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Note: This is a small fanfic. It doesn't have any links with any other stories. Maybe you won't like it, maybe you will, but maybe it's not a story for a nine years old! I had that idea one night. I was talking with a friend one night about writing something like that So I just couldn't help, I had to write something down!!! Ok, so here it is… And I want Feed-back!!! So here we go!

Blanket's Tale

The sun had set up on the sky for about two hours. On Sinbad's room, the big blanket that was always on his bed was moving, trying to hide the sound of laughs.. and other kinda sounds as well. Two bodies were laid under it.

--Sinbad, what in Allah's name are you doing?" Doubar asked.

--Nothing Doubar, I .. I was only dreaming." Sinbad replied, trying not to laugh for Bryn was tickling him, blowing on his chest.

--Then maybe you'd better to get up Capt'n!" Doubar said, leaving the door.

--Good things always have a end!" Bryn said, sitting up on the bed. "Come one capt'n, your job's calling you." Sinbad didn't listened to her but pulled her down on the bed and warped her with his arms and buddy. "I wish we can have, only once, a day only for us." Sinbad told her, kissing her. "Only once!! Thanks a lot!!" She said, making fun of him. "You know what I mean.!" He said, sliding out of the warm bed. Then he got dressed and just before he left, come back to his bed were Bryn had fallen asleep. "Come on, get up" he said, kissing her one last time. Then he left the room and joined the others in the galley.

--You slept well little brother?" Doubar asked laughing, patting his brother's shoulder. Sinbad became red and smiled : "Honestly, i didn't sleep very well!" he said shyly. "And Bryn.. she slept well?" Firouz asked Sinbad looked around, trying not to meet their gaze "How am I supposed to know" he said .Trying to hide that fact that she had 'slept' with him. At this moment, Sinbad's door opened and Bryn, only dressed with her nightgown, got out.

--Hey Bryn, come here!" Doubar called. She walked to them and stood behind Sinbad, sat by his brother side. "What?" she asked. Sinbad bent his head by behind and she gently kissed him. "Nothing lass, it's ok!" Doubar said, obviously very amazed by his brother's reaction. Bryn left for her room to get ready for the day.

--You had no idea?!?" Firouz told Sinbad. Everyone laughed.

Later that morning, Sinbad was at the tiller, while Bryn was eating breakfast bellow deck. Afwane, one of the crew members, but also a very good of her walked to her. "So, i heard that you and the capt'n had a great night!" "What! Who told you that? Doubar?" she asked, choking on her cereals. "Bryn, I said I heard!! As well as the whole crew!" he laughed and left Bryn, that was almost in shock! "Oh Boy!" she told herself, pulling away her breakfast.

Afwane walked to Sinbad at the tiller. He was smiling, completely lost in his thoughts. "So, it was good?" Afwane asked getting Sinbad back on the 'ground!' "What??" Sinbad said, more than surprised by the question of a member of his crew. Noticed it was Afwane, so one of the closer Bryn's friend, he smiled. "Wonderful! My poor Afwane, you have no idea what you are missing!" Sinbad said, giving him the tiller. He left and simply joined Bryn who was no longer only in the galley…

The End