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My Piece O' Junk

For those of you that don't know me, my name pen name is Brooke Smith. I am fourteen and I live in Washington State with my family. I enjoy music, sports, being with friends and playing on the computer. You can learn little bits about me throughout this page. It isn't much but it is all my abilities are good for at this point. Thanks for taking the time to visit, please come again and feel free to post your input on my guestbook before you leave. Thanks again, Brooke.
If you know of anyway I can make this page better, please feel free to inform me.

Sign my guestbook! : ) NOW! *grin*
My Lyrics Page!!
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My Friend Steff's Page
My IRC Page
My Fav Radio Station's Page
Stuff About Moi
Angelfire Free Homepages
