Buffy to the Future

Note: Aha! Another attempt of mine of fanfic and rp. Again, this was a joint effort with Inny and me. Again, we have Rafe. Why? Because he is sooo cute! It's a Buffy-Rafe adventure and obviously as the name would show this has Buffy blasting into the future. Why and how? That is what you gotta read to find out! Have fun.

Prologue: Micah Ashbourne flipped a page of the Book of Prophecies. He stopped and frowned over a drawing of a beautiful woman. He did a double take as he saw that the woman had a strange crescent tiara on her head and a star marking on her forehead. He paused his flipping and read the text below it. "Brynea" he read. "The demon of Loudin. A most powerful creature. It is prophesied that on a day of the longest night she will rise. Moreover, the sun shall be swallowed, the stars shall weep, and the moon shall turn away from the world. Her power holds great sway over a man's desires. She is able to change her shape and conjure many objects. Once she raises only the most powerful Slayer can combat her." Micah frowned at this. He stopped to wonder if he was being paranoid. "Raven! Come here and look at this!" he called out to his companion.

"What?! Can't you see I'm busy?" Raven was perched on the edge of the table trying to re-light her cigarette with an empty lighter.

Micah sighed impatiently. "Damnit just leave the bloody cigarette alone and come over here!" he shouted in frustration. Honestly, that raven can be so.... Annoying. "Surely the end of the world can be more important than your stupid cigarette Raven!" he said in a more moderated voice.

"What!" Raven looked up startled. The lighter lit causing her to burn her finger. "Damnit. The only flame out of that dame thing in a week and I waste it on my finger. Now what do you want?" She said walking over to him, sucking on her finger.

Micah gritted his teeth. "What do you think?" he asked in a half-snarl. "I want you to read this and give me your interpretation of course. What you think I just told you that this could be the end of the world and I want you to hold me and bring me my teddy?" This woman really grates on my nerve he thought. Why oh why was I assigned to work with this utterly unprofessional shallow brat? He blew out a breath and showed her the book. He pointed at the picture. "This!"

Raven took the book in her good hand and raised an eyebrow at him; "You still have a teddy?" She asked, and then she quickly looked down at the book, so he could not yell at her again. She looked at the picture, "Hey, I remember this chick, it's Brynea, The Demon of Loudin."

Micah refused to answer such a ridiculous question. "Why thank you Raven there was no way I could have known that even with the words below the drawing Brynea the demon of Loudin in big block letters in all caps. " he said sarcastically. "Read it and try to understand. If it isn't much too taxing for you that is,” he said in mock-sweetness.

"Oh, thank you luv," Raven responded in the same tone. "But, unlike you, I don't have to." She said tossing the book at him. "It basically says that this demon, is going to be raised at the thousand year equinox. Hence..." Raven looked at Micah worriedly, "...next month..." She trailed off. "I think we should go to the Watchers Council now.

Micah nodded gravely. For once, he agreed with Raven. He turned away, walked out the door, and called for Julian the Head of the Council.

Julian walked to Micah his head bowed looking in the throes of deep thought. "Micah you wished to speak to me?" he asked in his calm quiet voice.

"Yes it's it a matter of great importance and urgency. Sir you must call for a meeting." Micah said his voice tinged with anxiety. Something in Micah's tone convinced Julian and he turned and clapped his hand. "Bellringer signal for a meeting of the Council" Julian commanded. "This had best be important Micah. We are all quite busy and this meeting could seriously interrupt our duties." Julian said.

Micah nodded. "I assure you sir. This is no light matter,” he said somberly.

Raven waited until Julian left the room and then turned to Micah, "Speaking of light, you got any matches on you?" Raven held out her cigarette as if he needed an explanation.

Bells could be heard ringing throughout the Watchers Complex and telephones were probably ringing in the homes of several watchers who did not live at the complex.

Micah gave Raven a level look. "This is neither the time nor place for such a destructive vice as yours to be indulged in. I suggest that you find someone else who will 'give you a damned light'" he said severely. He then pivoted on hie foot and walked off towards the meeting room.

Raven followed after him, mumbling something about, slamming the Book of Micata upside his head, when she saw the other watchers entering the meeting room. She entered and grabbed a seat next to Julian, and Micah. She sat down and drummed her fingers nervously on the table.

Julian pounded the gravel on the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen please quiet down. I call to order this meeting of the Watcher's Council." he called out. On cue the members quieted down and looked at Julian. "One of our young Watcher's has found a curious matter he believes to be of great importance." He turned to Micah and gave him the floor.

"Fellow Watcher's something of a very dangerous article has been brought to my attention."

Raven continued to drum her fingers on the table, only softly now. She stared at Micah, as he went on in his stuffy way of trying to explain the importance of the thousand-year equinox.

"It seems that a long time ago this prophecy was made. That after a thousand years a demon one of the most powerful beings in hell shall rise and devour the Earth. Not devour it in the real sense. It will merely try to open the portal of hell in Boca Del Inferno and then it will most likely indeed have the demons devour the Earth. Darkness shall utterly surround us that the "sun shall be swallowed" and violence will be so great that "the stars shall weep" and that there shall be incredible evil that "the moon will hide it's face" It is said that only the most powerful Slayer shall be able to stop this from happening." he continued earnestly. "Now gentlemen and ladies of the council. I urge of you to take this matter seriously and turn your minds into who is the most powerful Slayer. Who shall be the One to stop this menace, Brynea the demon of Loudin, from destroying us? This question I leave to you." Micah turned and left the podium and sat down beside Raven, taking a deep tremulous breath, "I'm not good at speaking in public." he muttered to himself.

"Oh, don't worry 'bout it luv, you did fine." She whispered to him. Then she added under her breath, "If you were trying to bore them, or confuse them entirely." "Now about this slayer, what about our current one? Can't she take care of this demon?" Raven asked the council. Julian cleared his throat.

"Thank you Raven but I'm afraid that our current Slayer won't do much against this demon. You see she is, uh, dead." he said a bit apologetically. "And we do not have the time to find our train the new Slayer. I'm afraid we have no other options."

Micah frowned as this went on he thought deeply. Who? Who is the greatest Slayer? Surely, the prophet would not have said the greatest Slayer if it had not lived in their time. Then it hit him. The greatest Slayer! They could not possibly determine if the current Slayer were the greatest for there would always be other Slayers who could be better. Moreover, that left...”How about the past Slayers Micah heard himself ask. Every head turned towards at him and he blushed.

He ducked his head when Julian asked. "I beg your pardon Micah?" "Well sir it seems to me that if we want our greatest Slayer we turn our thoughts towards the past Slayers." Micah explained timidly.

Raven giggled at Micah's sudden out burst. God, sometimes he's too serious for his own good She thought. "Who did you have in mind, Micah?" She asked him.

"Well, er, I have been reading through the Watcher's diaries and it seems to me that our best option would be..." he waited a beat. "Buffy Summers the Slayer of the 90's" he said.

Raven could not help but bursting out laughing. "Buffy Summers! You think she is our best choice? Why she's as uncontrollable as me!" She almost fell out over her chair laughing.

Micah sniffed indignantly at the hysterical Raven. "I do believe she is the best choice,” he said stiffly. "She has faced the Master, Samhuinn, so many evil creatures and demons. She was a very special Slayer. According to her Watcher's dairy she learned the art if fighting and weaponry rather quickly. She is definitely our best choice." he repeated. He turned towards to Julian who had the power to veto or not his suggestion. "Well sir? What do you think?" he asked.

Julian was staring at Raven, and barely heard Micah. "What? Oh, yes right, Buffy Summers very well then. Raven are you quite all right?" He asked worriedly. Raven was holding her sides, with tears streaming down her face, her mouth open in a silent laugh.

"Y-Yes sir, I'm fiiine." She said still laughing.

Micah gave Raven a look of acute dislike. He secretly admired Buffy, he had been a bit infatuated with her since he had read about her adventures and seen a photograph of her. He knew she was brave and strong. He liked that. He had not shared his feeling on the subject with anyone else knowing that they would feel scorn for him. Imagine admiring a dead woman! However, he did and he did not want anyone especially Raven to take knocks at her.

Raven glanced at Micah, when she got control of herself. She felt bad for laughing at him, but it was the way she was. She spoke her mind, no matter whom to.

"Is it settled then?" Julian asked. "Our Slayer will be Buffy Summers?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Now that matter is off our hands-" when another councilman cut him off. "But Julian how are we going to get her here? Goodness she's dead!" Julian gave him an impatient look. "What do you think time machines are for? To be mere decorations? No! We use the time machines to bring Buffy Summers at her age when she is at her prime 17 and bring her here. icah and Raven since it was the two of you who found out about this you will be assigned to get Miss Summers bring her here train her a little teach her a little then go with her to wherever you must go and stop that Brynea!" Julian ordered. "Now meeting dismissed!"

Part I

"Buffy, biology isn't that hard if you just concentrate," Rafe said, rubbing a pencil between his hands.

Buffy wrinkled her nose disdainfully. "I just don't get the point of dissecting dead things! I mean they're dead let's give them peace!" she said. "Memorizing the anatomy of animals is way low on my coolness meter as Cordelia might say. I mean hello? Unless it's human anatomy count me out! Was purpose would this serve us! I mean if I combat one of the many forces of evil would knowing about the human body parts help me at all? Oooh I so fell on my gluteus maximus!" she continued. "That would be so helpful I could stun them with my supreme knowledge then dust them!" she said in mock enthusiasm.

Rafe laughed. "Well, it helps me, but the only use for you, I guess is so you could graduate," He said smiling.

"That is if I live long enough to graduate!" she commented.

"You'll live long enough to graduate, don't worry about it. And besides, passing biology will stick in Snyder's craw. Now, shall we memorize frog parts?" Rafe said, jotting down notes in his folder.

"Yeah fine." Buffy said. "I've thought up of something useful for this frog part studying thing. See if you go to a French restaurant and you order frog's legs you can identify the parts and gross everyone out!"

Rafe laughed and accidentally knocked Buffy's pencil out of her hand. "Oops," He said, bending down to pick it up.

Buffy started in surprise when a sudden circle of light appeared in front of her. "Whoa major phenomenon here!" she muttered.

The circle was a pool of color facing her. She blinked several times to keep from blinding herself when the light dimmed and a face could be seen in it. The face had dark brown hair lightly streaked with dark gold and azure eyes. The face spoke. "Miss Buffy Summers I presume?" it/he asked. She gave a slightly shaky yes. "Miss Summers I would like to request your help on a most urgent matter. You see I'm from the future. And there's an event a most urgent and dangerous event which will require your personal touch."

Buffy blinked at it this time in confusion. "From the future?" she whispered in wonderment. "Yes Miss Summers. Now if you just step closer to the circle I will bring you here to the future." Micah turned away from the portal and moved to the machine. He peered back through it to ascertain that Bufy was indeed close-by. He pulled several levers and pushed buttons then adjusted several dials. "Stand-by. Transporting in 5-4-3-2-1" he said. Suddenly a great explosion knocked Micah off his feet and landed in a heap on the floor of the lab. "Oof!" he cried out in pain.

Raven looked over at him when she heard the explosion. "Micah! are you o.k?" She asked running over to him.

Rafe sat back up and tried to hand Buffy her pencil. He noticed her staring straight ahead. "Buffy? Buffy!" He touched her arm to get her attention.

Buffy's head jerked and she turned to Rafe her eyes dazed. "I just saw a circle of light and there was this guy who said he was form the future and said that he needed me to come there." she extended her arm and pointed to the shimmering circle. "There do you see it? He said that he would bring me there if I just stepped closer to the circle I could be brought there then suddenly there was this flash as if there had been an explosion." she gripped Rafe's arms. "What if something happened to them?"

Micah lay on his back the wind knocked out of him. He struggled to get up waving away any help. "I'm fine I'm fine." he said. "But we must proceed with the transporting or else all hope is gone!" He rushed over to the time mahcine and looked at the fried controls in dismay. "Oh no! How are we going to bring Buffy here now?" he said miserably.

Rafe carefully pried Buffy's fingers from his arm, before she totally bruised it. "I'm sure he's fine Buffy. But, what's this about the future?" He asked her, His dark eyes wide with concern.

Raven looked a Micah. "I don't know how we're going to get her hear, but I think you should tell her she will be delayed, prolonged exposure to the circle can do major damage.

"I don't know we didn't get to talk long and he said something about something dangerous an event or something and that they needed my help!" she replied. "But we got-" when the voice returned again. "Buffy! Miss Summers!" he said. "I apologize for that. You see an explosion occurred and completely ruined the time machine and I'm afraid I can't bring you here." a ring of desperation was entering Micah's voice. "Do you by any chance know anyone or any spells that will be able to bring you here? Miss Summers this is truly a dangerous situation."

Buffy nodded and turned to Rafe. "Rafe you know magic please do you know how to bring me to the future?" she pleaded.

Rafe looked from Buffy to the face in the circle and back to Buffy. "Buff, I just learned it last week, I'm not sure it's safe... I mean, we could end up anywhere..." Rafe hesitated.

Buffy opened her mouth to reply but Micah interrupted her. "Sir if you could please get her here in this time period we would be most grateful. I am from the Watcher's Council and we need this particular Slayer's help. It is very important!" Micah all but begged.

Rafe shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I could try." He looked worried. He raised his arms, closed his eyes and brought them down, going through the table. The air swirled with golden sparkles, the air cleared and he opened his eyes. Buffy sat next to him on her chair, not as the girl, but as a frog. "Oops." Rafe tried it again and he and Buffy were caught up in a swirling pink cloud. Then next thing they knew, they were both falling onto a hard, cold lab room floor.

Raven looked up from the book she was reading, just in time to see them land.

Buffy gave a sharp cry of surprise and landed roughly. Micah rushed to her side and helped her up. He then turned to Rafe and offered his hand. "Miss Summers I'd like to welcome you to the headquarters of the Watcher's Council. I am Micah Ashbourne assigned on this particular case." he introduced himself. He guestured towards raven. "That is my partner Raven."

Raven batted Micah's hand from in front of Rafe and offered her own, "Hi, I'm Raven Emerson. and you would be..." She asked helping him up. "Rafe...Um, where are we, and when are we?"

Micah looked at Raven in annoyance. "Well you see this is the future and as you know this is the headquarters of the Watcher's Council." He took Buffy;s hand and led her to a comfortable chair. "Miss Summers please sit down. I'm sure that this might be quite surprising and uncomfortable for you. I should have warned you that you must stay a bit away from the portal because it has some bad effects on a person and.." Micah stopped himself realizing he was babbling and blushed.

Buffy merely looked at him in surprise. "Well pleased to meet you Micah. And stop it with the Miss Summers thing. You're making me feel old." she said lightly. Micah turned even redder and ducked his head asnd muttered. "Uh yes fine then uh Buffy." "So what is this grave matter that needed my personal touch?" Buffy asked. "Ah yes well you see there was a prophecy made years ago and it basically says that a demon, Brynea, the demon of Loudin, will rise and devour the Earth and raise hell. It is said that only the most powerful SLayer can combat her and we have decided that you are our bets choice." Micah explained.

Raven rolled her eyes at Micah, "Buffy, what he is pasically trying to say, is that we brought you her to slay a demon, our current slayer died, and we needed the best, you. The thing is, this demon isn't what she seems, she can become what you most fear, or most love. If you fail, the world is over. Got it?" She looked at Micah with an expression that clearly said, 'see how easy it can be.'

Micah nodded to Buffy and sent an exasperated look at Raven. "We've ben assigned to work with you t pinpoint when and where this Brynea will rise. It only says that it will rise next month. We need to train you once again and prepare you for this. We'll supply you with all the knowledge we can provide."

Buffy nodded her eyes flicking from Raven to Micah. Then she turned to Rafe. "Um did you catch that?" She faced Micah again. "What about Rafe? He's here too." she asked. "Well uh since our time machine is broken once you've finsihed with the demon he can rbing you home." Micah suggested. Buffy nodded and turned back to Rafe, "You clear on that?"

Rafe looked at her. "Buff, I've been friends with you for all of two months, nothings ever clear around you." Rafe turned to Raven, "When do we begin."

Raven looked at Micah. "Care to handle that, oh, stuffy one." She smirked at him.

Micah gave Raven a cold look and turned to the two. "Yes I suppose you two must rest and tomorrow we shall start." He turned to Raven and smirked back. Buffy looked consideringly at Micah noting that he was quite cute. She tilted her head and noted also that the animosity between him and Raven was all but visible.

Raven ignored Micah's smirk. "Come on Buffy, I'll take you to my room in the complex, you can rest there. Micah, take Rafe." With that she turned and motioned for Buffy to follow her.

Buffy stood and went to Raven. She followed her and soon vanished from Micah's sight who's eyes followed her. He turned to Rafe and smiled politely. "Well follow me. I have an adjoining room to mine so you can use that one." Beaneath his calm serious face he was elated. His hroine had come right frm the past and he was going to help her. He truly admired Buffy and was very pleased that he could work with her.

Raven led Buffy down the hall to her room. "I don't have an extra room like some of the older Watchers here, but I do have an extra bed." The reached Ravens room and she led Buffy in to what the other Watcher's refered to as the Purple Haze. The room was decorated in various colors of purple and smoke. Gauzy materials hung down from the cealing and connected to the walls. "Well, here we are." She gestured to a bed next to the closet. "That's yours. Sorry about the mess, I'm not exactly a neat person." She sat down on her bed and gestured for Buffy to sit next to her. "So what are you thinking about all this."

Rafe folowed Micah down the hall. He noticed the way he had stared at Buffy and the way he got nervous when ever he spoke to her. Boy, he doesn't realize what he's getting himself into. Rafe thought to himself.

Brynea looked in the ball and hissed. "That slayer's not going to get to me first." With that, Brynea rised her arms and a puff of smoke rose. When the smoke lifted, Brynea was nowhere to be seen.

Brynea, in the form of a cat, leaped onto the bed. "Meow"

Buffy yelped when she saw the cat. "Oh wow. Hi kitty you lost?" she said as she picked it up and stroked it. She turned to Raven.

Buffy sat down herself and looked at Raven. "Quite frankly nothing. I guess it till has to sink in yet. I feel strangely detached on this thing. I guess I should be more concerned right? If I fail the whole world is toast." she shrugged. She gazed at Raven her eyes becoming more direct. "What's the deal with Micah? He's cute and obviously very smart? Got a girlfriend? And why of all things did he choose to become a Watcher?" she asked.

Raven looked Buffy directly in the eye, "Micah didn't choose to become a watcher, he was born into it, just like I was, but in all honesty, I think he would have choosen this profesion even if he wasn't, born in to it I mean. Sometimes though, I wish I hadn't been, sometimes I wish I just could have been a normal teenager." A look of sadness entered Ravens light brown eyes, but she quickly pushed it away. "As for him haveing a girlfriend, no, no girl around her can actually stand his constant seriousness, that's why I'm his partner, were both way down on the list." Raven placed her hand on Buffy's. "Don't worry to much about losing to Brynea. I know you'll do the best you can. That's all that matter's to me, and underneath all his worry, that's all that matters to Micah, too."

Micah opened the door to the adjoining room and ushered Rafe in. "I hope you'll find it comfortable here." he said graciously. "I'm afraid I've been rather busy so I haven't been able to prepare the room much." he added with a self-conscious glance to his own room which was piled with books and a humming computer.

Buffy nodded slightly. "He reminds me a bit off Giles my Watcher in the nineties. But he's a lot cuter too. And I can handle serious." she commented. "I can really relate to wishing to be a normal teenager. I mean at least you have a semblance of a normal life here but me I have to be teenager by day and Slayer by night with constant threats to my life and high school to contend with." she added patting the kitty. "Give me the 411 on you now."

Raven looked at the cat, wondering how it got in there. "Well, let's see, I'm a watcher, of course, I'm twenty-one, I was raised by my grandfather, who was the last active watcher. What else do you want to know? And you remmind me a lot of me. I bet you gave you watcher a heart attack when you went to face the master. You've had a lot to deal with Buffy, but don't worry, your a very strong girl, and you'll pull through whatever mess you get into." Raven smiled at the Slayer, thinking of how fun it would be to help her. Raven patted the cat.

"Thanks for the boost." Buffy said softly. "Gotten into any grisly adventures that follows a Watcher's life yet?" she asked.

"Well, not really, the only adventure, I've had was trying to get a diffrent partner, I've gone through every one here and Micah's requested that they place me alone so that he doesn't have to deal with me. Other than that, it's been a good enough job." Now, about this Rafe, what's his deal?" Raven asked smiling.

"Rafe? Oh you mean the absolutely stunning example of the male of the species I dragged along with me?" Buffy asked dryly. "Well simply put rafe's a warlock. He's a very nice guy though so don't go think of pointy wizardy type hats and witches cackling over cauldrons. He did however get me and my friends into a little fiasco but it was a mistake. He's a sweet guy reportedly from San Fransico but I think he was actually from Paris then started hopping all over the globe and came to Sunnydale. He likes this girl Morgraine and I think they're pretty serious but then again he's a male so you never know." Buffy took a deep breath and laughed. "Wow that was mouthful!" She turned a piercing gaze on Raven and said softly."Raven can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," Raven said,

Rafe looked carefully at Micah, "So what's up with you and Raven, she seems pretty sweet on you."

Micah laughed and looked uncertainly at Rafe. "You jest right? Raven sweet on me? Are we on the same wavelength here? Sweet?! You must be joking! Raven can't stand me and the feeling is reciprocated." Micah said.

Buffy smiled at Raven. "Well you and Micah seem to jump on each others case whenever opportunity presents itself. So would you mind explaining what is the cause of this hostility? I mean Micha is very nice and cute too!" she asked.

Raven looked at Buffy in suprise. "I really don't know why Micah and I argue so much, he's just so stuffy, serious all the time, it drives me nuts!"

Rafe smiled at Micah. "Trust me, I'm not joking, I really think she likes you. She just doesn't know how to show it."

Micah raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Yeah right Miss 'WildChild' Emerson has a case on me. Well we all have our opinions. The only thing Raven would like about me is if I were in Timbuktu!" he said.

Buffy suppressed a grin. "Oh I'm sure he's not so stuffy all the time. I am very sure I glimpsed a sense of humor in him. And he's very witty. I just know some guys who act that way whenever they're uncomfortable." "Witty?! A sense of hummor?!" Raven put her hand up to Buffy's forhead. "Buffy, I think your delusional. Are you sure your not sick or something?"

Rafe just smiled at Micah, knowing something was there.

Micah looked curiously at the suddenly quiet Rafe. "well time to turn in now. Goodnight Rafe." he said as he walked out back into his room and pushed a few books off his bed. He slipped under the blankets and moved to turn the lights out.

Buffy chuckled. "Well I think he does have those qualities and he just buries him under that stuffiness. He just doesn't know how to act around girls! And if he does have those qualities mentioned I'm gonna have a very interesting time finding out..." Buffy said testing the waters.

Raven stared at her for a minute and then decided to respond. "Well, it's time to turn in. Night Buffy." She changed into a long silk night shirt, and crawled into her bed. Buffy could hear her mumble to herself, 'A sense of humor, HA!'

"Night Micah." Rafe closed the door to his room and floped down on his bed, staring at the celing, wondering what Buffy had gotten him into. Micah turned out his light and closed his eyes. His last thought before he fell asleep was how good tomorrow would be when he finally got to work with Buffy.....

Buffy looked down at her clothes and decided that first thing after training she owuld get Raven to take her shopping.

Raven shook Buffy, and when she groned she stoped. "Here," She said dropping some clothes on Buffy's chest. "Were about the same size, and I dont' think you'll want to train in your school clothes."

Rafe woke up, floating above the bed, as soon as he woke up though, he fell plummiting to the bed. 'God I hate sleeping in new places.' He thought. 'It's the only time I ever do that' He thought of Morgraine and wondered what she though when he didn't return home last night.

Buffy barely got her eyes opened when Raven suddenly woke her up. "Urrrr." she groaned. She pushed the clothes off her and began to go through them. She picked out loose pants that hopefully wouldn't rip when she made her kicks and a lightly fitted blue shirt. She lifted her head and grinned at Raven in gratitude. "Thanks for the clothes. You must take me shopping after the training thing because as lovely as your clothes are I'd prefer to have my own." she smiled.

Micah jolted up as he heard the sound in the other room. He was out of bed and opening the door faster than lightning when he saw that Rafe was on the bed. "Wh-what happened?" he asked baffled.

"Sure Buffy," Raven said, getting dressed, "Were suposed to meet Micah and Rafe in the training room after breakfast. Breakfast is in ten minutes." Rafe looked up at Micah. "I, um, fell of the bed, sorry." He said, nervously.

Buffy slipped the clothes on and tapped her feet waiting for Raven.

Micah looked at Rafe concerned. "Are you okay then?" he asked.

Raven finished putting on her lipstick and then led Buffy down to the dinning hall.

"Yes sir, I quite all right," Rafe said, straightening out his shirt.

Micah nodded and said. "Very well then. You'd be needing proper clothes." Micah frowned slightly and walked to his closet and contemplated it's contents. He pulled out casual slacks and a shirt and laid it out on the bed. He was already dressed. "Here I'm sure these won't be too loose or tight on you." he said with a smile. "We should go and have our morning respite."

Buffy followed Raven slowly, looking around the building mumbling to herself. Raven looked back at Buffy. "What was that?"

Rafe looked at the clothes Micah had given him and down at his own rumpled ones. I guess he's right, I should have a change of clothes

"Just ramblings of a girl." Buffy Smiled. "WHat're they serving for breakfast?"

Micah opened the door and politely waited for Rafe to dress outside of the room.

"Most likely the usual," Raven wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Hot otmeal and cold tea."

Rafe dressed quickaly and caught up with Micah outside. "Shall we continue on to breakfast?"

Micah nodded. "Don't expect it to be a gourmet course." he warned. "One very bad thing about this place is that the cook has yet to discover the meaning of edible."

Buffy made a gagging sound. "Unappetizing much?" she quipped.

Raven smiled at Buffy. "At least you've been forewarned. My first day here I was halfway through the bowl before I realized I didn't taste anything" They arrived at the dinning hall then and Raven secured places for her and Buffy, and two more for Micah, and Rafe.

Rafe laughed at Micah's slight joke. Micah walked quickly and they arrived at the caf. He spotted Buffy and Raven and walked towards them. "Well Rafe prepare your tastebuds for sheer undiluted hell." he said.

Buffy smiled at the approaching Micah and Rafe and greeted them both cheerfully.

Raven smiled at Rafe "Hello again Rafe," She turned to Micah, the smile fading. "Micah. We saved you two some seats.' She said gesturing to the empty chairs next to hers.

Rafe looked at Buffy raising his eyebrows and gesturing towards Raven and Micah. "What do you think about those two?" He wispered to her.

Micah dropped into a chair, the laughing light in his eyes vanished when Raven spoke. He smiled at Buffy. "Hello how are you this morning?" he nodded curtly to Raven.

Buffy returned the smile her eyes wandering down over him. Very cute. "Oh I'm great. Except I don't know what state my stomach will be in after our breakfast. Raven told me that it'll be oatmeal and tea. Sounds delish....not." she said lightly. She turned to Rafe and whispered to him, "Definitely in like possibly love with each other but just don't know how to express it. In a long term state of denial."

Raven dropped in the chair farthest from Micah and drummed her fingers loudly on the table. She got up and got herself and Micah a cup of coffee. She looked at Buffy and held up the cup. "The only part of breackfast they can't ruin, it's instant. She sat back down and tapped her fingers again.

Rafe nodded at Buffy's conclusion. "That's what I was thinking. This should be very interesting.' Buffy nodded at Raven and whispered to Rafe. "Maybe we should you know help them along. These two are perfect for each other! They balance each other. Give me what you know about Micah and I'll tell my info on Raven then we can hatch a plot."

Micah reached for his coffee and looked curiously at Buffy and Rafe whispering to each other. "Wanna share with us your conversation Buffy?" he asked.

"Yes Buffy, do share," Raven said sipping her coffee. Rafe looked up startled, he hadn't noticed Micah watching them. Buffy looked at Raven and Micah her eyes wide caught in the middle of scheming. "Um we were just uh talking about how strange it is to be in the future and wondering what could be different now as in the progresses of technology and fashion." she improvised with a weak smile.

Micah nodded plainly accepting her answer and eyed his coffee carefully.
,br> Raven nodded and looked at Micah, "Is their something wrong with your coffee? I can bring you another," She said giving him a sincere smile. Rafe gestured for Buffy to sit down next to him, and he himself sat next to Raven. Micah shook his head. "Just wondering if you might have put something in it." He said witha sweet smile in Raven's direction. Buffy rolled her eyes and sent Rafe a look that said 'Here they go again.'

Raven didn't bite fully, "What could I have put in it that the cook hasn't already put in the rest of our food." She searched her pockets. "Now where'd I leave those damn cigerettes?"

"Something to make me sick most likely" he retorted. "When are you going to quit that damnable smoking of yours?"

"When I die," She said rather loudly. "And besides, what bussness is it of yours?" She continued more quietly. The food was served then and Raven just stared at the lumpy white mush in her bowl. "Suddenly, I've lost my appetite."

Buffy swallowed audibly and used her fork to poke at the thing on her plate. "Uh are we gonna eat this or experiment with it?" she asked. Micah looked at his food in disgust. "Yuck I think it moved!" he exclaimed.

Raven looked at Micah in suprise. "I guess your right Buffy. He does have a sense of hummor. Imagine that." Raven looked at her food. "I think it's a discarded experement from the science wing." Raven saw the cook glaring at her and she quickly forced the food into her mouth. "We'd better hurry so that we can get to the training room."

Rafe looked at his plate, and muttered a few words of a spell, then he picked up his fork and started shovling the food in. This defenantly tastes better after you've changed what it tastes like He thought to himself laughing.

Buffy ate her food trying not to grimace at the taste or lack of thereof. Micah turned as he was spooning some of the STUFF in his mouth and just gaped at Rafe. "How can you eat that so fast and look as if you're actually enjoying it?" he asked.

Buffy turned and looked at rafe and knew immediately why. "Oh Micah he probably made a spell to make it taste better." she said. "Oh." Micah nodded and turned back to his so-called breakfast.

Rafe finished quickly and sat back in his chair. He casually pointed to Raven's breast pocket and made a pack of cigerettes appear there,It'll be a lot better for us if she's not so anxious to to nicotene withdrawl. He looked at Buffy trying to finish her food and decided to help her out a little, He made her food taste as if it were her favorite. He smiled at himself. This won't be so hard.

Buffy looked at her food in surprise. "Gazokes! It actually tases good!!" She houtht. she looked at Rafe and gave him a smile of thanks. Micah finished his food and sighed. "One of these days I'm really going to sneak in some food from McDonalds and eat it after this...in-edible slop." He commmented.

Rafe smiled back at Buffy, and pointed to Raven's pocket and mimed smoking, telling her that he put cigerettes there.

Raven looked at Micah, "The day you do that is the day you better have enough for me." Buffy mouthed to Rafe,"You sly boy you."

Micah looked at Raven innocently. "But how will you know if I have it? If I do buy food I'll just hide it from you and keep it to myself. I might MIGHT be convinced to share. That is if you're really nice to me." he smirked.

Raven finished her breakfast and turned to look at him. "How nice?" She asked curiously. Rafe just smiled at Buffy, and made motions for her to come sit next to him so they could talk, "Nice enough to be my slave for a week." Micah answered smirking even more. Buffy moved closer to Rafe quietly observing the two. "They're going into the stages of flirting." she commented softly to Rafe.

Raven glared at him. "Your slave for a week, all for a big mac?! You have got to be kidding." She looked at her plate and remmebered the food. "What would I have to do?"

Rafe looked at Raven and Micah, and then back at Buffy. "It's kinda fun to watch, but it worries me how they'll act on our little trip."

"Uhm lemme see. Basically do my laundry, clean my room, fix my stuff and generally do whatever I want you to do for a week. I think that would require lots of amount of grovelling and feeding me." Micah trying not to laugh now a wicked gleam in his azure eyes.

Buffy grinned at Rafe. "We-ell I have a feeling they'll jump each other before this trip is up. Until that happy day we'll have to put up with them being at each others throats." Raven looked at him carfully, then sighed. "Fine. But if you breath on word of this to the other watchers or call me slave girl even once, your ass is mine. Got it?" Mical smiled. "Got it Slav-Rafen."

Raven noticed him catch himself. "Watch it Gloat Boy! Now let's train, I need to work out my anger towards you." Rafe got up to follow Raven out. "We have quite a challange a head of us to get those two to relize how much they belong together." "I'll gloat if I bloody well like it." Micah kept his smirk on.

Buffy nodded. "No kidding!" She turned towards Raven and Micah to defuse the fight coming. "Hey guys lead us to the training place. We gotta prepare me for the tango with that Brynea chick." Raven walked out the door, ingnoring Micah's smirk. "This way guys."

Buffy stood and followed Raven as Micah cleaned up the table and caught up to her. Buffy smiled at him amicably and started a conversation. "So Micah how long have you been in the Council?" "Well since i was a kid I've been here. But when I turned sixteen I really joined." he replied. Raven and Rafe led them into a room about the size of two gymnasiums. The walls were covered with wepons of all shapes and sizes. Rafe walked over to one of the walls and looked at the swords hanging there. Buffy took a good look around. "All right what do we start with?" she asked. Raven looked at the walls, "Weapons I belive," She saw Rafe looking at the swords.

"Buffy, how well-versed are you in sword play?" She said smiling. Buffy shrugged nochalantly. "Well enough." she replied. She took a long measuring look at the swords. Raven took a short sword off the wall, and twirled it a roud a few times, getting a feel for it. "En gard," she said smiling at Buffy. Buffy skipped back lightly. She grabbed a short sword from the wall as well. She sighed lightly and positioned herself. She swung her sword under and up Raven's sword not wincing when the two swords clashed. Raven drew her sword down with such force she slightly knocked buffy of balance when they entered a death lock, she relesed it quickly and spun it around on her side and knocked Buffy off her feet on a left blow. Buffy kept her eyes on the sword her brows knit with concentration. She thrust the sword at Raven's side. Raven spun out of Buffy's reach and went for Buffy's stomache. Buffy lunged backwards and sidestepped, and drove her sword towards the charging Raven. Raven slid to a stop inches from the tip of Buffy's sword. "Good one Buffy." Raven said, bringing her sword up towards Buffy's shoulder. Buffy skipped out of the way and swung her sword up to meet Raven's. "Question do we just do this pure swordplay or can we do hand combat as well?"

"Actually, You get to beat up Micah in hand to hand," Raven smiled at Micah. "Are you ready for hand to hand?" "Ready as I'll ever be." he said dryly. Micah turned his eyes on Buffy. "Uhm please take it easy on me?" he said in mock-pleading. Buffy grinned. "Sure sure. I always take it easy on poor males such as yourself." Raven took the sword from Buffy and mumbled undr her breath, "Poor male, yeah right! You weren't here when he kicked my butt." Raven put the swords back on the wall and went and stood by Rafe, taking the ciggerette's out of her pocket and tried to find a light.

Buffy heard that and shot Rafe a grin. Micah quietly walked behind Buffy and tapped her on her shoulder. "Shall we?" he asked politely. Buffy nodded and spun around to face Micah. Without warning she brought her leg up to his chest and slammed it into him. Micah caught her leg before it hit him and threw her back. She flew through the air and landed on her hands and flipped down on her feet. Micah darted forward as she swung her fist at his face. He caught it immediately and she slammed her other hand into his ribs. He winced in pain and she took advantage by yanking her hand from his grasp and swept at his feet with her leg. He jumped over it and struck a blow at her. She moved her head in time and she moved her body to the side. He threw a punch at her and in a strangely gymnastic move shearched her back backwards and brought her legs up. She caught his arm with her legs and flipped him over her as if she was doing a backward hand flip. She landed on her feet and spun to face Micah who flew through the air and twisted his body so he landed on the floor roughly. He leapt up immediately and landed a round house kick directly in her face. Buffy staggered back and Micah took the oppertunity to flat kick into her chest. Buffy fell back and then she gave him a drop kick to the chest. He reeled backwards and she got up and pinned him down. Micah grinned up at her. "Good job Buffy."

Raven watched this fight in shock, her lit cigerette forgoten at her side. "You are the first person to best Micah in hand to hand, I never thought that would happen!" Buffy got off Micah and grinned down at him. "I take it you're the combat master here?" she asked as she gave Raven an amused look. Micah shrugged. "I just train a lot." he said modestly. "He lives in this room and his room, "

Raven shook her head and remembered her cigerette, "Ah, nicotine" Micah gave Raven a disgusted look. Buffy held out her hand and he took it and she pulled him up. "Thanks Buffy." he smiled. "Okay so now what? More training?" she asked. "It's up to Micah, As far as I'm concered your good enough, you've bested the best of the complex, I was thinking shopping ?" She said smiling. "You read my mind!" Buffy declared. She turned to Micah and looked at him expectantly. "Well I guess I can't exactly hold you back." he said with a reluctant smile. "We'll train again this afternoon."

"Oh yay!" she cheered and hugged Micah enthusiastically. To Raven she said, "Kay let's go! Oh wait I don't have any money with me!" "Dont' worry, this is a mission expense, you need clothes to wear to fight this demon, cool clothes." Raven said smiling. "It's a weakness of hers. Or at least it soon will be." Buffy grinned and headed for the door. "Just show me the way!" she said still grinning. Micah stared at her struck by how pretty she was. Raven looked at Micah,

"Pick your jaw up off the floor and join us." She told him following Buffy. Micah glared at Raven's back. He turned to Rafe and said. "Well let's go." Raven led Buffy out to her car, a black convertable. "Front or back" She asked her sliding into the drivers seat. Rafe hopped into the back and gestured for Buffy to sit next to him. Buffy nodded almost imperceptibly. She slid in next to rafe and smiled as Micah stood outside of the car looking at the seat next to Raven as if it had a cobra on it. He had a funny, frustrated look on his face and he stepped in and sat next to Raven.

"So where is the best mall around here Raven?" Buffy asked. Raven turned and looked at her while she drove down the street, "The best would be the only mall in town, it's pretty big, so you should find what you want there."

Rafe turned to Buffy. "How are we going to help these two, if Micah doesn't even want to sit next to her?" He whispered. Buffy shrugged and muttered, "I have no clue we just have to keep pushing them together and have them realize the other's great qualities. It might help if we made one of them jealous enough to realize that they like each other." Micah looked out of the window stubbornly refusing to sit any closer to Raven than needed. Rafe looked at buffy, knowing full well what the awnser to his question was going to be.

"And who would that be?" Raven looked at Micah, "you sit any closer to the door and you'll fall out." Buffy shrugged. "Well I know Micah pretty much likes me so it might as well be me. I'd suggest you go for Raven but I know how serious you and Morgraine are." Micah turned and scowled at Raven. "It would certainly preferable to going shopping with you." he mumbled under his breath. Rafe shrugged at her. "I could, otherwise Micah might fall for you and where would we be then?" He smiled at her a twinkle in his eye. Raven glared at Micah, then turned around to see Buffy, "So, what kinda clothes are you looking for?" Buffy shrugged at Raven and replied. "Just as long as it doesn't look like my grandmother would be wearing it!" She turned to Rafe and whispered, "Yeah right. Micah is way for Raven. And I'll just make sure that he doesn't" Micah returned the look at Raven and stared out. He caught sight of the mall ahead and turned to Buffy. "Well I'm sure Raven can find you clothes that will fit your requirement. Although I'm sure you'd look beautiful in anything." Raven made a gagging motion, and the swung the car rather sharply into the parking lot of the mall. She finally came to a screeching halt in a parking space and got out, helping Rafe out of the back seat. "Well here we are. You guys going on your own or with us?" Buffy smiled.

"Well I have a feeling that the guys would die from shopping. I've found from personal experience that males are allergic to that unless you drag them to a sports store or comics and stuff like that." she grinned as she got out. Micah smiled gently as he spoke."Well I'm sure I can live." He looked at Rafe. "How about you?" he opened the door and stepped out.

"I've been shopping enough with Morgraine to know I'll live." Rafe said, "Good, let's go." Raven said, starting to the mall entrance at a quick pace. Raven lead them to the mall, she left Buffy to do her own shopping and headed to the men's department. She held up a pair of jeans for Micah to see. "What do you think?" Micah stared at it as if it were an alien object. "I beg your pardon?" he asked, confused. Buffy wandered around the store and glancing at the racks of clothes. She stopped at one display and turned and pulled out a great outfit of a plaid mini-skirt with black vest and white long-sleeved blouse. She took it and walked around again. She saw a black silky dress and zoomed in like a heat-seeking missile. Raven gave him an exasperated look. "They're jeans, go try them on, they're your size." Raven said handing him the jeans and steering him towards a dressing room, she grabed a t-shirt along the way and handed it to him, "This too."

Micah went to the dressing room obediently. He shed his own clothes a neatly pressed polo shirt and khaki tan pants. He slipped on the shirt and put on the jeans and zipped it. He was a litle confused. Raven shopping for him? He laughed inwardly and shook his head. She probably didn't want to be embarassed being seen around with him. He opened the stall door and stepped out. He held out his arms and said, "Well am I presentable?" he asked. Raven looked up from the racks of clothing, in shock, "Actually, you look wonderful," She said smiling. "But I think you need a diffrent t-shirt." She said, pointing to the half naked lady holding a six pack of beer. "I guess I should have looked before I grabbed it." She handed him a more appropriate shirt. Micah stared down at the picture a mischievous smile playing at his lips. "Actually I rather like the picture." he said his eyes twinkling brightly. He took the shirt Raven offered and went back to the dressing room stall and replaced the hald-nakey-lady-shirt with the more appropriate one. He went back outside. "The verdict please Miss Commmissioner of the Fashion Police?" he said teasingly.

Raven glared at him. "You look fine, get which ever you want, but choose one, that's all i can afford." She ripped the tags of the pants and headed to the register. Micah looked at Raven startled. "Uh....." he said. Just a litle while ago she was fun and now she just snapped at him for some strange reason. He shrugged. Raven handed the cashier money for the jeans. She sighed to herself. I shouldn't have snaped at him, it's just the stress of my first and maybe only mission. She turned to see Micah coming up behind her. "I'm sorry Micah, I shouldn't have snapped." She smiled at him. "You look wonderful in that." Micah ducked his head and blushed. "Uh thanks. You've uh got good taste."

"Thanks" Raven said smiling lifting up his arm to grab the tag for the t-shirt. She handed it to the cashier and waited for Buffy to finish shopping. "I wonder where Rafe went to?" Rafe was off in a corner of the store, absent-midedly looking at shirts, trying to send a mental message to Morgraine. I'm fine, Morgraine, I'm with Buffy. Were kinda stuck in the future. Tell Giles. Buffy approached a big smile on her face her arms laden with shopping bags. She had been watching the two for some time now and was very pleased that things had begun to develop even without their help. "Hey guys!" she greeted them cheerfully. She checked out Micah. "Nice threads Ashbourne." she commented with a grin. Raven smiled. "He does look good, doesn't he?" She asked. Rafe appered behind them. Raven looked at Buffy and Rafe smiling.

"Are you guys ready for some real food?" Buffy nodded. "Need you ask?" Micah replied. "The food court is that away" he pointed to the far left. "Nope," Raven said smiling. "Were going to a actual restaurant Micah. I dont' remmeber the last time I went out to a place that didn't have paper napkins." Micah raised an eyebrow. "Can you afford that?" he asked skeptically. Raven looked at him embarresed. "Well, I kinda "borrowed" Julian's credit card before we left." She smiled sheepishly, "I'll pay him back, besides he owes me for the watchers banquet." Micah smiled. "Oh well as long as you'll pay him back...." he turned to Buffy and offerd his arm. "Shall we?" Buffy smiled and did a little curtsy. "We shall." she said as she took his arm. To Raven she said, "Lead on." "Well, it's his own fault for leaving it in the training room after paying the pizza guy" Raven said defensivly.

She lead them back to the car and got in, Rafe followed behind her getting in the pasanger side. "I'm sure he'll have learned his lesson." Micah commented dryly. He helped Buffy into the backseat of the car and climbed in himself. "So where to Boss lady? Where will we eat?"

"Finchenzo's" Raven said, mentioning the most expensive place in town. She swerved into the turn lane, nearly side swiping two cars in the prossess. Micah yelped in surprise. "Raven! Why do you always have to drive like a maniac?!" he yelled. "We'll be lucky if we get there alive! And you know how expensive Finches' is! Julian will ground you indefinitely if he sees the bill." "Becuse I learned to drive on the speed way." She said grinning at him. "And Julin said I could take Buffy out to where ever we wanted. You really think I'd steal his American Express? I'd take his Visa, it has a higher limit." "Of course. Whatever was I thinking!" Micah said in mock-seriousness. Buffy grinned and let the wnd whip her hair back.

Raven turned the corner almost hiting a kid on a bike. "I think I'm getting better at driving, dont' you Micah?" Micah slid down his seat and covered his eyes. "Compared to a blind horse driving yes." he replied. "Maybe you'd like to turn that corner again. You didn't quite hit that poor kid. I don't know how you ever got car insurance or why DMV let you get a license in the first place.!" he yelped as they whizzed past various cars.

"Insurance? lisence?" Raven said looking at him seriously, but with a twinkle in her eye. "Do I need those?" Micah groaned. "I should have known. Well obviously you don't need them but the rest of us will be needing another kind of insurance. HEALTH insurance." he cracked. Buffy grinned at Rafe noting how easily these two were actually teasing now. Raven grinned as she took another corner at fourty five miles an hour, "Oh, I'm not that bad, am I Buffy?" Buffy cringed. "Um well uh no comment." she said weakly. Micah chuckled. "Oh come on Buffy she can take it." he said cajolingly.

Later that night...

Rafe looked through some of Micah's books while he was out. "I wonder if he ever heard of organization." He mumbled to himself. Micah wandered around the complex absent-mindedly his head filled with thoughts of the mission. He barely noticed Raven who passed him by.

Raven strode to Micah's room. She herself was preoccupied that she didn't see Micah pass her by. She entered the complex and wandered in. She saw that she was close to Micah's room and determinedly walked to it. She opened the door and sauntered in. "Oh hi." she greeted Rafe in surprise.

Rafe jumped in suprise and hit his head on the table he was looking under. "Raven, hi, geese you scared me." Raven laughed throatily. A guy like Rafe scared? She looked at him her lips pursed into a flirtatious pout. "If I knew you meant that I'd be going on a power trip right now." she said her eyes gazing at him. He was a very cute guy and she liked cute guys. 'Stop it this is a mission, don't blow it by flirting with him!' one side of her thought. 'But he's so cute and how would that affect the mission.' another side of her argued. 'What about Micah?' the other threw back. The side of her that was attracted to Rafe responded with, 'WHAT about Micah? It's not as if he figures in anything in this.' Purposefully she shook off her doubts and leaned forward letting Rafe take a good long look at her. "Rafe..." she purred out his name.

"Yes, Raven?" He said looking at her. God, she's beautiful.

"I just realized that I'm very interested in kissing you." with that Raven leaned forward and pushed Rafe down the bed and pressed her lips to his.

Micah had finished his walk and wandered through the corridors of the complex.

Rafe's eyes went wide with suprise, then he found himself kissing her back. He wrapped his arms around her.

Raven slid her lips over his and threaded her hands through his hair.

Micah stepped into the hallway leading to his room and walked down the length of the hall and turned the knob of his door and pushed it open.

Rafe played with the ends of her hair, and continued to kiss her, holding her tight.

Micah stepped into his room and closed the door behind him. He turned a greeting to rafe on his tongue when he froze unable to believe the scene he beheld before him. "What in hell?!" he yelled in surprise. He felt a sharp pain stealing through him as he saw Raven and Rafe kissing on the bed. The pain was immediately overshadowed by fury and something else he couldn't quite put to words.

Raven continued kissing Rafe, not hearing Micah. Rafe looked up and saw Micah in the doorway. He pulled away from Raven. "Umm, Micah, uh...hi."

Micah shot a look of anger at Rafe and Raven. "Would the two of you mind explaining to me what you were doing cavorting on my bed and in my room?" he asked his voice icy.

Raven looked up finally, after giving Rafe another quick kiss. "Cavorting? Please Micah, we were just kissing, it's not like I was screwing him." Rafe looked at Micah nervously, "It just happened."

"I should have expected this of you Raven. You'd waste your time playing around with someone on a very important mission. And I thought you were coming around. You just had to prove me wrong. I guess you'll always be a slutty bitch in heat. Not to mention an irresponsible, obnoxious, wasp-tongued twit." he said his voice still cold. "As of right now I can't stand the sight of you. I'm going to request Julian for you to be transferred to another partner IF he or she will take you, and take you off this mission." With that final shot he turned on his heel and left for Julian's rooms.

Raven was shocked, for all of two minutes, then she chased after him. When she caught up with him she spun him around and slapped him. "Never say that about me!" She yelled. "Is that the way you truly feel?"

"What I truly feel is none of your business! And if you knew what I truly felt you'd be far more insulted than you are now believe me on this Raven Emerson. I wish I had never ever laid eyes on you!" he yelled back his eyes going dark with fury. He jerked away from her. "Touch me again and I swear I'll forget that you're a woman and hit you right back!"

"Oh, yeah! Well..." Raven grabed him and kissed him.

Micah was even more shocked than he was when he found Rafe and Raven. An inner joy surged through him as he pulled her closer and kissed her back. He ran his hands down her back and jerked her closer and ravished her mouth. Then he pulled away from her and stared at her. He released her as if he'd been burned and in a way he was. "That was a perfect example of what I meant. You want it so badly you'd take even me?" he said in a strangely subdued voice. He couldn't standit anymore and he whirled and ran off.

Raven stared at Micah's retreating figure, tears streaming down her face. Why did I kiss him? I mean come on this is Micah! And why does my heart feel like it's breaking? She thought to her self as she stared down the hall. Rafe came up behind her having seen everything. He put his arm on her shoulder and tried to think of something to say. "Dont', I-I" She ran down the hall to her own room. Rafe followed hoping Buffy was in there.

Micah stopped, slightly out of breath. His heart was pounding and he had the strange knowledge it wasn't just because he'd run off. He lifted a hand and agitatedly brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen on his forehead and he froze, remembering that Raven had slid her hands through his hair, how she'd pressed again him and.....stop!, he silently shouted to himself. He turned and leaned against the wall of a nearby building and stared up at the sky. "Raven? Why in hell did I let her kiss me? And why did I kissback? Am I so......she's my partner! I've disliked her for as long as I can remember and now I'm starting to be attracted to her...why is this happening?" In frustration, he slammed a fist into the wall and yelped in pain when the impact hit hard.

Buffy hummed a bright tune as she pondered the contents of Raven's closet. 'Nice style.' she thought. 'Oooh that little dress there would look especially great for a day of Slay.' She sat on the bed and was visualizing herself in the dress when she was startled as Raven burst into the room. "Hey....." her greeting fell flat as she took in Raven's tear-streaked face and upset look. She shot a look at Rafe who had come in after Raven and asked, "I'm thinking someone needs a major happy?"

Raven threw herself on her bed and sobbed. Rafe sat next to her. “Yeah, she kissed Micah.”

Buffy fought the urge to smile. "So.... You two kissed?" she asked Raven. She gave Rafe a wink and thought, I knew it!

Rafe started at Raven, who in turn looked at Buffy. "He hates me...he called me a slutty bitch in heat!" She put her head in her hands.

Katla, another watcher came up behind Micah. "Hey...you going to the party Julian's giving tonight?"

"As opposed to him being...." Buffy paused trying to think of a name to call Micah. She sighed, and gave up. "Want me to beat him up for you?" she said half-jokingly. "Calling you that was pretty extreme."

Micah turned around and shot Katla an annoyed glare. "Go very far away." he said through gritted teeth. He inwardly reprimanded himself for his behaviour and tried to smile at Katla. "Sorry. I'm in a bad temperament today."

Katla gave him a look. "Looks like. I just asked because Julian wanted to know...the parties in Raven's honor and he wants you there." she turned and walked away, but he could hear her call him a jerk under her breath.

Raven shook her head. "No....I just need to talk to him." She left the room and started searching for him, when she saw him, she paused. "Micah?" She said in a child like voice.

"In Raven's honor? What has she done to deserve that-" he cut off his statement when he heard Raven's voice. He fixed a level gaze on her and said harshly, "What do you want? Oh wait, right, I know what you want! To get lai-" he stopped in mid-yell and took a deep breath to calm himself. He could feel himself getting angry again. And it wasn't just over the fact that Raven had kissed him. No it was because Rafe had dared put his hands on her. That Raven had kissed Rafe. He stopped his line of thought, slightly horrified. "I said what do you want?" he repeated.

Raven involuntarily burst into tears. "I-I just wanted to apologize...for everything." She looked at him, pain deeply reflected in her face. She turned away from him, sniffing. Rafe appeared suddenly out of thin air and decked Micah.

Micah staggered backwards and hit the wall hard. He straightened and without warning lunged at Rafe and took him down. He punched Rafe in the face. "Get the hell out of my face you bastard"

Buffy ran up to them in time to see Rafe throw the punch and could only gasp when Micah started in on Rafe and swore at him.

Rafe flipped him off and kicked him hard in the groin then the face. "Then quite treating Raven like shit! Christ man, she's in love with you, can't you see that?! And even if your not, why did you have to ruin her birthday by picking a fight with her?!" He kicked him again.

Part II