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Note: Another Tag for a The Scrolls, written with Lady Rumina! It was a cool Tag to write and i think i can say we DID have lots of fun writing it! So here it is!

Rumina Committee Scrolls Article, Special April First

On Skull Mountain Rumina just woke up. "O.k. let's see what I have to do today." she said to her cat. She took a look at her calendar.

"Oh boy, today we have 1st April. Oh Cicero, do you know what that means?" she stood up and run to her pool. "I have to play a trick on Sinbad and his crew. That will be very very funny." She waved one hand to change her clothes.

"Be a good cat till mommy comes back, o.k.?" Rumina grinned and in a veil of smoke she disappeared.

On the Nomad, The guys were having breakfast. Bryn, in her room, got ready for the day and joined them on the galley. The guys were all sitting at the table, staring at her strangly. She looked down at herself, trying to see what was wrong with her that morning, but everything seemed alright. "Bryn!" Sinbad said, after having cleared his throat, "What the hell were you doing? We're aboard a ship, here, not in vacations in an hotel!" He told her, an angry look in his face.

She looked at Doubar for help, but he looked down, not to meet her gaze "I'm sorry Bryn, but Sinbad's right. It's not because you're the only woman aboard this ship that you have the right to sleep all the morning when it's the annual cleaning day" he told her. "Now, you are going to move your ass and clean!" Sinbad almost yelled at her, throwing her an old piece of tissue. "and start by the galley, when you'll have worked enough then you could have dinner!"

Bryn couldn't believe it. Sinbad has never been angry at her like this. She gave him a killer look and took the tissue. "Aye, captain!" she hissed at him. She turned around. Bryn couldn't see that the others tried hard to hide their laughers. She knelt down and wanted to scrub the floor of the galley. Suddenly Doubar began to laugh. And then the others also started. Bryn turned around and the others yelled: "1 April!" "Noooooooo!" Bryn ran to Sinbad and punched him on the chest. "You fooled me! You just wait!" But then she also began to smile. She sat down and began to have breakfast with the others. Sinbad took a peace of bread and wanted to eat it. But the bread didn't wanted to be eaten. It became very hot and Sinbad yelled: "Ahhhh! That's hot!" The peace of bread glided back on the plate.

Bryn started to laughed. Sinbad turned to her and signs. "Ok one to one i guess" he told her. "what?" she said, not understanding. "Bryn, the bread, ok, very funny. I got you once and you got me back.. one to one!" he explained. "I didn't.. I mean, i did nothing to that bread. Is this another joke." He was Doubar's turn to speak "Bryn it's ok now, the joke is over." "It wasn't me! I didn't do anything, ok!" she was getting mad. Sinbad and Doubar exchange a look. They believed her. But if it wasn't her..

"O.k., but if it wasn't Bryn, who could have been this?" Doubar whispered to Sinbad. "Hmmm, whoever it was, it was only the beginning." Nobody noticed that Rumina sat beside Sinbad. She made herself invisible for them. "Oh yeah, dearest. You're so right." She began to cast a spell on Firouz. Firouz stood up, took a the pie and threw it at Doubar's head. "What the... " Doubar yelled. "Oh, what happened?" Firouz was stunned. He looked at his hands and saw what he did. "Oh Doubar, sorry I didn't want to do this!" He stuttered. "Ok!" Sinbad yelled. "Whoever you are! Show yourself! NOW!!!"

At this moment, Rumina became visible. "YOU!" Sinbad yelt! Bryn looked at the woman, not knowing who she was. "What are you doing here?" "Playinfg tricks! It's April first, and i guess playing tricks to my cat isn't the most interesting thing to do." Rumina replied, simling to the crew.

She looked at Doubar "Oh, you're looking very... SWEET! I should conjure some bees!" Rumina began to laugh. She held up her hands. "Rumina?" Sinbad yelled. Rumina was stunned. "Yes, dearest?" she asked him. "Where are you? I can't see you!" he began to look around. He winked to the ohters. "Rumina! Rumina!" the others called her too. "But... but... I'm here!" she was scared. He touched Sinbad's shoulder."Ahhhhh!" he yelled. "Something touched me! Ugh! UGLY!" "But dearest, that was me!" she began to cry. "Oh no! Nobody can see me!"

Sinbad started to laugh lightky and drove her into his arms. "Hush Hush Rumina, that's ok. I was kidding!" The others were laughing so hard to see Rumina crying like that. She usually would change them into frogs for laughing at her that way, but being comforted like that by Sinbad was even better.

Bryn look at them. Now she knew who the lady was. Rumina! the one Sinbad hated the most for what she done to Maeve. She smiled to herself.

Rumina put her hand to Sinbad's neck and pulled him closer to her. Then she gave him a passionate kiss. Sinbad was surprised. "And this was only the down payment!" she grinned. "Ah, you're Rumina! Nice to meet you! I heard a lot of you!" Bryn began. "Oh, really! Only good things I hope!" Rumina looked at her. "Only the best!" Bryn answered. "Rumina, do you want to have breakfast with us?" Sinbad invited her.

"Hmmm! Well, I think you know the answer!" the tiny sorceress answered. Sinbad wanted to sit down but Rumina held up her hand and the chair moved away. Sinbad fell down. "Hahahahaha!" Rumina laughed. "April 1st again!"

Sinbad got up and smiled inocently to her., the sat down. Bryn sat down next to Sinbad, and Rumina Next to Bryn. While they were eating, Rumina whispered something to Btyn and they started to laugh. "What?" Doubar asked. Sinbad looked on their direction and responded to Doubar "Women things.. you know?" It was the guys' turn to laugh.

Bryn stood up and went out of the galley. But a few seconds she came back and yelled: "Sinbad please come!" she yelled. "What happened?" he jumped up and ran out of the galley. But he saw nothing. He looked at Bryn. "Oh, I only wanted to say that... " she began. "WHAT?" he was confused. "... it's April 1st! Hahahahaha! That was for the trick you played on me." Bryn laughed. "Thank you, Rumina! That was a good idea!" Rumina gave Bryn a high five and the two witches went back into the galley and laughed and laughed and laughed.

"Seems like we got two witches to play tricks on us now!"Doubar said. Sinbad laughed. "Seems that way, but i dont hate it in fact!" Firouz looked amezed at Sinbad, then at the two ladies eating breakfats. He bent on the table to whispered to Sinbad "They looks funny together, don't you think!" Sinbad looked at Bryn and noticed how glad she seemed. Maybe having a woman friend for once was something good for her. He watched her while she and Rumina were exchanging looks, smiling. yet it was time for another trick he thought. Today would be Men agains Women.

* * * * *

"Bryn, could you give up the soup?" Sinbad asked her. "Yah, of course!" she answered him and stood up! She took the kettle with the soup and gave it to Sinbad. When Bryn and Rumina couldn't see it he took a hand full salt in the soup. He gave everyone some soup. The others didn't ate the soup. Everyone waited till the two sorceresses ate the soup. "Ugh! That's ugly!" Rumina yelled. "Igitt!" Bryn threw the spoon away and jumped up.

All the crew started to laugh again. Bryn gave an angry look atSinbad but finally satrted to laugh as well, follwed by Rumina. "It makes a long while i didn't have that much fun!" Rumina said. "Playing tricks is funny, but it's funninest when it makes everyone laugh." She added, smiling at Bryn. Sinbad stared at her, then at Bryn. There was a some sort complicity between the two women. Something he couldn't explain.

"What are you going to do today, Rumina?" Sinbad asked her. "Hmmm, I don't know. I think I'm going back home." she said with a very sad look in her eyes. "What else could I do?" She held up her hand and wanted to leave. Bryn gave Sinbad a puppy eye look. "Ahm, Rumina!" he began. "Would you like to stay here for today?" Rumina was very puzzled. She ran to Sinbad and meant: "Really? You want me to stay here?" "Yeah! But only when you stop making troubles." he answered. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and smiled. Bryn began to grin.

The crew started to laugh. For the first time, the crew was having fun with Rumina. Every one seemed to enjoy her compagny, espicially Bryn. And for once, Rumina wonder how Soinbad could be enough sweet to invite his worth ennemie to spend the day with them. She smiled at her thoughs and turned her attention on Doubar who was trying to eat his saled soup, making laugh the whole crew. It was going to be an interesting and unforgetable day!

The End
