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The Interactive Poem

Though blooms my heart in the maiden cart,

My life shall not be whole,

As down I stride a street so wide,

The tapestry of my soul.

Where once was found a maiden bound,

To lectures of the morals,

My life was led to men in bed,

For need of starvations tomorrow.

They say a life, so full of strife,

Is not much worth the living,

The bad winds howl for those who bow,

And cannot do the giving.

If you would like to add a new verse to this poem, please send an email with verse submission in the subject line. Include, if you wish, a link to your site, or an email address where people may send you feedback. Bear in mind that we are rated PG -- :O)

Thank you,

Donna F. Wilson, and Mechele R. Dillard.