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The above banners are not a part of my website. I do not endorse them. They are simply the price I pay for a free website. I apologize if any of them link to sites that are doctrinally wrong.

This is an Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible believing Baptist Webpage. My goal is to reach the Saints and Lost through every available avenue.

Download The Bible Now
This is the best Computer Bible out there and at the lowest cost. Mention my site when ordering.
Santa or Satan
This page is under construction. Please favorite place it.

I figured I'd leave the image of our impeached ex-president just to remind you of what the intent of the Democratic party is.
If this offends you, you need to learn more about Bill Clinton!

Visit The Shoals
See Coil's hometown!

Please Visit These Links

Audio Bible Online with Alexander Scourby

Free Greeting Cards

Home Church
Please Visit My Church's Website!

840 Balch Road
Pastor Mike Allison
