Dixie's Domain
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Hi!~ Welcome to my page. Let me start by saying that I'm new at this so please bear with me! *S* Most of you know me as Dixie or Sweetness, and maybe a few others *g*
My name is Denise.... I'm 33 and live in Alabama with my husband and my 2 wonderful sons..Joshua & Jared. Joshua They are my heart, my soul and my inspiration!..*S*

~Mommy loves you both so very much..and I'll always be here for you~

I work full time and raise a family, not much spare time here *s* But, when I do have some time you can usually find me lurking around the house...*L* I have met some very nice people there...and have made some great friends! Thanks for everything guys! *hugs* I am going to list a few here..if you ever see them..stop and say hi *S*

Hurst...My husband, computer technician and a great father! Thanks for all your help! *s*

ShadowCatcher...A true southern gentleman, and a close friend! *hugs*

Southern delight...Hmmm..I plead the fifth on this one! *L* A dear real time and cyber friend! My partner in crime... *hugs* Let's take a yacht next time! *LOL*

Lady Nighthunter...A great friend that can always bring a smile to my face...my other partner in crime~ Look mad girl! *hugs*

goodnightmoon...This is one great lady and I am so happy to have met her on the net..she is sweet and funny and has a great love and respect for her family. I am looking forward to meeting her in R/T. I hope to be able to call her a friend for many years to come..you don't get much better then her! *S**

yont..My first chathouse friend, what a sweetie! I wish for you all the best things in life! *hugs*

Pone...A wonderful person with a heart of gold! Thanks for everything...oh and watch those southern women *wink*

HELEN OF TROY..what can I say..she's great! *Rotfwarhg* *s*

apogee...Always nice to chat with her...she's full of surprises *s*

2Dogs...One of my first chathouse friends..and always the perfect gentleman! Hide that book! *L*

bubbatee....Can this guy make an entrance or what?? *s* Gotta love it!~

bama...A southern gentleman, always quick with a smile..he justs wants a free lunch *L*

I'm not able to mention everyone here, but give me time *S* This page is always under construction....*L*
Thanks for stopping by..and please sign my book on your way out..& you can also reach me on ICQ by leaving your message here!~

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Email: bama85@hotmail.com

~~American by birth..Southern by the grace of God~~