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Desert Home Educators Association


> History & Mission
> Membership
> Activities
> Calendar
> Monthly News
> Links
> Contacts

WELCOME! the home of the Desert Home Educators Association (DHEA) support group at Edwards Air Force Base. The first of its kind on this base!

Edwards Air Force Base, California is located about 90 miles northeast of Los Angeles, in the Antelope Valley. Our families include active duty military service members, their dependents, retired military, reserve, and other Department of Defense (DOD) affiliated members.

We feature a diverse yet dynamic array of parents who have similar interests and a common goal, to provide the best possible education for their children. Our group fosters active learning and the sharing of ideas through discussion groups, community involvement, field trips, and a variety of educational cooperatives.

Click on the links to learn more about DHEA. If you are currently home educating, thinking about starting, or would just like more information, we welcome you to contact us via email...or better yet, come to our next meeting!


- Page last updated on: 8 Mar 04 -

:: upcoming events ::

**The March newsletter is posted. For this month's events, refer to the Calendar section.**



For more information, contact us at