Artsi愀 Avalon
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A R T S I ~ A V A L O N

Well, hello to thee and welcome to my home.
Actually I惴 just a visitor here, kinda like you are.
You see, this is the place where my master, Artsi, dwells.
I惴 just his humble servant...

Oh! By the way... Did I tell you who I am?
Well, my name is Dalamar the Dark and I惴 your host for this site.
Don愒 be misguided by my name. You see, I惴 only "dark" for those who
raise my anger and I surely hope that I can count you as a friend.
Wanna know who my master is? Go ahead. I惴 here in case you might need me.

My Friends

Marble Kiss is one of my first and dearest friends in the net. She愀 also a "net-godmother" of my son.

Onyx Dagger has her own "dark" realm somewhere in this state of reality. Check it out.

Grandpa has "devoted" his life in study of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and other mythology-stuff. I惴 so proud he added Kalevala there.

Tika has her page here. She even thought that I惴 adorable! You cannot but love that lady! :-P

Well, FINALLY my dear cousin Ari got his webpage going.
He悲 really appreciate your visit.

Kiki is a good friend of mine too. She愀 a fellow European from Italy. Good luck with your marriage to come, Kiki!

Marlene Dietrich has said that:
"It is the friends you can call up at 4 A.M. that matter."
I haven愒 tried that one yet.
(Just wait for that call...)

In case you want to talk with other earthlings, there愀 this place (below)
called "International Chat" that you might find useful.
Sometimes THAT is the portal to Abyss that my former master built.
I truly hope that you enjoy your visit here. We also have this book where
fellow travellers such as you might write their stories about the faraway
countries that they扉e been in, places they扉e seen or the combats they扉e fought.
Feel free to join the ranks of those revered warriors and forgotten soldiers.
Oh my, here I am, still blubbering like a fool even as I see that you are dying
to get to roam around this castle. I惴 truly sorry.
One more thing. THIS place is not like those other you might扉e visited.
In here you can do anything you like. Taste, smell, touch, look, do everything
your heart desires and remember:
If it愀 not nailed to floor, it愀 all yours.

Only one condition:
Have fun!

Aww! Guess your browser ain愒 Java-friendly if you see this, doh!

Oh! In case you haven愒 heard, I have a son. ^_^ His name is Miska
and he must be the most beautiful little boy in the whole wide world.

Here愀 Poetry until your heart bleeds...

Check out this "interactive story"!

MY LINKS Could YOU help little Christopher? NEW! Image Gallery
The pain goes on. This is for ALL of us... Characters of DRAGONLANCE!
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages Diablo... the story...
Check ot what fellow travellers
talk at Ogden愀 tavern...
(Diablo related)
Marvel-comics, pics Cool pics. Mostly Psylocke.
Remember her (or him)
with flowers... They愉e free.
Calvin & Hobbes shrine Guitar tablatures and chords

Sign The Spellbook
Read The Spellbook
Guestbook by Lpage

I know you all love me so why don愒 you just say it!

Only days to total world dominion!

Would you believe...
After some serious whining
I got these GREAT awards!

the ONLY awards that count.