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Albia: Home of the Norn

I am completely redoing the website! Please send me anything that you would like on the page. This can be creatures, articles, cobs, etc. Check out the progress so far! The New Albia: Home of the Norn

As you walk into the brightly lit lobby of the Albias, you see a creature standing by a shelf of new books. As you walk closer to the creature you realize that it is, infact, a Norn from CyberLife's Artificial Life game. You have never seen one so close up. As you ponder the idea of being so close to a real, live Norn, it turns around, smiles, and walks happily over to you. As it comes forward you realize it is a young, female Norn.

"Hello my dear visitor. We have expecting you. Please follow me over to the sign in sheet." Expecting me? you think to yourself. How could that have been expecting you? You had just noticed the building today and decided to come in. As you follow the Norn to the sign in sheet, she speaks to you again. "My name is Suzie. I work at Albias as the receptionist, book keeper, and tour guide. I can direct you throughout the building." As Suzie finishes her speech, you reach the sign in sheet. "Please sign in so that we can know your name for further reference and so that we can get in touch with you if needed."

Sign In Sheet

You do as Suzie says and she politely takes the pen and puts it into the desk. "All right. You're ready to go. We have many exciting places for you to visit. By the way...if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions for this site, please fill out this easy form

First is the Free Stuff Center. It doesn't have anything to do with Creautres 2, but the visitors deserve free stuff, just as much as everyone else! You will find wallpaper, games, etc., regularly updated.
Free Stuff

This is where you can talk with other people whom play creatures and/or make webpages.

Click here to visit my message board

Next is the Hospital, where you can adopt norns that have something wrong with them, and help them live happily, or find a cure


This is the Tips and Tricks Department. Here you will find many interesting things that may help you with the Creatures 2 game. Personally, I find it to be a very intriguing place.
Tips and Tricks Department

Next is the Norn Adoption Clinic. Here you can adopt Norns for your game. These Norns are all very special and need your love. You know, there are even some that have handicaps if you enjoy helping them. Don't be afraid to look around.
Norn Adoption Clinic

Another interesting place is the Travel Agency. Here there is a selection of different places that you can send your Norns, Ettins, and Grendels to if they need a vacation. I find the spots very enjoyable.
Travel Agency

The COBs Factory is the place to go if you need objects, food, toys, etc for your Creatures. You can shop around, download, or just explore.
COBs Factory

If you would like to learn more about Albia and the creatures that live there please go to the Creature of Albia Zoo where everything from plants, to Norns, to enviroment is explained.
Albian Zoo

You can also learn the different kinds of food. This can prove to be very helpful.
Food R Us

The News Center is a wonderful place to go to find changes in the game and updates on the page.
News Center

You can go to the Information Desk for information on the manager, contact information, information on CyberLife, and more
Information Desk

At the store you can shop for Creatures games, text, etc., or something that's not creatures related

You can go to the Projects section to find out about my projects and how to do some of your own.
My Projects

You can also go and chat with other Creatures and Creatures 2 players at the JRChat Room

If you like art work, go to out free library or Creatures 2 art, where you can get graphics for your webpage
Free Graphics Library

Last, but not least is the Links Department where you can explore even more Creatures 2 stuff.
Links Depo

No matter where you go there will be someone around to help you. You can always come back to the Lobby for directions if you like. I have to stay here, but my friends can help you out. Now, go to the elevator and hit the link that you want."
Contact Suzie and all of her friends