She Wanted To Dance

"Brian and Leah have the perfect friendship, at least Brian thinks so. However things aren't always as they seem. After Leah is put in the hospital, Brian finds out that Leah has been dating his best friend, and from then on a chain of events like no other unfolds, and in the end it could be a broken heart for everybody.

Main Characters - Brian, Leah, and Nick

Theme Song
"I'll Be There For You"
Go to Aries and Angel-witch's BSB Heaven to download it.

I have now divided this story into two parts---not like an original and a sequel, more like one of those really long movies that they have to put on two tapes. The second part actually is a kind of turning point in the's sort of confusing, but in the end it should all add up. I hope!

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
**this story is unfinished**

©2000 She Wanted To Dance
©1999-2000 Spanish Eyes Productions
All Rights Reserved.
