Sukhoi Su-24 "Fencer-A/B/C/D/E/F" General (Su-24 "Fencer-A", "Fencer-B": SPO-10 radar warning recievers on wingroot leading edges; Geran-F active jamming system; all controlled by Neon-F control unit and linked to Automat-F chaff/flare dispensers; standard 24 chaff/flares in two AAP-50 12-round dispensors on sides of rear fuselage.2
Su-24 "Fencer-C" (long range strike aircraft): Triangular SPO-15 RWR antennas added to sides of engine air intakes and below fincap from Series 24, terminating at Series 27. Puma nav/attack system included RWR/elint functions.2 Su-24M "Fencer-D" (improved strike aircraft): Karpati integrated defensive system with SPO-15C (alternative translation SRO-15) Beryoza or -155 radar warning receivers on sides of engine air intakes and tail fin; LO-82 Mak-UL missile warning receivers above centre-fuselage and below front fuselage;
Su-24M "Fencer-D Mod" (improved strike aircraft): Large overwing fences integral with extended wingroot glove pylons, sometimes incorporating 27-round chaff/flare dispensers (nine-shot launchers); provision for 48-round APP-50A chaff/flare dispensers above rear fuselage, on each side of fin; aircraft supplied to Iran have 54 chaff/flares in wing fence dispensers.2
Su-24MK "Fencer-D" (export of above): Aircraft supplied to Iran have 54 chaff/flares in wing fence dispensers, in addition to standard 24 on sides of rear fuselage.2
Su-24MR "Fencer-E" (tactical reconnaissance variant): Apparently the same as on "Fencer-D".
Su-24MP "Fencer-F" (EW, sigint): Electronic warfare/jamming/sigint variant to replace Yak-28PP `Brewer-E'; dielectric nose panels differing from those of Su-24MR; under-nose narrow long-chord antenna fairing; `hockey stick' communications-jamming antenna at bottom of fuselage under nose section of each engine air intake; centreline SPS-5 Fasol EW pod. Starboard cockpit display panels replaced by EW console; some aircraft had narrow fairing on spine, behind cockpit.2