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Black and Quick Match

High Voltage Ignition System

A simple 12v. fire control system

Ematch 1

Ematch 2


Basic Chemistry

Want to make your own Pyro formulas?

A basic Composite rocket motor


Many motor making links!

A Charcoal Fountian


A simple fountian

Paper Shell Hemispheres

Composite Shell Hemispheres

Making Aerial Shells

Aerial Naphthalene Salutes.

Double Voice Crackers


Bp Salutes

How Powerful are those Blackcats? Click here to see what one did to a tangerine.

This is a section that we hate to have to include, but, if you are going to partake in the joys of pyro you must also know what can happen in an instant of carelessness or oversight. Please be advised, the photos are quite graphic in nature.

This accident happened when a young man rammed a KClO4 based rocket composition.

here is the photo

This accident happened when a experienced pyro was holding ~10g of Bp. It went off in his hand, and as you can see, the results were not pretty.

Naphthalene charges

Mothball Salutes

Cremora Fireballs

Gas Fireballs

Titanium Flashpot

NC Lacquer

Photo Page

Sugar Smoke


Last Update: 11/11/2003

Andrew just returned from the Florida Pyrotechnics Arts Gulid's 4F Festival! Durring this gathering of some of the worlds best pyros Andrew built his first 3" can shell for competition. Although the shell worked as he hoped it would he didnt place in the competition. A huge THANK YOU goes out to his friend Gary and also to Pyro for donating the string for the project.


If you have recently sent Andrew Pictures or emails and he has not gotten back to you please re send the pictures or emails.


Andys Email address:

Click Here to view an .avi video that was submitted!

Andrew's AIM Screen Name: AndrewBrett6

Ever wonder how Visco fuse is made?


These next two fireball pictures was sent in by an anonymous contributor.

Your Pic could be here,Email Andy for details!

Big enough for ya? This was an 8", Three break maltiese shell that I was *lucky* enough to have watched two Maltiese master shell builders constuct.

This photo was also sent in by an anonymous contributor. THANK YOU!

Please Vist Bells Fireworks

No matter where you are it's worth the drive!

Check out for the very best pyro supplies. They have the BEST string you could ever want for spiking shells!

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