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What Kind of Friend are You?

(1)your friend cuts her hair, and ask you how you like it? Do you?

Lie, tell her it looks great, and add, "I wish I could wear my hair that way."

Tell her, her hair looks interesting, but is she sure it is really her style?

Ask her why she cut her hair like that?

You ask, "Do you have any idea how bad that looks? Well, do you?"

(2)Your best-friend tells you that she has an STD, but she doesn't want anyone else to know. Who do you tell first?

No one, because she confided in you, and you're a true friend.

Her mother, because you feel like she should know.

Her boyfriend, because he may not have the STD yet.

Everyone, because you really don't like her, and it was your boyfriend that she got the STD from, while sleeping with him.

(3)Your best-friend is dating a real creep. How do you handle it?

You say nothing, because you know she is smart and will figure it out.

Talk to her mother and get her opinion of the guy.

Talk all your other friends into ganging up on her, about the guy.

Tell her that you can't stand the guy, and it's either you, or him.

(4)Your best-friend has been doing drugs behind your back. How do you handle it?

Try to help her -- she's your best-friend -- and try to talk her into seeking counceling.

Talk to your mutual friends, and ask them to help you, help her.

Take her to a clinic for drug-addicts, so that she can see where she is headed if she doesn't get off the drugs.

Tell her, "Adios chic, cause I'm not getting busted for anyone's sake. "

(5)Your best-friend has been saying mean things behind your back. What do you do about it?

Make sure she is actually saying mean things about you, after all, she is your best-friend.

Ask her why she is angry, and why she is saying mean things about you?

Tell her to put a sock in it, or you will put a fist in her face.

Tell every secret that she has ever told you. And, make sure it gets back to her.

(6) Your best-friend asks to borrow your favorite black blouse, and brings it back with a large bleach spot on it. What do you do?

You tell her, "It's okay, but please be careful the next time you borrow something of mine."

You tell her it's "okay," but you're not going to let her borrow anymore of your clothes.

You ask her to buy you a new blouse to replace the one she ruined.

You borrow something of hers, something really special, and you ruin it.

(7)Your best-friend is getting on your nerves. What do you do about it?

Because, she is your best-friend, you should be able to point out to her what it is that she is doing that is bothering you.

Tell her to "Please," quit being so annoying.

Tell her you've had it with her, and she needs to stop her bad habit of annoying you.

Tell her, you can't take it anymore and you don't want to be her friend, anymore.

(8)Your best-friend, who says she does it for your benefit, is always making you feel bad about yourself. How do you handle it?

She's not your best-friend, because best-friends don't do that to you.

You begin to assess your faults, and think that maybe she is right.

You begin to realize that everything that she finds wrong with you, are things that she is guilty of doing too.

You tell her that you want to be as good a friend to her, as she is to you, and start pointing out all of her little flaws.

(9)Your best-friend is gorgeous and your plain. How do you handle it?

You realize that all things that make her gorgeous, are all things that made you want to be her friend.

You know that looks, aren't everything, and you think you have a lot of good qualities, as well.

You wish that you could be more like her, but you know that it is impossible.

You only hang around her because she gets all the guys, and you get her scraps.

(10)Your best-friend drives to fast, tailgates, and in general, scares you to death. How do you handle it?

You insist upon driving as much as possible.

You ask if you can drive, because you get car-sick easily.

You tell her, she's a rolling hazard.

Everytime, she mentions driving with you somewhere, you say, Ya, right!

What Kind of Friend are You?

Me,a friend?