Times 12/29/01)