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The History Of Clan Drummond

Badge:Out of crest coronet, a goshawk, wings expanded, proper, jessed gules
Motto:Gang Warily-Go Carefully
Tartan:Drummond (See below)
Gaelic Name:Drummann
Plant Badge:Wild thyme, holly

The name Drummond is thought to have originated from Drymen or Drummond in Stirlingshire. Tradition traces the Drummond family to Hungarian origins. Maurice, son of George, a younger son of King Andrew of Hungary, is said to have accompanied Edgar Atheling, heir to the English throne from Hungary to England. They were shipwrecked on the shore of the Forth and one of Atheling's sisters,Margaret married Malcolm III from whom Maurice received the estates of Drymen.

However, the first records show that the son of Malcolm Beg who was Steward of the Earldom of Strathearn in 1255, also called Sir Malcolm, was the first to take the name of Drummond. Why? We do not have any idea. Drummond were staunch supporters of the Royalist cause, playing an important role in the Scots victory at Bannockburn in 1314. British kings were always trying to conquer Scotland and Ireland, and Scottish Highlanders tried on each attempt to gather enough soliders to fight them. And, fight them they did. Margaret Drummond married King David II in 1369; Annabella Drummond was wife to King Robert III and mother of James I.

In 1488 the Barony of Drummond was created; later generations added the titles Earl of Perth, Lord Madderty and Viscount Strathallan. The family continued their allegiances during the Jacobite risings of 1715 and 1745 which resulted in their lands being forfeited in 1746. The 4th Viscount Strathallan fell at Culloden. The lands were eventually restored by the General Act of Restoration of the Forfeited Highland Estates and remain in the possession of the family today, the chiefship being vested in the Strathallan branch of the family. The old Drummond estate passed through an heiress to the Earls of Ancaster.

The clans in Scotland from 1603 to 1747 were formed merely for the purposes of doing battle. The Clan Drummond septs. (smaller family clans) are:

*Begg,*Beggs, *Brewer, *Brough, *Cargill, *Carrigle, *Child, *Childs, *Doak, *Dock, *Doig, *Drenn, *Drennan, *Drenn, *Drinnan, *Drimman, *Drimmen, *Drinnan, *Dryman, *Drynen, *Drymen,*Grewer, *Grimmond, *MacCrowder, *MacCrowder, *MacCrowther, *MacGrewar, *MacGrewer, *MacGrotie, *MacGrottie, *MacGroty, *MacGrotty, *MacGrouter, *MacGrouther, *MacGruder, *MacGruer, *MacGruther, *MacGrithar, *MacRobie, *MacRobbie, *MacRoby, *MacRobby, *MacRuder, *MacStrawder, *Mashette, *Mushet, *Mushette, *Roberts.

The Drummond clans contributed greatly in the Scots victory over British soliders at Bannockburn in 1314. Malcolm Drummond was notable in the war by developing the Caltrap, 2 spikes welded in a method so the points would always be exposed. These Caltraps were spread in advance of the enemy. When the soldiers on horseback rode over them, the horses were disabled, making the soldiers very vulernable for hand-to-hand combat with the Scottish clans.

Some notable Drummonds were Margaret Drummond, who married King David II in 1369; Annabella Drummond, who was married to King Robert III, and was the mother of James I.

The Drummond clans fought in the Jacobite risings of 1715 and 1745. It was the 1745-1746 war against Britain that caused all the clans to disband. Scotland lost the war to Britain under Charles Stuart at Culloden in 1746. All clans were ordered disbanded. The Fourth Viscount of Strahallen was killed at Culloden. All lands were forfeiteted, but were returned under the General Act of Restoration.

The Drummond estates were restored and remain in possession of the family today. The Strathallan branch of the family own it now. The Rt. Honorable, The Earl of Perth lives on the Drummond estates. He is the Clan Chieftain until this day. The Clan Chieftain lives at Stobhall, which was originally constructed as a hunting lodge.

The Drummond Castle was built in 1491. It is located outside Crieff,25 miles from Stobhall, which is near Perth on the River Tay. It is most noted for its gardens. The stone work and statues came from Continental Europe as was a carved sundial made by John Muylne of Perth.

The Clan Drummond Society of North America began with Charles McRobbie of Methuen, MA. He began the association with the permission of the Clan Chieftain, The Rt. Honorable, The Earl of Perth. The association started with 80 members and has now been revived. The Clan Drummond Society of North America is the only sanctioned society for the clan and its septs. Charles McRobbie, with the approval of the Clan Chieftain, has appointed John W. Cargile as VP/Editor and has asked him to help regroup the clan.

We publish a quarterly newsletter with Letters to the Editor, and offer indepth feature articles on persons we know of who are part of the Clan Drummond (from a historical perspective).

The septs. have a long-storied history with the Drummond family, especially in Perth, Scotland. Our newsletter attempts to cover this with indepth articles.

We ask prospective members to furnish ancestral attachment. If you do not know what the ancestral connection is to the clan, we might be able to help you find out.

Come join us as we pay homage to Clan Drummond and its septs. Membership is $15 per year to cover printing and postage. You will receive a quarterly newsletter where you can share your family ancestry with others. You will learn more about the history of the clan with in-depth feature articles. You will be able to learn how to trace your family roots in Scotland or from anywhere in the world.

To Join:
Clan Connection:_______________________

Remit $20 and send to:
Charles McRobbie
6 Bernard Lane
Methune, MA 01844

John W. Cargile
12208 Mt. Olive Road
Coker, AL 35452

Send us your letters by e-mail or by regular mail. Pictures would be greatly appreciated also. Someone might well be able to answer some of your questions about where your family came from in Scotland.


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A Gaelic Scots Translation
O Miorbhail gràis! nach breagh'an ceòl;
'S e lorg mi 's mi air chall,
Air seachdran dorch', gun neart, gun treòir,
'S a dh'fhosgail sùilean dall.

'S e gràs thug eòlas dhomh air in'fheum;
'S e gràs thug saors'is sìth;
'S cha cheannaicheadh òr a' chruinne-chè
Chiad-là bha fios nam chrìdh'.

Tro iomadh cunnart's trioblaid chruaidh
Thug E gu sàbhailt mi.
An gràs a shaor bhon bhàs le buaidh
Chan fhàg's cha trèig gu sìor.

San dachaigh bhuan gun uair gun tìm,
'S deich mìle bliadhn' mar là,
Cha sguir an ceòl's chan fhàs iad sgìth
A'seiinn a chaoidh mun ghràs



Examples of Tartans

Drummond Tartan
Drummond Clan Tartan

Drummond of Perth Tar
Drummond of Perth Clan Tartan

Drummond of Perth Dress
Drummond of Perth Dress Clan Tartan

flag    flag

Photo taken in 1985, in the Great Room, at Stobhall, home of the Clan Chieftain. The meeting concluded with the establishment of Clan Drummond of North America, by permission of the Clan Chieftain, The Rt. Honorable, The Earl of Perth (on the right) and Charles E. McRobbie, Jr. Clan Convener/President (on the left).

John Cargile

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