Shawn Michaels, the Icon, The Showstoppa, the Main Event some call him. Why doesn't anyone respect him though? Shawn Michaels has to be the least respected competitor in WWE Explosion. He's the WWE-X World Heavyweight champion, and people like Triple H expect him to be afraid. Shawn was there, he saw Kurt Angle take the beating of his life at the hands of Evolution. And Shawn wonders, he's pondering, he's contemplating, and speculating as to why the hell Triple H threatens to fire everybody. Michaels could hear it, and he's even watched it over and over within the past couple of nights. He wants to repeatedly see the look in Hunter's face when he was pounding Kurt Angle with that sledgehammer. He loves to watch the fire in Triple H's face. He knows what the title means to Triple H, and Shawn will admit to you any day that it means a lot more to Triple H than it does HBK. Why? Because as he's said many times, the champion is supposed to live within. The Champion that is Shawn Michaels isn't represented by that title, it's by the heart shown inside Shawn. This means, that if the title goes, Shawn Michaels is STILL the champ. The WWE Explosion logo flashes, and Shawn Michaels is shown walking through a beautiful rain forest. Birds are chirping in the background, and Shawn has to throw the dangling leaves of pretty big trees. It's a great rain forest, Shawn seems to be relaxing. Not a care in the world is what it seems even though he has to defend his title inside of the elimination chamber this coming Wednesday. Shawn walks over in between two big trees, in between them lay a huge hammock. Shawn turns, and smiles. He then jumps into the hammock and it rolls on him! Shawn is dumped out onto the soft grass and laughs. He smiles big and wide and makes a second attempt. He balances himself, holding the sides and finally stops rocking. He relaxes now, he's safely still. By the way, he still holds that World title right over his shoulder.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
It's great to be The Heartbreak Kid. You don't have to have a worry in the world anymore. Here I lay, the WWE Explosion World Heavyweight champion. Yet I, Shawn Michaels...The Showstopper can sit here in a beautiful rain forest without a care in the entire world. All you people sit at home, and you wonder, "How Shawn? Please tell us how you can be so laid back and calm knowing you have Triple H on the prowl with a sledgehammer, a beaten and angry Kurt Angle, an always angry Batista, an athlete like Chris Jericho, and a youngster with the energy of Randy Orton all going for your title?" Well, it's quite simple, you see I've already won the Elimination Chamber. I won the first ever elimination chamber. If I win, you won't see a tear drop from Shawn Michaels. You will see a celebration like never before because Shawn Michaels is the champion! You won't see crying, you won't see me emotional, because I've done it before. I've beaten Triple H, and Chris Jericho both inside the elimination chamber before. There is no reason for me to get overwhelmed by any pay-per view victories because it's all repetitive. And you might ask "Well, Shawn what about the World title? Doesn't it count if you keep it?" You ask me that, I'll simply tell you, "nope." The 'Heartbreak Kid' is an Icon in this business, I'm a legend in this business. I was one of the first six to step into the elimination chamber, and guess who walked out the World Heavyweight champion then? If you guessed it was 'H B K' then my friend you are absolutely right.

Shawn reaches into his bulging pocket and pulls out a cord. He yanks out a big portable CD player and his headphones. He holds it up and smiles and laughs to himself. Shawn crosses his ankles laying in the hammock and relaxes as he places the phones over his head and punches a couple buttons on the base. He lays his head back as the music starts playing and can be heard. Shawn is humming the song to himself as it plays in his ears...

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Alter Bridge, not my usual choice of music but what's better? I mean I'm here, it's great out here. Wife's back at the hotel with little Cameron and I don't have to listen to any begging from him or any crying either, haha. Love the ole family though, it's my life. Wrestling is also my life, but come on, it's family. Ha, it's funny I should bring up family at this time. Triple H doesn't know how to handle his. He finds out he's about to have a family and what happens next? He walks away! He walks away from wrestling..he walks away from everything just because he finds out that he's gonna be a daddy! Well, Trip it seems as if you've almost overcome your fears man. The way you reacted to finding out, I can only imagine the butterflies buzzin around in your gut when you think about going into that delivery room coaching Stephanie on. "Breathe Steph! Come on! You can do this! You can--" and then you faint! Kerplunk! Straight to the floor, Hunter. It's all too much for you, and why you put yourself in a title match? I really have no idea as to why you did, but you're gonna have to face the consequences. I'm gonna make absolutely sure to kick your face in...and that'll be the first male your ugly little kid sees. It'll be the battered, bruised, broken, beaten face of his no...good...father! But Trip, that's beside the point. I really couldn't care less about your soon to be family...what I care about is taking care of mine, and going into that chamber and doing what I always do. I'm gonna entertain, Jack! I'm gonna electrify like only H B K can! Nobody...I said nobody outperforms Shawn Michaels in big time pay-per view matches. You set up the opponent, and I will outperform him. The Hell in A Cell...1997...Shawn Michaels, Undertaker. You remember Triple H, you were standing right there at ringside at one time. You were outside the cell, you saw me as I was rammed face first into that thing. You were watching as I was slammed on top of it, thrown back first into it, and you watched and almost peed on yourself when I went flying off the top of that thing. That thing's dangerous, and you know because you've been in there before, hell you've been in there with ME before. I outperformed you in that match, Hunter. When Shawn Michaels gets into the ring in a huge pay-per view title match, there is no out doing me. When I get into the ring I will not do it half-assed if you will. I will not cut slack on my opponent, or cheat myself out of the win. If I don't give it my all, I don't survive in there. This isn't all directed at Triple H either. Angle, in your hospital bed somewhere I want your eyes glued to the screen or the newspaper wherever you happen to hear about this. Jericho you sit up in New York City and you staple your face to the screen. Batista, you crawl outta your hole and find the nearest homeless guy sleeping on the latest newspaper and you read, or get your mama to read it to you. Orton, if you can't take your tongue outta Stacy's rectal cavity, at least cut your eyes over at the TV and make sure it's not on the Playboy channel...turn to the news and watch it. I don't care, have a NFL Sunday party and see it all at once, but everyone in the chamber, every wrestler backstage, hell...every fan had better remember one thing: I am Shawn Michaels, I am the Heartbreak Kid, and I don't get outdone in title matches. My record tops any other record immaginable. I've had more pay-per view victories than the Dudley's have tag title reigns. I have more big pay-per view matches then Michael Jackson has plastic surgeries. I have more entertaining moves in my arsenal than John Wayne has movie shootouts. I have more big matches than Ric Flair has years under his belt. There is nothing that can be compared to me when I get into the ring at a pay-per view. Angle's great wrestling ability doesn't match my ability to entertain. Randy Orton's potential isn't enough to overcome that of The Heartbreak Kid's heart. Batista's evil ways don't outdo Shawn Michaels's good will. Jericho's ego isn't nearly as big as mine is. I have something that the rest of you guys will NEVER have and that is the be the BEST! Ain't nobody crazy enough to do this gig, except for the Heartbreak Kid! This title that you see laying here over me just means that I am STILL...better than YOU!

Just then, Shawn Michaels is very surprised that he falls over out of his hammock again. Shawn Michaels hits the dirt hard, and the title falls and knocks Shawn on the head. Shawn holds the top of his head, rubbing it at Torrie Wilson walks up to Shawn standing over him, hands on her hips laughing at Shawn.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
*laughs* Shawn.. WHAT.. are you doing down there?

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Umm, nothing. I..I fell

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
You fell? Shawn Michaels.. were you off in your own little world again dreaming about me and it made you so hot you fell off your hammock * looks at him all serious and then laughs* im just kidding.. so what are you doing here.. thinking about your match?

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Yeah, that and hurtin. *rubs his head* Yeah I'm thinkin about the match. It's huge, and I hear you got a big one as well.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Yes i do.. god Shawn.. for the first time i can honestly say im nervous about this one *sits down in the hammock almost falling herself* whoa... *straightens herself* i just dont want to lose this title as im sure you dont either..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
You should watch out, that thing's unstable. *stands up finally, picking up his title* And I don't think you should be nervous. Sure nothing's easy, but you can do it if you stay focused. Nervousness isn't the answer, try to shake the pressure.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Well what do you do to shake the pressure... maybe you could help me... actually i came here because of that.. you see your a champion.. you know what its like to have the title be your life and not want to lose it. I was thinking maybe you could help me..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Well, first of all you shouldn't go around sitting in thing's that don't belong to you. Example: The hammock you're laying in. *smiles wide, laughing* No, but first I couldn't shake it. The pressure is always there, you just have to overcome it. Do what I do, or WAS doing...relax, I don't go around training all the time for two reasons. One: I've done so much, and remember I'm 39 now, I don't need to be lifting weights all the time. And number two: Physical ability isn't everything...the ability to be the champion is here *points to his heart* and here *points to his head* All there is to it

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Whoa.. ive never had someone explain it to me that way. It all makes sense now.. and you know its not that im scared of those two.. i guess im just scared that ill make a mistake. I worry too much though.. like right now.. im worried im gonna fall like you did so im getting up *laughs and stands up* so are you ready for your match.. hell of a lot of talent in that chamber..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Yeah, good idea, I've fallen outta that thing twice. And you didn't have to tell me you're not afraid. You wouldn't be champion if you were afraid. I was trying to block it out, but I think you asked me, Shawn Michaels, The Heartbreak Kid if he was ready for his match? Torrie, H B K doesn't go into a World title match unprepared. As for the talent in the chamber...answer me: How many of them have the talent equal to that of Shawn Michaels.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
I dont know if you want me to answer that... two of those guys are my friends.. evolution members.. saying something against them would certainly come back to bite me in the ass..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
*laughs* Hehe, bite you in the ass. Well, if they were really your friends they'd understand that the truth hurts, Torrie. Before I continue I'd like to ask...why're you coming to me for the advice of a champion? Triple H is Evolution member as well as a friend. He's closest to you, I'm just curious to know why you didn't ask him.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
To be honest.. Triple H isnt the most understanding guy to talk to. You say something to him and its like talking to a wall.Im not saying he hasnt got the talent because hell! everyone knows how many times he has been champion and how good he is.. i just dont feel the guys in Evolution are understandable when it comes to this stuff..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Oooh! Airheads is what we call it in Texas. I'm not too sure about Idaho. And I do understand it, I used to have the misfortune of trying to get through to Triple H. Honestly, I'd rather watch paint dry. Just for the record, I told Stacy, I'm telling you: You don't need them you know. An independant champion is a better champion. Do you deserve it? Sure you do, but there's always that question no matter how successful you are it'll be there. "Could she do it alone, or did she NEED the help?" Just like it with me, Triple H still thinks I am as good as I am because of him! Which has been proven wrong.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Oh please... thats a bunch of crap. You are where you are because of YOU.. and no body else. Anyone who thinks different has a few screws loose.. but at least you get respect as a champion. Im undefeated yet people still to this day call me names and say i cant wrestle even after i proved them wrong..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Yes, of course you can wrestle. I've seen you in the ring before, it's nothing new to me. You've proven looks aren't everything, and it's all evident in your title. I've held it, I've done so much that it's not all about the title. That's why I can say the champion is both mind and heart...not all about physicalities. Torrie, the next person that says you can't do it, hit em with a fist and tell em that you CAN wrestle, cuz H B K said so!

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Ill remember that.. but hey.. thanks for the talk *smiles* it helped a lot.. i guess ill leave you alone now.. i know you've got your relaxin and that to do..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Sure thing Torrie. This isn't the first talk we've had. Just do me a favor and don't forget what old man Michaels had to tell you about the ability you have, the will to win, the prestige of holding a title...and the people you hang with. THAT is what's gonna bite you in the ass sooner or later. But do me a favor: watch your back, stay outta trouble, and please...retain the title, one for ole H B K.

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Torrie 'Playboy Covergirl' Wilson«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Of course.. and i want to see you with the title after Unforgiven.. if not.. ill kick your ass myself *smiles*

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
Wow..some kinda motivation technique you got there. I think it works, I'm scared to death now! We'll take care of yourself, I can't do EVERYTHING!! *Shawn smiles playfully*

Shawn Michaels grabs his title, and he and Torrie walk their way out of the nice little rain forest and Shawn says his goodbyes and waves as Torrie goes off in the other direction. Shawn shakes his head and straightens his ponytail..

×÷·.·´¯`·)»Shawn 'H B K' Michaels«(·´¯`·.·÷×
There's a true Women's champion. Trish, Gail, don't you forget it. She's comin for you..the champion doesn't have to be the prey all the time. Just like I'm gonna come at Jericho, at Angle, at Batista, at Orton with fire! Don't look into the eyes, or you might just get your heart broken! But I'll let you 5 guys come to me! Which is a mistake...don't hunt...what you can't KILL!

Shawn Michaels turns after Torrie is out of sight. He walks into the door of his cabin and greets his little son. The door closes and the camera gets a shot of the nice cabin as the scene fades away.