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Quake news

Clans i've been in:

Saturday, January 13th: I participated in my first clan war with Lt. We fought AOD-the Angels of Death-at the Donut Shop. AOD fought real well, but they left at the second round of the war, so we won. Quad got second and I got third, and someone from AOD got first, but we got more frags. This is the first time I have seen such extreme action from members Chunkster, DangerGirl, Vette, and Quad! Great war to both the Angels of Death and Lt! TripWires are the best medicine! -STONEWALL
Monday, January 15th: I've just been informed of another clan war. We will be fighting Viper on Saturday. -Lt.STONEWALL
Saturday, January 20th: Well Viper didn't show, so we basically won. Vette, Shadow, and I were there, so you can pretty much give us the credit for "winning" the war. I gave DG a clip of who all was there to put in the Clan War section as proof. I had some problems with Laz's Lair, though, but it should get fixed soon -Lt.STONEWALL

I usually am found on around 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Central Time.

Look for me on these servers:
QUAKE: (port 26001),,,,,
QUAKE 2: Laz's Lair and the Donut Shop

Check DangerGirl's page to see what the addys to those servers are.
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