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Free image hosting on The Last Defense

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Send in your Combat Mission related images for me to post here. Using this service, you can:

I will post any pictures that I feel are appropriate. This generally means Combat Mission, WWII, and history related pictures. However, to save space on the server, I will resize them so they are no bigger than 800x600 pixels. If you don't want me to shrink your pictures down, crop or resize them yourself so they are no bigger than 800x600. Pictures should be sent in JPEG or GIF format. Be sure to include your name and a brief description of the picture. I will try to post pictures no later than the day I recieve them, but I'm not making any gaurentees. Submit your pictures here!

Posted by: Cos
The little Stuart that could, playing Wild Bill Wilder's operation Stoblerg- Punching a Hole against the AI. Didn't realize the Stuart had knocked out a Panther G until the end of the operation. He had more kills then any of the Sherms, MD10s or Wildcats in the game. Rather proud of the little bugger.

Posted by: Bernard
Here's a picture of my regular M4A3 Sherm knocking out a King Tiger! Sgt. Novak fired one shot while going as fast as he could over some open ground! Wham.... the KT is toast! Who needs all the Pershings that's racing towards the front lines?