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Note: This is a short fanfic i wrote during my French class i think. It's really short, one page! But i hope you'll like it anyway!

Eyes In The Night

It was the middle of the night aboard the Nomad. Bryn was comformably sleeping on her bed. Slowly, the door of her room opened to let come in the handsome capt'n. He quietly walked to her bed and sled into the blanket. She could feel the warm of his body as he got closer to her. He gently past his hand on her shoulder and started to kiss her neck. She smiled. But there was something wrong…

--AHH!!! Get out! Please, leave me alone, GET OUT!!!" she yelled, terrified.

* * * *

Sinbad had just finished his watch and was walking through the galley to reach his room when he heard Bryn yelling to someone to get out. Thinking about what was probably happening, he rushed to her room.

--Bryn, are you alright?" Sinbad asked. He didn't wait for an answer to come in. Bryn was sitting on her bed, breathing hardly. "What happened?" he asked worried, walking to her bed. He sat on it and gently past his hand on her front-head, then on her head.

--It's ok, Sinbad. I just had a bad dream." She explained simply. He looked at her and smiled comfortingly.

--what was it about?" he asked.

--It's very stupid, but I was so scared!" he looked patiently at her for an explanation. Shy, he started to explain "You had come in my room.. well.. in my bed. You started to kiss me.. And then, your eyes turned green, but flashing green. I was scared. And you were trying to bit my neck. You were that kind of immortal creature, and I knew that if you'd bit me, I'd become that monster as well and I didn't want to. And I couldn't ask for help because I knew every one on the crew were as bad as you. Then, I don't know. I guess I woke up."

--What a dream! Well, you don't have to worry, none's a bad monster with green eyes on this ship." He said to comfort her. She smiled and laid back in her bed, laying her head on Sinbad's laps. "Thank you Sinbad." She told him.

Sinbad smiled to himself and laid down by Bryn's side. She rested her head on his chest as he past his harm around her. And as she closed her eyes, Sinbad's eyes grown green to watch falling asleep the one he was soon going to love for the eternity.

The End