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Bad Dating Quiz

Remember to grab a sheet of paper and keep up with your answers. I will try to get the CGI-BIN situation straightened out, shortly.

(1:)Your cousin sets you up with a blind date; however, he turns out to be a balding middle-age man. What do you do?

Apologize politely, and explain that your girlfriend has decided to make up with you.

Go out with him, and call your lawyer to request he sue your cousin.

Explain that your cat is ill and needs you to stay home with him.

Tell him, I just found out I'm pregnant with a married man's child.

(2:)Your in love with your best friend's boyfriend. How do you handle it?

Snag him anyway, and lose a friend.

Do your best to break them up.

Change your name to "Carlotta," and move to Mexico.

Tell the boyfriend what she really did last weekend.

(3:)You're in love with two guys, at the same time. What do you do?

You decide to keep both, and say "To Hell with it!"

You drop both guys, and find a new love.

You introduce them and become a threesome.

You keep the best lover and toss the other guy.

(4:)You run into your ex-boyfriend, and he wants to be with you again. What do you do?

Introduce him to the new extremely good-looking boyfriend, and say "No Thanks!!!"

Introduce him to your new gorgeous-blonde girlfriend, and tell him "Things have changed a lot since high school."

Since you're not dating anyone, right now, you're desperate enough he looks good.

The sex was bad, the dates were worse, and you rather be with a toad than him.

(5:)The guy you're with wants to get married, but you're not ready yet, to marry. What do you do?

Say "yes," and move over-night.

Tell him that you only have 6-months to live, and that just isn't long enough for a marriage.

Introduce him to your mom. That should take care of the problem.

Tell him you're pregnant by another man.

(6:)You're tired of the guy you're dating. How do you get rid of him?

Over drinks, one night, you introduce him to your "new boyfriend."

Just be blunt, and tell him that you can't stand him.

Start making strange noises, and explain that the dog, next door, has been telling you to kill...kill!

Tell him that you have had better sex with a walrus, and then walk away.

(7:)You want to marry the guy you're with, but he wants kids and you don't. How do you handle it?

Insist that you love him, and tell him you're sterile.

Explain to him that kids are not part of the packaged deal.

Tell him your mother had kids, and look how you turned out.

Explain that your family has had 3-sets of octuplets, and you don't think you could handle that.

(8:)The man you're with was really a woman, at one time, and you've just found out. What do you do?

Threaten to make him into a woman again.

Tell him that explains the size differential, but you really aren't into a woman to woman relationship.

Buy a bottle of Jack Daniel's Sour Mash, and get snorted.

Tell him, "It's alright with me. I was once a man."

(9:)You've just found out you're pregnant, but you're not sure if it is your boyfriend's baby. How do you handle it?

Marry him and hope it wasn't Chang's baby.

Tell him that you're pregnant, but the baby could look like his best-friend.

Tell him you're not pregnant, you're just been retaining water..for several months now.

Marry him and hope the baby is a blonde, like both of you.

(10:)You've just caught your boyfriend cheating, with your best-friend. What do you do?

Tell your boyfriend, now that he has slept with her, you thought he should know that the girl has Herpes Simplex II.

Introduce him to your brother, Bubba, and his set of clamps.

Tell him that you hope the sex, they had, was better than the sex you had with the best-friend.

Tell your best-friend that she can have him, and his boyfriend, for all you care.

To find out what type of date you are?

My Dating Tude