Please come on in, have a seat, relax and enjoy..this is not your ordinary
First Sergeant's Office. No, I want you to enjoy this trip to the office.
My name is
Larry Walker
. I was the First Sergeant of the
1973rd Communications Squadron
, Maxwell AFB, Alabama when I retired from the Air
Force in 1984.
I served our great country for 20 years, 4 months, and 18 days.
(but who was counting?) I joined the Air Force on January 14, 1964, and at the
first opportunity following basic training, I returned to my hometown of
Weaver, Alabama to marry my childhood sweetheart: Bobbie Rooks. Thirty-five
years later; we are still sweethearts and still married also..
Bobbie and I have been blessed with two wonderful sons: Jeff and Chris. They,
in turn blessed us with two wonderful daughters-in-law: Stacy and Robin.
Chris has given Bobbie and me our two sweet grandsons: Jonathan and Brett.
Jonathan is from a previous marriage and Brett is Chris and Robin's son. Just
look at those sweet faces....PawPaw is soooo proud!!
Please sign my GuestBook..and thank you for visiting.
Some Graphics produced by
Larry Walker
Thanks Doc!!!
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