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undefined Welcome to the Brandon Douglas Fan Club Home Page!!

Welcome to the Brandon Douglas Fan Club Home Page!!


~Due to the fact that Dr. Quinn was cancled in 1998, Brandon ended contact with me for unspecified reasons and I have not updated the site in years. Therefore, any email sent through this site will not be answered because the fan club is closed and will not re-open. I do not know Brandon's email/home addresses or where to get an autograph, so don't ask. I only know that he remarried and has twins, nothing more. Thanks to the loyal members who stuck with it for so long, even after I was cut-off from Mr. Douglas. Until we meet again, I bid you all adieu.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

~About Brandon~

A Letter From Brandon
Brandon's Biography
Brandon's Filmography(temporarily closed)


Pictures Brandon Sent
Pictures from "The Iceman Cometh"
Pictures from "Last Dance"

~Other Fun Stuff~

Andrew Sounds
Want to join the club?
Read about the goddess that maintains this site. ;-) (me)
The Season Finale
Andrew Cook, and why we love him. by Kara Joy Deree--this is really cute!

~Fan Fiction~

To see complete discriptions of these stories click here!!

She Came From Boston by Jessica Jones (me)
Redemption by Alethea White (five star fanfic!)
Too Late To Tell by Elizabeth Smith
Love's Undying Power by Sara Jones
Night Storm by Heather B.

~Other Colleen and Andrew Sites~


The Dr. Quinn Web Ring is owned by Becky H.

Want to join the Dr. Quinn Web Ring?

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