Become Minos, the Infernal Judge, and choose to which level of my site you wish to descend.

*The Graveyard: Fleeting temporal moments transfered to light sensative paper decorate Level 2.

*Degenerate Art: Level 3 contains crude drawings and perhaps one day, paintings. Critics rated this page 'amatuerish at best.' Then I ate them.

*Void: Level 4 is under renovation.

*Clan: in Level 5, I briefly described a few chaps I had once known.

*Dirges: in Level 6 I write of the terrible mussak with which my simple world is cacophinated; it's like coffee but different.

*Brilliance: Level 7 records some of the most profound thoughts you or I shall ever be blessed enough to experience.

*Stories: The compelling spectacle that is my life is described here, in sucessive chapters, each more thrilling that the last in Level 8

*Links: Find in Level 9 a list of websites far more informative, exciting or downright interesting than this one... just kidding. They're alright I suppose.