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The Ring of Exquisite Darkness


Do you have a dark site that stands above others? Then here is the ring for you.
Here are instructions on how to join.

1. Save the graphic and upload to your own page. NO DIRECT LINKING! I will check.
2. You can copy and paste the html fragment below. Change the areas site id, e-mail, and name.I put these in caps.
3. Submit your site. You will receive your site id and password here.
4. That's it! :) If anyone needs any help I will be more than happy to help you.. Just drop me a e-mail.
submit site...edit site


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This <a href="">Ring of Exquisite Darkness </a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL HERE">YOUR NAME HERE</a><br>
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Exquisite Darkness
This Ring of Exquisite Darkness site is owned by Serifina
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