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A Publication of Calicut Medical College Alumni Association.

Book II No. 2 (For Circulation Among Members Only) January 1999


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Editorial (Contd/…..)

States the general principles of Code Of Medical Ethics. Recommending material for work, of course, includes prescription of drugs for treatment. It is beyond doubt that the acceptance of any gift or gratuity in this regard is violation of code of ethics. Aren’t we, then to review our current stand on accepting gifts or sponsorships from pharmaceuticals or appliance manufacturers ? "It is the dictum of the day" ! Stated by some !. A wrong thing, in anyway cannot be a dictum, it goes without saying. "A small gift is accepted just to remember a product of a firm" some confess. Forget the cost of the gift. It can be a pen or a big refrigerator. Whether it is small or big depends on the outlook of the doctor. If gifts are taken as a token to remember products, there must be a computerized system to recollect the gifts received !! "What is wrong in accepting a sponsorship, if we are not recommending their products with a bias?" Asks another! Visiting a brothel usually means going for a sin. If otherwise precautions has to be taken, or the doctor may get wrongly labelled. "A doctor must not allow himself to be influenced merely by motives of profit" states The International Code Of Ethics (London, 1949) .Accepting a gift is a gesture of allowing to be influenced. Whether he was actually influenced or not is another matter. There is a tendency nowadays to state that there is nothing wrong in getting academic programmes sponsored by these firms. After all they are academic service. But we have to realize that the expenses of academic education programmes can be easily met with the registration fee lined to suit the same? The sponsorship on other hand is almost always used for extravaganza. This is to be strongly checked. All details of drugs have to be availed from Classical text books, journals, teachings or from experienced medical men, and not from the pharmaceuticals. Firms can inform about their drugs through pamphlets. One cannot make them serve anything more, concerning your field of work. The money they spend for these are obtained by selling drugs, which in turn is captured from the unfortunate patient victims. If doctors are not partisan for indirectly accepting parts of their profits, they can cut short the unnecessary profits which surely will enable them to sell their products still cheaper. Why should we stand in their way ? Regards, -------- Dr. Joseph. T. John, Secretary.

" Dhosthie "

The Alumni Day ! On Sunday, the 21st of November 1999

-------- Alumni Oration, Get Together, 18th batch Reunion, Cultural Meet, General Body, Elections --------

Association Calendar ‘99 Association Calendar ‘99

CMC Alumni Academic Session


(on Thursdays at 7PM in Biochemistry Lecture Hall)

21.01.99 : ‘Rheumatic Fever’ : Dr. M.N. Krishnan, MD; DM, Professor of Cardiology

28.01.99 : ‘Outlook On Malaria, With Special Emphasis On Control’: Dr. K. Leelamoni, MD; DPH, Professor of Community Medicine

11.02.99 : ‘Tuberculosis In Children’: Dr. K. Narayanadas, DCH, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics

25.02.99 : ‘Brain Death And Organ Transplantation’: Dr. P. Sanal Kumar, MS; MCh, Professor of Neurosurgery

11.03.99 : ‘Correlative Imaging’: Dr. P.V. Ramachandran, MD,Professor of Radiodiagnosis

25.03.99 : ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’: Dr. A.S. Girija, MD; DM, Professor of Neurology

08.04.99 : "Surgery For Pancreatic Diseases’: Dr. P. Rajan, MS; FRCS, Assistant Professor of Surgery

22.04.99 : "Medicolegal Aspects Of Death Due To Poisoning’: Dr. M.R. Chandran, MD; L.L.B, Professor of Forensic Medicine

10.06.99 : ‘Immunopathogenesis Of Rabies’:Dr. Shamsul Kareem, MD, Professor of Microbiology

24.06.99 : ‘Medical Genetics’: Dr. Arivu Selvan, MS, Assistant Professor of Anatomy

15.07.99 : ‘Subarachnoid Haemorrhage’: Dr. Jacob P. Alappat, MS; MCh; DNB; FRCS; FRCS, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

29.07.99 : ‘Medical Web Sites’: Dr. K.P. Aravindan, MD, Associate Professor of Pathology

05.08.99 : ‘Valvular Heart Diseases’: Dr. Johnson Francis, MD; DM, Assistant Professor of Cardiology

19.08.99 : ‘Nitric Oxide In Drug Design’: Dr. K. Parvathy, MD, Associate Professor of Biochemistry

09.09.99 : ‘Sleep And Its Disorders’: Dr. C. Geetha, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

23.09.99 : ‘Physiology Of Pain’: Dr. Annamma Mathew, MD, Professor of Physiology

14.10.99 : ‘Nitric Oxide, The Exciting Molecule’: Dr. C. Asokan Nambiar, MD; DM; FICS, Former Professor & Chief of Cardiology

28.10.99 : ‘Facts And Fears About The Pill’: Dr. V. Rajasekharan Nair, MD, Associate Professor of Obst. & Gyn.

11.11.99 : ‘Bronchial Asthma’: Dr. K.P. Govindan, MD; DPMH, Professor of TB & Chest

25.11.99 : ‘Acute Leukemias An Overview And Recent Trends In Management’: Dr. P.K. Sasidharan, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine

09.12.99 : ‘Paediatric Problems In Gastroenterology : Dr. A.Riyaz, MD; DCH; DNB; DM, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics

Attention ! ! ! !

Members are requested to kindly inform change of address to The Secretary, CMC Alumni Association, Medical College, Calicut – 673 008 at the earliest to avoid non receipt of communications.

CMC Alumni Cultural Session (CACS)

10.03.99 (Wednesday 7 pm) : "Diga Diga" – Auditorium, Medical College, Calicut

21.07.99 (Wednesday 7 pm) : "Dhwani" – Auditorium, Medical College, Calicut

21.11.99 (Sunday 9 am to 12 midnight) : "Dhosthie" – Auditorium, Medical College, Calicut

  • (Alumni Day, Get Together, 18th Batch Reunion, Oration, Cultural Meet, General Body, Election)

    (on Sundays, 11 AM, Mini Hall, Calicut Tower)





    02.01.2000 – Installation of New Office bearers