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The Pilot of the Airwaves' Weather Page

I've long been interested in weather forecasting and weather phenomenon. Here are a few links, and a do-it-yourself chart for forecasting the weather. I'm getting ambitious and adding more stuff every few days. Last updated 08/05/2005. Visit early and visit often.

Click for Marshfield, Massachusetts Forecast
Click on this banner, and you can go to the Weather Underground, enter your own zip code and get a custom forecast. There are also links to put a banner like this on your own web page!


Forecasting Chart This is an old chart that I've used to predict the weather using a barometer and the wind direction.

Weather Indicators is a list of indicators that can tell you which way the weather will tend to change.

Making a Hair Hygrometer at the All Star Network shows you how to make a hygrometer (to measure humidity) from a milk carton, some easily obtainable items like thumbtacks and so on, and a hair. I did this years ago, it really works.


NOAA: The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Just what the name says, a government bureau that deals with weather, the oceans and the atmosphere. One of the good things our government provides, that we often take for granted!

Plymouth State Weather Center is the weather department at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. This page has good resources.

SKYWARN National Home Page. Skywarn is a volunteer organization of people who monitor the weather, especially severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and storms.

The Weather Underground Tropical Weather Page lets you track tropical weather like hurricanes and tropical storms.

USA Today's "Helping you understand weather." This is a great site, with easy to understand explainations about what causes various kinds of weather, and what various technical terms mean. So the next time the TV weather person uses a term you don't understand, come here to look it up!

NOAA Weather Radio NOAA operates the NOAA Weather Radio system, hundreds of special transmitters that broadcast weather forecasts, conditions, and bulletins 24 hours a day. You can buy these special radios for as low as $20 at most electronics stores. This page gives you the locations and frequencies of NOAA Weather Radio in your area, including the SAME codes for those whose radios are so equipped. A radio with SAME is more expensive, but it can sound an alarm when bad weather is heading for your specific area, a plus for people in areas prone to dangerous weather.

NWS Wind Chill Temperature Index is the National Weather Service's new Wind Chill reference chart. The method of determining the Wind Chill Factor was revised in 2001.

Heat Index Charts at is the reference chart for determining the Heat Index. The Heat Index is to the summer what Wind Chill is to the winter, except instead of measuring the wind speed, it uses the Dew Point (the temperature at which water condenses out of the air) to calculate the apparent heat.

The Beaufort Scale is a means of classifying wind speed, and includes descriptions of what the wind does to determine the approximate wind speed without instruments.

Cloud Types at the Univerisity of Illinois SS2010 Weather Page shows photographs and descriptions of cloud types.

-The Pilot :-)

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