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Save Sinbad!

Here is what you can do to help The Adventures Of Sinbad to get back on the air. As you probably already know, the show was cancelled over one year ago. It was only 2 seasons old!

So here is what you can if you want to save AoS:

1) Drop by the SoSinbad Forum and say you like the show and want it back! You can also say WHY you like it, that YOUR FRIENDS and FAMILY like it as well, that you would like to see either a THIRD SEASON or a TWO HOURS MOVIE, etc!

2)Write E-mails to Peter Susman at his office of Atlantis TV. The addy is really simple to remember: Write Often, the more you write, the more they notice us! (in "Subject" of your E-mail, write "To Peter Susman") Tell him you want the show back. But stay polite. You can even thank him for the two seasons we got! DO NOT tell him stuff like "I liked Second One better" or "I didn't really like season One" or stuff like that. THAT WOULDN'T HELP!

3)Write letters (snail mail) to Peter Susman at his office. You can say about the same as in your E-mails or in the forum. But remember to STAY POLITE! This is the very key! Tell him AoS is your favorite show, etc! Post your letter to:
Peter Susman
65 Heward Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M4M 2T5

You can send as many letters as you want! Do it often!!

4)Ask your friends and family to write as well! It's important!! The more peoples we get to write, the bigger chances we get to have the show back!!! So Pass the word about that campain!!!

If you need any other info about the campain, or want to do more, go to the SoSinbad Page. There is everything to help you and very more! You really should take a look at it!!!
