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Guardians of the Third Generation:Prophecies; The Demise of Government; Armageddon's Rein and A New United Earth of Peace

Guardians of the Third Generation:Prophecies; The Demise of Government; Armageddon's Rein and A New United Earth of Peace

This Page last Updated on February 11, 2000, 1948 hours

In the past year, I (the creator of this page)have come to realize just how important it is for Humanity to work together, in order to solve its problems -- such problems that have become a menace to our very species.
At one point, I was particullarly certain that humanity would bring about a cataclysmic downfall, causing us to harken back to the dark ages, or go exitinct. I now realize that that is only one version of our possible future. There is an infinite number of possibilities, I've come to learn, that have happened, are happening and are still to come. All of this is occuring in a Great Eternal Moment (as I have so been brought to remember).
Guardians of the Third Generations, written by one of my very best friends, A.K.A. Mongo, (a human being I have know 11 years, since August of 1988) is a special blend of the author's real past experiences, basic spiritual beliefs and fictional add-in (for storytelling), in order for Humanity to see what could come of its act! ions, if the direction being moved in is not quickly haulted.
It is entirely up to humanity to break the cycle of cataclysmic changes that may yet come, and bring the Earth Mother and Humanity to gradual and cooperative changes that can affect our very being, our very existence for generations to come.
Despite what some may feel, we have the ability to do what Edgar Cayce said (in his altered state) we always had the ability to do, make the necessary choices to bring the future Earth changes into a gradual movement, based entirely on our spiritual thoughts, feelings and emotional understandings. All that we are, we have brought, bring and ar bringing upon ourselves. The "future," as we perceive and call it, is NEVER out of our control.
Not all of you will agree with Guardians of the Third Generation. I, nor Mongo, ask that you do. That would be working against all that you truly feel and believe. We do ask that you take the book, the most waring, bloody and violent parts of it, as examples of what to avoid, what NOT TO DO, in order for our Homeworld to turn into the beatiful place it has the potential to become.
As a personal, etheric request from me, Glennie Walking Cedar, I ask that you all also read Neale Donald Walsch's "Converssations With God," Books One, Two and Three, in tandum.
You may then understand --if you do not, already -- why I feel as I do about the subject of our "future" Earth. I now realize that we have the ability to change it all for the better, and no one can rob me, or anyone of such a credible, clear and perfect understanding.
I have conciously fought for the concept for nearly a decade, and will continue to, even more strongly, in all that I continue to write.<...And I will change...evolve with it.
Please Enjoy our website.
Be Well and Go Carefully.
Glennie Walking Cedar, Keeper of the Flame of Truth, the one that Carries the Message.

"What Would Love Do Now?"...
Coversations With God -- Book 3

By the way, GuestWorld Guestbook Server crashed around early December, 1999. So, the list of people that signed onto my site, since I created in November of 1997, are all gone. I'd love to have you all sign my guest book. When I have more time, I'll spruce of the site. Don't forget to visit the: Conversations with God website. You'll absolutely love it. Thank You. Be Well and Go Carefully. -- January 25, 2000 Sign My Guestbook

View My Guestbook

Earth's Future: Armageddon or Peace: It's Our Choice.

Guardians Trilogy

Prophets and Research: Edgar Cayce to The Great Pyramids
The Files of Walking Cedar
Campaign for Positive Solutions
The NEWbusiness page of A.K.A. Publishing
Conversations With God: Neale Donald Walsch -- This site will change your life. I bet my life on it!
