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Trini, the Yellow Ranger

Trini is quiet, spiritual, and honorable. She believes in a fair fight, and has practiced the Mantis style of Kung Fu. Although quiet, Trini is very strong willed and courageous. Trini now fights for peace in a different way - at a peace conference in Switzerland. *KILL THE WRITERS*

Trini got the Sabretooth Tiger Power Coin, giving her the power of the Sabretooth Tiger, and control of the Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord. Yellow Ranger's power weapon are the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing.(except when they're eaten) Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Trini gained enhanced strength, speed, and durablity, like the rest of them.

Here are two of the zords Trini used.

The Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord, and the Griffen Thunderzord.

Trini's weapons, the Power Daggers.
