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Summer in Vegas:
Hot. And not in the Paris and Nicole "that's so *hot* right now" way either. It's painfully hot here right now, and most of my days consist of working and lounging by the pool, gettin' my sun on. As for my career, I'm currently employed as a Public Relations Coordinator for a plethora of associated businesses in the vibrant Las Vegas business community. I host two radio shows for KNEWS here in Vegas which are both conducive to the business in the city. When I'm not working, I'm following 311 around the country with a press pass and photographing them. To see some of my 311 Fotografia, you can visit: Shannon Blood, Professional 311 Photography

The notorious "taco flavoreed keeesses" picture.

Marissa, Abby, Me & Jessica

The, "what did Shaniqua do know" look. Generally followed by the "crossover" look.

My baby daddy. You know, except for the whole baby thing.

"Hey look! It's Mariah Carey and Tom Morello!"
Sahand is so hot right now. He brings the hype. People often confuse him for SA Martinez or Tom Morello, the entourage gets annoying.

Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana

Christina and I, on the world famous Bourbon Street.

If the expression on my face in this picture of myself and Tom doesn't capture the spirit of New Orleans, quite frankly, I really don't know what does.

My favorite Chicagoans, and my best friend Sarah, how we all survived a weekend in New Orleans together is completely and utterly beyond me.
"Mike: What are you doing, man?
Dave: Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, man....what the fuck are YOU doing?"
-During a long road trip

"Stop noticing things! What did I tell you about noticing things!"
-Chris, to his friend, while smoking the bad leaf
"Cheap tequila tastes like Mexican People trying to kill you."

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Links, schminks...(these are completely outdated, therefore, completely worthless)

Alpha Gamma Delta
My Dork

get this gear!
get this gear!

Since 5/10/02