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Hippie Gurl

With talking to gurls on the internet, I've found a whole lotta them are hippies too! And there really isn't a place just for hippie gurls, u've usually got the web sites for hippies (like and the websites for girls (like Purple Moon and Gurl ) So here's a place for hippie gurls to get together. It's a club. And an e-zine. And a web site with interesting stuff on it. At least it will be. Right now I only have a few members, just a vice pres, and no one to read or write an e-zine. But of course, you- the person who's reading this right now could change that. Just fill out this little form, and you're a member!

What's your name?

What's your e-mail address?

How old are you?

Would you be interested in writing for the e-zine? yes- no-

Would u like to be an officer? What job?





Constest Person-

And then you're a member!

Now that you're a member, maybe u wanta visit a groovy place for hippie sistas ta talk! And just in time, I've gotten our very own chatroom. For members only and it does have a password.

And you'll wanta see who all's one of the trippin members. So here's our MEMBER LIST!

REad the all newDiCtIoNaRy!

If you've got a question or something, just e-mail me at the new club e-mail address, which is
Don't use this for anything that isn't club related though PLEASE!

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