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Saint Anthony of Padua

He is often called the Saint of Miracles and in my eyes he really is. There have been so many favors he has granted me and my family. I know I will be forever devoted to him.

St. Antony was born about 800 years ago. Anthony was a very popular advocate of the gospel message. He was a brilliant orator and preacher. Churches overloaded with people to hear him preach. It was often necessary to move outside the church because of the numbers of people present. St. Anthony was called to his eternal reward on June 13, 1231. We celebrate this day as his feast day each year. His remains reat in the chapel of Friar's minor in Padua, Italy. He is called the saint of miracles, because he does answer prayers.

Here are my favorite links to find out more information on St. Anthony of Padua:

About St. Anthony
Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony Devotion
The life of St. Anthony of Padua
Novena to St. Anthony
Saint Anthony of Padua
800th. anniversary of the birth of St. Anthony of Padua stamp
Saint Anthony, Performer of miracles
Eighteenth-century novice

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