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    Quote of the day

Our Pages
Gail's Page has topics and links on:  Quilting,  Cross-stitch,  Crafts, 

Laboratory Science,  Household Info and more

Larry's Page has topics and links on: Kentucky Raceway,  K C Raceway

at Alma, Ohio,   NASCAR Racing,  Portsmouth Raceway Park,  Harley

Davidson motorcycle,  Firearms Coalition,  NHRA Drag Racing, 

Openwheel,  How things work and more

Our Story, It's about us

Family Album,   Restricted    Password required

News T.V. and Newspaper News
Weather The National Weather Service
Legal Paralegal and Law related
Helpful sites Useful Information
The rip off report
Speed Trap Exchange, and more
Interesting links Just Interesting things such as:
Road Train,   A road tractor pulling seven trailers on the highway
an outdoor drama,
Ohio Exploration,
Mothman lives,
The Truckin Bozo
and more
Hobbies Amateur (Ham) Radio and short wave radio information
The Old Farmers Almanac The Almanac is North America's oldest published periodical
Diabetic Information Resources, recipes, and self management
The Paranormal UFO'S, Ghosts, Space images, Talk Shows
Schools Schools that we have attended

Rock Hill High School Alumni


and  Rock Hill Alumni


In memory of  Kenneth Cochran

March 21, 1945 - December 13, 2005


Problems,or suggestions e-mail webmaster



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This site last updated on 4/13/08

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