With Christine Catrione
A stitch in time saves nine!
For any good results to be expected by a candidate, a candidate must
give or allow himself ample time of preparation and constant
revision of his or her notes, and a wide reading of each and every book,
magazine, article or newspaper which has knowledge to offer about the subject
in question as well as listening to radio programmes which have educative
information as well as watching the useful television programmes
which do offer some knowledge.
In other words a student has to make use of each and every instrument
availed to him not forgetting consulting and asking his/her teacher in
case of any problem which arises. In most cases he’s the best reference
although this may no be the case at times.
1.0 How to Revise
As far as this paper is concerned, I will concentrate on how success
in Geography can be attained (although the same facts apply to other related
subjects like Economics )considering a student who has had concrete
teaching in the above subject.
It’s wise always to read beyond the bounds of a given syllabus
as the examiner will rarely concentrate himself within the given syllabus
although he is the one who sets it
It’s quite important to have wonderful notes and be taught
by a fabulous teacher but it is more important to know how to apply the
pumped knowledge; in other words it is far more important to learn How
to answer Questions. Most students fail exams not because they did
not get the right information But because they have not learnt the techniques
of answering questions.
It is gained speedily through group discussion and these have many advantages
which include the following
a. Geography is a wide subject therefore all papers cannot
be easily covered in two years; discussions help
a lot in covering all the topics.
b. One’s perception of the question may be wrong or faulty
but through discussions one is bound to be corrected.
c. People have different views therefore all these are
brought to surface.
d. One may not have understood some terminologies of the
subject or question but discussions open up all these un clear
e. Points which are discussed usually stick in memory more than those
taught in class.
f. Discussions save time as more topics can be covered within
a short time.
g. Discussions can be used to utilise the time when one is feeling
tired, after serious reading.
2.0 Sample questions and the explanation of different terminologies used.
The student must know the precise meaning of each of the
words or terminology used by the examiner.
Some sample questions below.
1. Describe:
To describe means to say what something is like ;to give a picture
in words. Here you will be requested to go into some detail e.g.
(a) Describe how coral influences man’s activities in East Africa.
(b) Describe the physical features of the area covered on the map extract.
(c) Describe the methods you would use to get detailed information
necessary for the diagram drawn.
(d) Describe the vegetation ,land use and settlement pattern of the
area covered by the map extract.
N.B. Some times the use of sketch map may help in describing
or drawing of an illustration.
2. Explain
To explain means to clarify ,interpret i.e to make something
plain and clear. Give reasons why .................differences of opinions
or results and analyse facts ,causes or trends, e.g
(a)Explain how relief has influenced land use in the area.
(b)With specific examples from East Africa, explain the different modes
of lake formation.
(c)Explain the main characteristics of an Equatorial climate.
3. Examine.
To examine means to look carefully at something
so as to learn.
To examine will involve explanation of facts leading to the end
(a) Examine the factors that may hinder a river from attaining a graded
(b) Examine the causes of soil erosion in East Africa.
4. Discuss.
To discuss always involves giving of views supporting the question
and views refuting it.
It involves writing a relatively full and detailed answer
in as far as your knowledge and time permit. You should
include an analysis of the question and a consideration of both sides of
the question.
(a) In East Africa, the earth movements are particularly important
and prominent on the landscape .Discuss.
(b) Climate more than any other factor determines the nature and rate
of rock weathering. Discuss.
5. Criticize.
To criticize means to give or express your own judgement, keeping
in mind the basis you are for critical evaluation.
Remember to bring the good and the bad points.
(a) Critically analyse the population distribution in Uganda.
6. Compare and contrast:
To camper means to show in what ways several things are similar and
to contrast means to show in what ways they are different. If you are asked
to compare and contrast, it is permissible to mention the other but emphasis
should be placed on either the comparison or the contrast according to
the question. e.g.
(a) Differentiate between weather and climate .
(b) Compare and contrast the effect of folding and faulting on
the East African landscape.
7. Enumerate.
To enumerate means to write your points one by one in i.e, list or
outline form. Make them as concise as possible.
8. To state means to answer
briefly and point to the point.
Details, examples and illustrations may be omitted.
9. . Relate .
To relate means to show the relationships by emphasizing the
connections ,associations of various ideas; how one thing causes
of or is caused by the other, and vegetation.
10 To what extent;
Such a beginning indicates that there are other explanatory reasons
for the stated
question, So one ought to look at other reasons other than the
given one. e.g.
(a) To what extent are the types of vegetation in any ONE East
African country determined its climate?
(b) To what extent do the physical factors influence agricultural
land use in either Eastern Uganda or Western Uganda.?
11. Illustrate;
To illustrate means to clarify an idea by presenting a diagram.
12. Account;
To account
means that GIVE REASONS why there is such an occurrence e.g.
(a) Account for causes of ocean currents.
(b) Account for the desert landforms.
13. Assess;
To assess is to give an appraisal of something i.e say what something
is worth in other words It involves a look at the other side of the question.
(a) . Assess the economic importance of rocks.
(b) Assess the economic importance of minerals
to the East African economies.
14. How may?
A question which begins like this requires you to explain some other
factors other than the given ones.
3.0 Revision Essay Questions According to Topics.
a) Theories of Continents and Ocean basins.
i) Discuss the main theories that have bee put forward to explain the
present day distribution of continents and ocean basins.
ii) Many theories have been put forward to explain the present position
of continents. Justify these theories.
b) Structure, Process and Time.
i) Geographers teach that all varied relief features of the earth’s
surface are due to structure ,process and time. Explain fully what’s meant
by these terms.
ii) Explain the role of structure, process and time in the development
of landforms.
c) Types of rocks.
Researched by Christine supervised by Kalema- Golooba.
For comments or suggestions, email Chritine at cnaluze@hotmail.com
and/or Kalema- Golooba at agkalema@hotmail.com