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Note: A Tag, written with HBKid. I had to write my Scrolls Article, I was already late and had no idea what to do. Thanks to him for his help! Here what it gave.

Rumina Committee Scrolls Article, Special St-Patrick

Rumina had lost her powers. Sinbad encountered her outside a small town called Portia. The two looked weirdly at each other and soon found themselves traveling threw a portal. They landed in Chicago, the year was 1999 and the d ay was St Patrick's Day.

Rumina was shocked. "What's this? "Sinbad smiled. "The future perhaps?" He noticed that Rumina was different than usual. "How about we have a date tonight? That place on the corner looks nice."

Rumina grinned. "Sounds like something we could do since this is different. Okay." Sinbad read the restaurant sign *THE LEPERCHAUN CAFE*

Sinbad and Rumina noticed they has on different outfits. Sinbad wore a suit. Rumina wore a beautiful long green dress.

Sinbad and Rumina walked into the restaurant. A small man, wearing a green suit, walked up to them ."I am Leprechaun, and you have come to me restaurant. Come in and sit, cause I'll never let you quit."

Rumina giggled. "Funny little man to be honest." Sinbad tried to seem amused. "...Nice joke. Now, can we have a table?"

"Tables and chairs are nice, so is a little advice!"

Leprechaun motion for Sinbad to bend down. The short man whispered in Sinbad's ear, "Steal my gold, and your life will be old and filled with mold."

Sinbad and Rumina were seated in a corner seat. They looked out the window and could view the lake, glistening in the moonlight. The Leprechaun giggled as he placed two menu's on the table. "Be sure to not steal me gold!"

Sinbad nodded his head. Rumina licked her lips. Sinbad asked Rumina nicely, "What's a nice person like you doing with black magic? It's hard for me to see you like this and than see you doing evil."

Rumina sat back in her chair. "I can ask you the same question. What does an intelligent guy like you is doing with the good side?"

Sinbad smiled. "A question can answer a question. "The two moved closer. They were about to kiss when the small man pounded his hand on the table. "Order now, play later, it's our rule whether or not hew cater!"

Sinbad growled. He whispered, "Little jerk." Sinbad smiled at the small man. "WE shall order now I guess. I'll have elephant!" The small man chuckled. "Smelly beasts are not served, this is Irish Pub you matey, here we serve Irish food."

Sinbad and Rumina looked over there menu's. Sinbad's eyes brightened when he saw ale mention. Finally he saw something he had before. "One mug of ale for me." Rumina smiled. "Me too."

The Leprechaun lifted his pointing finger up. He swifted back and forth. "Glasses of ale for two of you, ale served as quick as I eat some of a cashew" Sinbad held his anger inside. "Okay, just go get the darn ale. The small man walked off. Rumina asked, "Where were we?" Sinbad smiled. The two finally kissed!

The Leprechaun walked out, he dropped the tray of mugs. "I told you, NEVER TAKE ME GOLD! "Sinbad and Rumina kept kissing. The small man pouted. "I ment me bowl of gold and me woman, who is my living gold! How dare you steal my gold you bloody black-hearted idiot!"

Rumina pushed Sinbad away. She growled at the short man. "Get me some ale NOW!" Sinbad grabbed a knife. He threatened to throw it at the little man. "I will throw it too..." Small man laughed. 'Throw it at me, and you will see, I will make thee look like a seed."

Rumina and Sinbad sat down, angry. The little man placed the mugs of ale on the table. He ordered them, "Play nice because I don't warn twice, and this is the first warning." The Little man walked away. "Now what?" Rumina asked Sinbad. He looked through the window. "Well i think we gotta get out of here." "Nice reflection!" she sarcastically replied. The look in his face made her smiled.

Sinbad smiled back. He didn't know why, but tonight, Rumina was irresistible to him. She was his enemy, but she was harmless.. and beautiful. He looked in his eyes, and for the first time, he could see love in them.

From the corner of the restaurant, Leprechaun watched them carefully. He didn't like at all the way they were looking at each other! But what could he do? They were leaving.

Rumina and Sinbad walked hand in hand down the shore. Rumina looked at Lake Michigan. "How peaceful and calm? "Sinbad smiled. "Just like you tonight! I like this Rumina, in fact I love her even." The two shared a passionate kiss, as a older man played a violin in the background.

Sinbad asked, "Perhaps we could start a new life here together?" Rumina replied, "Forever!" The two once again kissed, Fireworks lit off over the windy city, as the two lovers kissed and kept kissing.

The End
