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Please visit another Place as well to show of the LOST ONE's From Suicide....The Name is 1000 Faces..My bro is also on this page.....It has a lot Of Info on suicide and HELP for suicide Surviors

"I lost a friend"

MAY 2,1969-May 22,1997

A part of my life has left me, and has gone so far away, I will always hold him in my heart, and remember his wonderful way. He used to hold me in his arms, and would guide me in my life, And inspired me, oh so many times, making easy all my strife.

It was he that I looked up to, he guided me on my way. He was my inspiration on each and every day.

It is so hard to let him go, not knowing the reasons why My brother Rafe has left me, why did he have to die.

His life was full of fun, his laughter filled the room, I would know when he was near, from his Harley's big Varoooommm. I would run to the door, and let him rush on in, He wasn't just a brother, he was by bestest friend.

Life will be so lonely now, knowing that he is gone And I miss him so much not knowing, how life treated him so wrong.

So young at only 29, so full of life was he, My brother Rafe took his life, and God has set him free.

Sometimes the pain of living, outweighs the life of man We take the path less painful, and hope they understand. So many pains inside of him, he took his final ride Now Rafe has reached his journey, and God is by his side.

As he looks down upon me, He will see the grief I bear, I know he will send a loving word, and let me know he cares. He will tell me his pains are over, and his life was not to be, His earthly mission had ended, and God has set him free

In this section, I want to talk about the most terrible tragedy that is swarming our country.

No, not A.I.D.S or PORN or something like that: I want to talk about SUICIDE.

Wondering about the name of my page? This page is dedicated to my brother's name.

He was a 29 year old, loving, caring, artistic, outrageously, free person.

He died May 22,1997 from the making of his own hands.

Not from Cancer or an automobile accident or a passionate murder, no--But from a self-inflicted gun shot that he never even heard. One that he made happen via his own free will.

Now, in retrospect, I am sure he wished he could change the past since he left 3 children---An almost 2 year infant, a 5 year old, and another only age, 11. Now.....I loved my brother more than life itself as if he was a God or something.

And I am a Christian. My Rafe was never hurtful nor ever mean or cruel to anyone.

He loved everyone and never tried to hurt anyone's feelings.

He joked around, yes... But we all knew he loved to joke.I am working on this page for him, but I also wanted to put this here as a personal statement so another friend could read this and see her life and see that all our lives are important.

We mean something.

I myself have had past suicidal thoughts and know the painful struggle of day to day living that is sometimes hell..

And I think it is very harmful to think that way when life is a free gift for us to live and to enjoy, not just for ourselves but for those around us and for those who love us.

My brother killed himself to hurt my sister-in-law.

It has taken me almost a year to understand this and not blame her for his death. That is wrong for me to blame anyone. Thank you, Jesus for letting me finally figure this out.

I am not doing this page to create more suffering. No, we have alreay endured enough pain in our family.

I am dedicating this page of my brother to save LIVES! Think about your own actions and how they affect those around you that you love so much.

Depression is the leading cause of suicide. Depression is really a form of rage and anger turned inward. Suicidal people don't really want to die. They simply want the terribe, horrible pain to stop is all! So if you know of a friend who is going through hard times, lend a listening ear and be there for them in their time of need.

Spend time with that person and assist them in their trials of personal pain and anquish. Remember, that any signs of self destructive behavior or talk of Suicide is to be taken very seriously no matter how small it may seem at the time so please, consider it carefully.

What you do may be the difference between life and death. If in at all doubt, seek the assistance of a professional. Do not brush it aside and think it will pass without your involvement. The life you save may be your own or a loved one.

I love you all. I am here for you if you need me.

I have some words of wisdom for you.We may be weak indivsually but together WE are STRONG.Let's Join together and help each other.Together we can help other's from dying.E-mail me if you are willing to take the time to save live's. i want to get all the country's together to do this ,So we will not miss trying to help a division.

Today i am organizing my brother's 2 year memorial

This is may 22,1999.

It has been 2 year's,that's a long time for someone to suffer.I have cried everynight since Rafe has left us.

Everyday...Every night... without sleep.... with out Rafe.... is like being in a box for me.Like Being in an World where nothing mattered...Like not knowing why i was here...I still do not know what master plan God has for me...But i hope i can forfill his task....I hope this Pain will end soon...

I am usually a strong person,But this year has been a real struggle for me.

But....Through it all.....I have Grown up....I have Learned to Deal with this pain.....It NEVER EVER goes Away....But it does get a little easier With time.....

Just Do me a favor.....Love those u love..Don't ever say "I'll do it TOMMOROW"....They may not be a TOMMOROW for you or them...

Just Love like you never been Hurt....Dance like NOONE is watching....And Smile......Grin......Live on....Love on.......Be happy....Show HOW u feel...Don't LIE to yourself.....Just make sure Everyone U KNOW and LOVE... KNOW you LOVE them......

I thank you for taking the time to READ this

Remember while u sleep how lonely this family is without Rafe...Remember while u eat his voice stay's with this family...Remember to Remember may have never known him....but there were people who did....and we miss his smell of polo and his long hair flying in the wind.....we remember how is voice crackled when he laughed......we remember how his hand's shook....we remember how his eyes twinked when he saw a budweiser...we remeber him so much...please remember all we have left is memories...this could be u one day..u could be here as i am typing away about your suicide borther or son or sister or cousin or friend...Just Remember for this one day to remember RAFE'S PAIN ...........Da'Biotch....Lace.....Rhonda

1...Remember.....I love you...

2...Never Say..."I'll do it TOMMOROW"

3...And have a Great Day!

My Favorite Place's Ta' Go

Da'Biotch's Hell
Da'Biotch's Family
1000 Death's