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Note: This is my very first fanfiction. I wrote it more than one year ago. the first version was in French, so I translated it few months later. Thanks a lot to Selynne who edited it! When i wrote the fist version of this fic, my dad was often standing behind me, reading what i was writing. Even though i hated it I was always asking him some advices! (he used to love the AoS too!) He was the first person to read it. So Daddy, I dedicase you that fanfic, and hope that from where you are now, you can help help me out with everything. Thanks and... Love you for ever..

Mountain House

The night was falling over the sea. The activity aboard the Nomad was slowing down and a great atmosphere was in the air. They hadn't had any problems all day long.

Sinbad was at the tiller, Doubar with him. "Ha! If only all our days could be like this, don't you agree, little brother?" asked Doubar with satisfaction.

Sinbad came out of his dreaming. "Yes, Doubar." he said, as he gave him the tiller and left. He walked on the deck and passed in front of Rongar, who was 'playing' with some rope. Then, he saw Maeve at the bow. She was sitting on the rail and her eyes were fixed on the sunset.

"What a great evening, don't you think?" Sinbad asked, to announce himself.

"You're right, Sinbad!" she said, as she turned her head to face him. She looked into his sea-blue eyes. He was full of tenderness And she didn't understand why she tried to resist him. They finished watching the sunset together. "Sinbad!" It was Firouz. "Sinbad, come and see, I have something to show you!"

Sinbad got up and put his hand on Maeve's back, giving her a smile to say good bye. She responded with a smile, and he left. He was a little bit angry because each time he was with her…someone else needed him. He joined Firouz in his quarters, transformed into a laboratory and room for work. Firouz told him about his new invention.

"You see this device Sinbad? When it spins, it will create a fresh wind that will refresh the ship and permit us to be..."

"Firouz, how will you make this... thing...spin?" he asked, more curious about Firouz's answer than the answer itself.

"That's simple, I just haven't had the time to think about it yet."

"Oh, I see!" said Sinbad, with sarcasm. With that, he left. When he came back on the deck, the moon and the stars were already there. Only the crewman of the watch had stayed on deck. Then, he went to sleep.

The next morning, they anchored on Erenne Island. It was a beautiful place; the sand was white, the sea blue-green, the perfect place to take a day off and relax. They set up camp on the beach. After dinner, Firouz worked on his invention, as Doubar, Rongar and Sinbad were simply relaxing. Maeve went for a walk with Dermott.

She was walking slowly, as if she didn't really know where to go. She was looking so sad. She hadn't said a word since they arrived on the island. Sinbad was starting to worry about her.

"What's happened to Maeve? I've never see her like that. Why don't you go with her, to talk to her, little brother?" Doubar suggested.

"Don't worry Doubar, she will be all right soon. But for the moment, I think she wants to be alone." He smiled to his brother and turned his head to watch the beautiful sorceress go. Sinbad was sad to see her like that, but didn't want his brother to know.


The darkness was falling. Rongar was cooking the fish he had caught. When he saw that Maeve hadn't came back, Sinbad decided to go to bring her back himself. He ran towards her, and when he found her, about 1 kilometer later,he stopped running and simply walked to her. She was sitting on a rock and looking out to sea.

"Maeve, if you don't move yourself you'll miss supper!" he said gently.

She turned her head to look at him, into his beautiful eyes. She smiled at him when she saw his worrying.

"Maeve, what's wrong with you? Don't you like this place? Do you have a bad feeling about it?" he asked.

"No, it's just that..." She closed her eyes to brush back her tears. "It's just that this island reminds me of some things I'd prefer to forget." She opened her eyes but wasn't able to look at him. So she smiled. Dermott clacked at them to show that he was there but didn't join them. ''I'll be all right Sinbad, don't worry."

Sinbad sat next to her. "You know, if you want to talk, I'm here for you." he said sweetly. Sinbad didn't know much about her. He knew that she was learning magic for some years, with Dim-Dim, and that she wanted kill Rumina for what she had done, but he didn't really know why. He thought that she had changed Dermott into a hawk, but he had never found the courage to ask her about that. Anyway, he knew that one day, she would tell him. When she was ready.

Maeve was glad to have Sinbad at her side, but she wasn't sure she wanted to talk about her life. It was already difficult enough to think about, she didn't want to have to talk about it more. But she knew that Sinbad was understanding.

"Sinbad, do you have, sometimes, the feeling that it all could be better if you didn't exist? That the life is dark and without hope? That you could be more happy if you were dead?" Her voice was so sad. Sinbad didn't really know what to say.

"It happens sometimes, but when it does, I think about all the great moments in life. Sometimes they are simple, like just seeing how beautiful a place is, hearing a friend laugh, or watching the sunset with someone I care about," He gently brushed her hair back off her face. "It's the little things like that, that make life so great." He smiled at her. His face was full of tenderness, like it was every time he talked to her.

At that moment, Sinbad just wanted to take her in his arms. But he was afraid of her reaction, so instead he put his hand on hers and looked at her directly in her eyes.

Maeve wasn't able to keep his look, so she closed her eyes. The night had fallen some time ago, and so they decided that it was better to go back to camp. Sinbad got up, and helped Maeve to do the same, as she took his hand. When they arrived, the others had already finished eating.

"We left some food for you!" said Doubar. Rongar approved with a nod of his head.

"Perfect," Sinbad said. "You can go to sleep, I'll take the first watch."

It didn't take much time before they all fell asleep. Maeve and Sinbad had just finished eating. The temperature had fallen and the two were starting to feel cold.

"We'd better go search for some wood for the fire," Maeve said.

Sinbad looked at her with a smile." That can wait, but you can go sleep if you want, I can do my watch alone you know." Sinbad said.

"I'm not tired, but if you want, I can do it for you. I don't care. I can't sleep anyway."

It was true, she couldn't sleep, but she didn't really want Sinbad to sleep, either. She needed him. She wanted him to stay with her. Sinbad understood this and didn't want her to be alone. To pass the time, they talked about the adventures they had had with the crew for almost a year now, all the people they saved, all the great moments the spent together, all together.

After a long silence, Maeve look at Sinbad and said, "You were right. It's during moments like that that we understand how great life is!"

Sinbad looked at her, and saw the sadness through her eyes. He thought that she was like a child who needed someone to take care of her, to say how much she was appreciated...and loved, for her heart had been hurt so much. So, he placed his arm around her shoulders.

With him, she felt important and safe. She slowly put her head on his shoulder. It was the first time they had felt so close to each other.

Maeve fell asleep. Sinbad, who had to watch the fire, was trying to keep his eyes open, but it wasn't an easy task. The night was fresh, and the fire wasn't burning anymore. Sinbad had fallen asleep, Maeve in his arms. Suddenly, he woke up, his movement causing Maeve to awaken, also.

"Sinbad, what's happening?" asked Maeve sleepy. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I am." he replied, not sure of himself. "I just had a bad dream. It looked so real!"

"Sinbad, what was your dream about?" S he looked so worried that Sinbad started to explain:

"We five were on the beach when a monster appeared. I don't know from where it came. And as we were running away, it got Doubar, and after that, Firouz. With Rongar, we ran to the forest and I knew that we had to find the Mountain House. But Dermott wasn't with us anymore and I was afraid he had joined the two others. And after that I woke up."

It was the sunrise on the sea. Sinbad saw in Maeve's eyes that she was afraid of something.

"Sinbad, we have to leave, now.''

Sinbad understood that she knew something was happening, but he didn't understood why she had reacted like that.

"Slow down, Maeve. It's finished, it was just a dream!'' He gently took her arm. ''Could you explain to me what this is about?''

"No time for that!" she said loudly, as she moved around him to make him move. ''Sinbad, don't you see what's happening here!?! This island is the evil! WE HAVE TO LEAVE, NOW!"


"Why don't you move? You think I'm crazy, that I'm worried for nothing? You don't trust me as much when I say that we may be in danger?" As she yelled, she awoke the others.

"What's happening here?" asked Doubar.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" replied Sinbad sarcastically.

"What's happening is that we may be under attack and the captain is doing nothing to help us!" said Maeve, getting more and more angry.

"Maeve, it was just a dream, nothing more! Relax, please." Sinbad said. "Now, please explain what's wrong with you!

Before she could answer, a monster appeared out of nowhere .

"We have to go to the forest, it's our only chance" said Sinbad.

They left. The sunrise was now complete. The crew ran for more than an hour and soon they were unable to run anymore.

"Maeve, you seem to know what the hell that is! So explain it, now!" said Firouz, firmly. Maeve felt like she had no choice.

"On this island, the monsters appear in dreams to warn you that they will come in the day. You can't do anything to stop it……I'm sorry!

"Maeve! Are you trying to say that all I saw in my dream will become real?" asked Sinbad looking at Maeve.

"Yes, I'm afraid so!" she replied.


The warm temperature of the previous day had returned. They had been walking for several hours now, and they needed a break. They hadn't eat since last night's supper and were starting to get hungry, so Doubar decided to go look for food.

"No Doubar, don't.'' Sinbad said.

"Little brother, if you think that that stupid monster will make me less hungry, you're wrong. Don't worry about me!"

Sinbad told him goodbye. He knew that he could do nothing to save his brother. It was his destiny. Maeve looked at Sinbad's beautiful face. She was sad because, like Sinbad, she knew what was going to happen.

They waited and waited for Doubar's return, until Sinbad finally announced that they had to leave.

"Are you sick, Sinbad? That's your brother! Have you forgotten?" asked Firouz.

"I know and I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. It had to happen and we will not find him or be safe if we stay here!" said Sinbad.

Rongar approved Sinbad with a sign of his hand.

"I'm curious to know, what's going to happen now?" asked Firouz.

"I'm not sure you really want to know, Firouz." said Sinbad.

"Why?" he asked, not understanding.

"Because you're the next on the list, Firouz." Maeve said bluntly.

"You were right Sinbad; I preferred it when I didn't know!" said Firouz, nervously.

Sinbad gave Maeve a dark look. She replied with a false smile.

They continued to walk. No one was talking. Everyone looked lost in their thoughts.

Then, Sinbad had an idea. "Maeve, don't you think we should find that house? Maybe we will be safe in it, or find Doubar?"

"The problem is that I have no idea where that house could be!" she replied. She wished she could be more helpful.

"I thought you knew that place Maeve, isn't it what you said?" Sinbad asked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Sinbad, I just passed by here, I don't know that place any more than you do. In particular, this part of the -"

Rongar cut her off. Pointing with is hand, he showed them one of the monsters, not too far away from them. He tried to hit the beast with his daggers, but it didn't seem to care a bit about it. Suddenly, the monster ran at them. Touching Firouz, both of them vanished.

The rest of them had watched the scene, unable to move or help. Rongar had tried, without result. But now they knew how that thing took it's victims. And it was now important to find that house, before the dusk fell. For help, Maeve had to send Dermott out. She wasn't sure it was a good idea but she didn't really have a choice. They continue to walk, quietly.

Unable to stand the silence, Sinbad talked."With all the vegetation, we could be by the side of that mountain and not see it!" he said with desolation.

They continued walking until the end of the day. They hadn't eaten since the last evening. They were hungry, stressed and so tired. And Dermott, they hadn't see him for few hours now and Maeve was becoming more than worried about him. She had lost the communication with him as well. She just hoped he was safe, somewhere, maybe back at camp.

They finally reached the mountain. There was no more vegetation on it, except for some trees here and there. At the top was has little house. They could see it, but it was still far and their only wish was to reach it before another problem happened. And Sinbad dream could not help anymore, because they had long passed over the stand where Sinbad had awakened.

They started to climb. Midway from the top, they heard something behind them. A noise, like a groan, something frightening. As they slowly turned to face it, the practically invisible creature ran at Maeve. As she tried to run away, the beast grabbed her by the waist.

"Maeve!" Sinbad yelled.

Continuing to run, the beast finally let her go, pushing her on the ground. Turning to Rongar, it caught him instead and they both vanished away.

"Rongar!" It was Maeve's turn to yell. "Oh no! It's all my fault!" she cried, feeling really guilty for his friend's disappearance. Lying on the ground, hurt, she didn't want to move anymore, repeating that it was her own fault.

Sinbad came to her and gently put his hand on her back. "It wasn't your fault, Maeve. You weren't what it needed, that's all." He was almost smiling. "Come on, we're almost there, we have to continue." he said, holding out his hand to help her to stand up. They continued, walking hand in hand, Sinbad pulling Maeve to make her walk quicker.

The dusk had fallen when they finally reached the top of the mountain. The little house, more like a hut, was there in front of them. Leaving Maeve behind, Sinbad ran to the door and knocked on it, but received no response. Maeve joined him. As she looked at the door, she noticed a symbol of the sun on it.

She turned to Sinbad. "We can't go in tonight Sinbad, I'm sorry." And she really was. Sinbad was looking at her questioningly, so she explained. "Dim-Dim told me about that symbol placed on the door. It means that it's locked for the night, until the sun is there, not for the Dark Forces can go in during the day."

The made a little fire and sat in front of it, directly on the ground. They were angry, and so tired, but neither of them wanted to sleep. The hot temperature of the day was now a faint memory.

"I wish I had brought my cloak with me," Maeve said, looking at the small fire.

Sinbad smiled. "How are you doing now?" he asked, thinking about the way that beast had hurt her.

"I'm okay," she replied simply, not showing her pain.

Sinbad put his hands on her back, with soft movements to warm her. Then he placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. She didn't resist. Slowly, she rested her head down on his shoulder. With him, she felt safe.

"Don't leave me Sinbad, please, without you I'll never find the courage to continue! Don't leave me!" Maeve said, looking down. She was very tired, and the thought of seeing Sinbad vanish also was scaring her more than thought of the creature itself. She felt like crying, but didn't; not in front of Sinbad.

"Don't worry Maeve, I have no intentions of leaving you." He pulled her closer. "I'll never leave you." With his free hand, he touched her sweet face, caressed her cheek and brushed back her hair to gently kiss her temple. "Now, you have to rest. I know you're hurt, I'm not that stupid you know, so I want you to sleep, and that is an order." he said, smiling.

He had told the truth, her injuries was more serious than what she had said. Her ribs, in particular, were hurting her so much!

Sinbad slowly moved his hand from Maeve's shoulder to her waist and gently led her to his lap, her head on his arm. Maeve knew with him she had nothing to be afraid of, and, her head against his chest, fell into a deep sleep. Soon, Sinbad joined her in her dreams.

The sun was rising when Maeve opened her eyes again. She was still in Sinbad's arms. Sitting up by his side, she watched him as he slept. But they hadn't time to loose.

"Morning Sinbad, get up!" she said as she gently pressed her hand to his face. He opened his eyes to find the beautiful sorceress waiting for him. In one movement, he got to his feet. They walked to the door of the hut, and, with all the hope of their heart, opened the door. But their friends weren't inside. Only old books were in there, books and something that looked like a magical formula written on the wall. Maeve read it.

"Here are the ones you love, and care about. Brought here by dark forces, they are now safe and protected by the Mountain House. To find them, read the incantation." Maeve looked at Sinbad. "This incantation is write in Erennien, I can read it, it was a part of Dim-Dim's instruction." she said before she started.

"Soum, laa cheille' aktharr as-wa mine haa-doul maote." she said. But it didn't seem to work.

"What does that mean?" Sinbad asked.

"Hey, I said I could read it, I never said I was understanding!" But even as she replied a bright light filled the hut. They had to close their eyes to keep from going blind. When they were finally able to open their eyes again, after the light was gone, their friends was standing in front of them, laughing and looking around.

"Little brother, it's great to see you again!" Doubar said as he gave Sinbad a big hug.

"Great, is everyone okay ?" Sinbad asked, looking at all his friends.

Before they could reply, Maeve spoke. "Dermott wasn't with you guys?" she asked worriedly, noticing that the hawk wasn't there. She was looking around like a lost child.

Firouz answered, "I'm sorry Maeve, but as you see, he's not here. So why don't we just leave this place and go back to the Nomad?" he suggested, completely not caring about Maeve's pain. He then left the hut, followed by Rongar and Doubar.

"Maybe he's back in camp, Maeve, we left all our things up there. I'm sure he's there, waiting for you." Sinbad said as he led her to the door.

She looked around one last time.

"I hope you're right. I lost all contact with him, I hope he's all right."

They walked a few hours to reach camp. The hot temperature, like the day before, was back. Arriving at the campsite, they packed everything up. Maeve walked away, looking for Dermott, but still couldn't found him.

Sinbad walked up to her."We're ready to leave, Maeve. We are waiting for you, and will wait as long as you want. But as the captain, I have to remind you that we're not safe here and -"

"I know we have to leave." She turned away. She didn't want him to see her cry. "We should leave now, if he's not here yet, I know he'll never be." A big tear rolled down her cheek.

Without hesitation, Sinbad put his strong arm around her. "It's going to be all right, Maeve, don't worry. Let's just reach the ship and get some rest, okay?"

"Yes," she agreed, drying her tears. hey joined the others in the longboat.


On the Nomad, every crewmember welcomed them with a smile. None of them had any idea of all the hell that had occurred during the 3 days they were on the ground. Sinbad and the others were hungry and tired like never before. They were about to head to the galley when Maeve heard something coming from the head of the mast.

"Dermott!!!" Maeve took Sinbad's hand to point out the hawk to him. She was so happy.

"I told you it was going to be all right!" Sinbad said.


Maeve was sitting on the rail, watching the sunset. Sinbad joined her. He put his hand on her back and spoke. "Supper was excellent, don't you think? And more than that, I think my bed will be very comfortable tonight." he said with a smile. He continued: "A crewmember told me that Dermott came back aboard the ship yesterday, at night. Maybe he wasn't able to find his way back to us, after you lost communication with him?"

"Maybe." she replied. She gave a look to her hawk and took Sinbad's hands.

They finished watching the sun set together, glad to be close to eachother!

The End